The Article - Personal Commitment & Responsibility
Did you know that we are more likely to not break a commitment we make to others than a commitment we make to ourselves? This may be an uncomfortable truth but it is how most of us seem to be wired. We believe that we have to put others first and otherwise we may be seen as selfish and unkind. If you are anything like me, I used to think and sometimes find myself falling back to this, thinking that those who put themselves first appear quite hard and selfish - so we continue to feed the illusion that making and keeping a personal comitment is not important.
Let us look at it another way - every time you make a commitment to yourself and you break it, what message do you think you are sending to the Universe? Are you saying that you matter
? Or are you saying that you do not matter? Personal commitment is a cog in the alignment process and if you really want to start living authentically and become clearer at manifesting and creating your own reality - no 'cog' can be left to spin either out of control or at all. Maybe you are putting everybody else first so it stops you taking any
personal blissful steps in your life? This classic scenario of putting others first is simply a delay tactic and a form of self sabotage, as we think it gives a valid and just reason for not living our dream.
There are so many examples I can think of in my own life where I have made a personal commitment and then allowed myself to shove it to the back of a pile or worse still end up on a rubbish (garbage) heap. Commitment to diet, exercise, meditation, things I want to achieve, complete or create. Sometimes I felt bad, but mostly I did not give it a second thought as I believed that doing something for someone else somehow made me a better person - surely the Universe would look more favourably at me as I was altruistic and generous with my time and effort to others.
This is of course not true. What you send out you receive back, so by saying everyone else or everything else is more important than the commitment you make to yourself, you will attract more lack of committment in your life both from others and yourself. A vicious circle. You will find that you attract people who are not prepared to stick to commitments with you whether personally, or business life. The Universe as know will always mirror the beliefs, behaviours and patterns that you nurture. It will not matter how much you wish it to be different, you cannot change your external world until you
change your inner world - your inner beliefs, behaviours, patterns, attitudes and such like.
To start changing this pattern to transforming your outer experience, you simply need to start to become aware of your personal commitments and keep them! It reads as if it is simple and it is, but you have to persevere.
A step that I have in my life so I keep my promises to myself is daily (sometimes the evening before) I write down the things I wish to achieve or ensure happen on the day. An example for today was:
1. Write this eZine and send out
2. Not eat cheese (I am needing to clear out my diet BIG time as it is getting in my way!)
3. Work on
New Earth, New Year, New You event
4. Meditate
5. Start work on my new project (and it is very exciting but you will have to wait)
I also added treats into my day:
6. Read my book
7. Have a dinner with Michael
This is pretty much my list for today. This may seem very elementary but what this does for me is:
(a) focus me on what I have chosen to achieve/experience and
(b) sets out my intentions for the day to the Universe.
I, like you, have a good thing going with the Universe and I like to be very clear about what I am doing so the Universe can support me, like it does! This may seem like a normal everyday 'To Do' list but the difference is that 'To Do' lists get ignored, handed off to another list. With
personal commitment lists like I am suggesting and working with, I deliver on what I have agreed. This is what I wanted to achieve and anything more is a bonus but anything less is not good and results in my checking in with myself. A good check in is to see are you giving yourself treats, the nice things more then you are honouring your other personal commitments? Now, don't get me wrong, I love treats but treats like reading a book, although wonderfully informative and good for my soul are not going to get me to deliver on my life mission on their own. Same as having dinner with my partner Michael, although a soul mate at this point and important in my life, that alone will not make me deliver on my
life mission. You need these type of treats in life to get a balance, but you need to commit to to living your life purpose, on purpose too! I'll give you a little secret here, if you find you break most of your commitments to yourself and are always putting things of for one reason or another, it is highly likely you re not living your higher life purpose. Yet, you may well be yearning for a soul mate, money, a different way to creatively express in your life, a way to discover your soul purpose...? Sounds a little familiar? Well, if you are not honouring your commitments towards discovering and living your higher life purpose then it is going to be a long road. No question!
This is why I do my planning and this is why I honour these commitments. It has not always been the case and it is easy to waver and forget, or change plans. Life can be like that sometimes but even since publishing this article first in March 2008, I have learned what power there is in staying committed and
raising that self commitment bar, as remember, without you showing up what you are here to do will not be possible.
Some of this is chicken and egg stuff, what comes first knowing your life purpose or doing something about it...? I think even if you do not know the full details and I question if we ever do. Why would you, and how could you when you
consciously create, what you really want to know is the essence of you and what you can do and believe me that list is far more exciting then one purpose that so many people seek!
What you do know however, is that you are not fulfilling your purpose, life is a struggle, boring, you break your personal commitments, have drama after drama in your life, money problems, over weight, emotional weakness. BUT what you do know is when you are doing what is part of your purpose. It is as if the things that were filling your life up to occupy you and what you created to cover up the fact that you were not really doing what you were here to do, start to disappear.
The more you do what is part of your purpose the more you uncover about it and the more you consciously create it. So even if you are struggling to know why you are here, what your purpose is, what your BIG contribution is to New Earth and the
planetary shift (and know that you do have an important role, that is why we have found each other after all)
I want to offer you my 5-step plan to help you keep your personal commitments:
1. Be clear about what you are committing to yourself and commit to doing something for you everyday.
2. Make a daily commitment schedule for yourself.
3. Accept that things will come in between you and your commitments - you need to learn flexibility and trust. Does the interference feel right?
4. Be grateful for all that you achieve.
5. Ask for help - tell others and the Universe what you are doing - you don't have to be alone.
Now for your
Cosmic Challenge .
This month I want to challenge you to take some personal responsibility for consciously creating your life using the personal commitment plan that I use. We all have things that we have been putting off, like going to a workshop, learning a new skill, applying for that dream job and so on. We put it off because we might be afraid but often we busy our lives up with other people and use them as an excuse. We even use our children as a reason why we cannot do things, partners, money, time and so on. This month I want you to
really take responsibility, every day for doing something that you know is serving your
life of bliss. Plan it, and of course what is preferable is that you do more than one thing as then you will see far greater results. I know children, partners and family and friends are part of your life of bliss, but what I am trying to get you to think about is what you are putting off that relates directly to your souls mission. Everything else is part of it and is in fact a support and a reminder of your soul's mission and I want you to start exploring this by taking making a personal commitment every day for the next month. Before you know it will be something you do not even have to think about, it will be part of your life experience.
So whether it is a workshop, retreat, training programme, dream job, holiday that you have been feeling an impulse towards or maybe you haven't so you simply want to meditate to connect to your soul and start to get the impulses, do something today and the rest of the month that brings you closer to accomplishing what you have been putting off. Trust me this approach will bring dividends. Start committing to YOUR life and saying YES to responsibility. You are responsible because you create all your life experiences, so it is time (especially with the energy being so conducive) for you to assume full responsibility for your life!
Have fun!
(c) Heavenly Spaces 2009
If you wish to use this article & Cosmic Challenge in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added:
Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation. .
Sarupa's Space