I wanted to write about the Hand Analysis which in some way is no different to Palmistry, except it is a modern version. Something that is perhaps more palatable and relevant? I love Palmistry, don't get me wrong but it was only when I had my own Hand Reading with someone who had trained to be a Hand Analyst did I realise how powerful it was.
Hand Analysis goes straight to the focus of your life purpose, life school and life lesson. It helps you cut through things that are in my view probably illusionary and then through looking at the fingers can give you more in-depth information about your niche, your drivers, the areas you need to focus on to overcome the lesson you have. (We all know lessons are our greatest gift by now, surely?)
After my Hand reading, this year in July I knew it was something that I had to learn and use with my clients. It was too powerful not to. The more information that you can have about your life purpose the better in my view. Imagine a world where everybody is living their life purpose. How awesome would that be? Can you imagine what the mood of people would be...? You guessed it they would be in bliss!
As you will see from previous posts I flew to Arizona in September to complete a 3-day intensive, where I learnt about finger print hand analysis. It was mind blowing. I know when things are activating deeper knowledge and it was one of those occasion. Now, I knew it would be good but that good? It's funny how spirit like to underplay the BIG things in life as you move towards them, I guess they know that we might interfere, change our mind or decide that it isn't what we want...out of fear, or disconnection from our own path!
I have always been big on the soul, my first big major training was as a soul coach with Denise Linn. Much of the New Earth and Heaven on Earth work I do is about living as your soul intended and allowing your soul presence to be activated to a more fuller and permanent degree. The soul for me is our true earthly self, so while on this planet my feeling is that, is through my soul that I want to live. This is a journey because communing, activating, engaging with ones soul can feel tricky and feel like it is not easy. But did you know the riches that your soul has access to? It knows all that you are here to do and more, it knows how to suport you, yet for so many it is still seen as an outside body, part of us but not integrated within us.
Now, you may wonder what this has to do with Hand Analysis, well I learnt that the finger prints are formed at 12-14 weeks in the foetus. Given that the finger prints reveal information about your life purpose, life school, life lesson and more...I knew immediately it was ones soul giving the biggest clue to each of us about our life purpose. Yet, like so may signs we just ignore it or are simply disconnected from it.
Being able to step up and live your life purpose is increasingly becoming more important. The world needs to change and in some way is going through transition and the more people that are living in bliss, living the life that they choose and as their soul intended the more others can follow.
I find the biggest question when one starts out on a spiritual path is, what is my purpose, what I am here to do? That question is asked more than I can count. Not just once, but several times in one persons life even. To paraphrase Denise Linn, it is time to stop seeking and be the one who finds!
If you are tired of searching and want some powerful guidance about your life purpose then hand analysis may well be what you are looking for.
I say YOU ARE IT, in your life, many spiritual teachings talk about YOU HAVING ALL THAT YOU NEED, well if that is true, just maybe it is more in your hands then you think ;-)
Much love,
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