Wednesday 28 October 2009

Cosmic Bugle - 28th October

This is where I share with you what is going on energetically. This is based on my intuitive hits, experience and information from the celestial ones. Just a top up to the monthly channelings so you can keep abreast of what is going on cosmically and how and why you might be feeling the way you are....

Last time I wrote about the Cosmic Gift shop, the feeling and information that I get is that it is still open for cosmic business! Although it is not going to be for much longer.

You may have noticed that the energy has recently been seeming a little icky...if you have don't worry this is not a wave of energy coming, it is just blowing over and is here to remind those of that are stopping our flow for whatever reason, whatever excuse to stop doing that at once. It is a reminder, a gift of its own, reminding us that we, each of us is in control of our flow and destiny.

Last Monday I really felt a bit low and luckily I immediately was able to tune into get a clearer understanding of what was going on.

Disconnection only happens when you decide to unplug from the Divine. This is the time we are reminded to stop doing this as it get us nowhere hinders progress and stops us living life as we had once dreamt those many eons ago! The message remains strong about doing what you know is right. Have you been putting things off? Have you been wishing for ages that you could go to a retreat, start a class, meditate, write, dance, sing or something else? And then you think maybe later/tomorrow, ...or if I had more time, or if had more money, I am too tired and such like????? Well Dragon Energy (as I am calling it) that is around will not mix well with those kind of low vibration thoughts, as it is a high vibration energy. Dragon Energy wants to power on, it doesn't understand the excuses and reasons why not. The new paradigm is about living in the NOW, so you have intention, energy flow and action that all comes together. To wish or have an intention and not follow it up is breaking this cycle and breaks your connection with your Divine Self!

As you can imagine this Dragon energy is strong and it is powerful. Powerful beyond what we have experienced and in order for you to be able to access it you need to step up and stand in your own power. As said, don't put things off, be decisive, be ready to claim your divinity and show up as your Divine Self at all times as if you become one of the ones who can carry and channel this energy you will be be able to do all the things your heart as desired. Work towards planetary peace, build communities of love...the impact will be huge, but Dragon Energy is teaching at this time that the change begins with you!

Keep opening yourself to what is available, keep following your hearts desire, times are potent and as ever in our favour.

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