Power! What do you think when you read this word? Are you one of those people who thinks - 'here we go again - spiritual talk about power, yawn yawn!', or are you one of those people who thinks, 'aargh - why go on about power, power is not good, look at the world ruined by a few who have power.' Or are you one of those people who feels nothing, no connection at all....or are you in my final category - 'feeling sad - because you know you are not standing in your power, you know that because you are not living your Divine Mission is almost just a dream!'
Which ever description suited you, or was most like your first response/feeling is roughly where you stand with this issue of power - and to cut to the chase I am going to tell you that none of those categories give you the truth about power. The best category is when you are comfortable with your power, and not afraid of it, and always seeking ways to enhance it and expand it!
Power like abundance is an often talked about and like the concept of abundance there is so much to power. It has such a depth and excuse me for saying this but so much of its own power (power begets power!) that you need to understand it and start experiencing it in order to increase it and make it more available to you in your life.
Think of power in the universal sense, it makes things happen - the power of an engine on a car or plane for example will differentiate it from a plane or car with less power. The amount of power a sports person has will more often than not differentiate him/her from one with less power. A power of a light bulb for example will denote how bright it shines...or not. Notice that I am not saying that more power is better or worse, I am just saying it is different. However, you could say that more power gives you the potential to be better, stronger, faster, brighter etc. in the examples I have just given. This of course is the potential of power - but in reality a powerful engine is no better if the skill of putting it together was poor, a powerful sports person is no better off if they are not skilled at their sport, i.e. if they have not learned how to apply the power properly.
Already now, I have drawn your attention to 2 aspects of power - one about having power and the second about using power - they go hand in hand. Referring back to one of my favourite and probably one of the most powerful (!) spiritual laws, like attracts like - so you have power and apply it the more you become powerful and the more you are able to use and so on!
By now I am sure many of you are thinking, 'surely the more powerful I become the more I will abuse it, because being powerful means that others have to be powerless - how else can I demonstrate my own power...?' - If you are thinking along those lines then you are going to be feeling uncomfortable reading about this topic. (Trust me - keep reading and you will see that you can further your understanding and let the truth about power emerge for you so you can start to understand it better, connect to it and claim it for your life transformation. Power is an ally, not an enemy!)
Let's go back a step, earlier I said power is like abundance. I think there are few of you out there who would argue that the universe isn't abundant - even though you may deep down think that you are just unfortunate in not being able to experience it - (this is such a negative think to attract - and for more assistance on this read my article on Abundance by clicking here). Bearing that in mind, power is also abundant. In being powerful you are not taking anything away from others or forcing others to be powerless.
The power that I am getting into talking about isn't about the external power you have or not - it is about the power of being you! The power you have in knowing who you are, why you are here and so on. It isn't about the number of clients you have, or the number of people you can attract to your workshops, or the amount of abundance you can manifest. Of course, when you are 'standing in your power,' these things happen - you will find that you are attracting more people to work with, you are able to manifest more - it goes with the nature of power. You are powerful and others can feel this energetically and therefore you are more attractive to them as someone who can serve them - their soul can see that you have the potential to be a great teacher and inspiration to them.
Just as much as the power I am referring to in this article is about the power you have in your own life, - this power cannot be found outside of you either. Others (and not all of the people who claim to be able to do this can - so chose wisely) can assist you in reclaiming your power and using your power as an ally for blissful life transformation - but no-one can actually give you power as you have to reclaim it, find it, activate it and experience it for your self.
Why nurture your power?
- Power is a force, a strength and in nurturing this force you are giving yourself strength. You are making yourself strong - and within this strength comes your ability to know who you are, to trust your intuition, to have a greater awareness of your life purpose. You see when you are not connected to the power of who you are, you can find yourself not being able to make decisions very easily. You know that feeling when you are constantly hot stepping from one choice to another: "should I do this, no maybe I'll do this, but then again...." You know that feeling.
- Another problem that can arise when you are not connected to the power of who you are, is that you can get what I call 'spiritual depression.' This is different to clinical depression - because it is about your disconnection from you and your life purpose - not some organic imbalance.
- If you are feeling so 'powerless,' in your life you are likely to make decisions (eventually) that are going to perpetuate the feelings of helplessness - you will start to attract people into your life who appear to have a lot of power - but no substance - but I have seen it (and experienced it personally) time and time again. You can start getting caught in the illusion of their power - the bright lights side - the wow factor - a bit like the false idol syndrome. Really these people are people you have attracted into your life, your soul has helped create the scene and the choice is yours. What do you do?
- Another common symptom of not connecting to the power of who you are, is that you are constantly seeking the approval of others, or their advice. Now seeking advice is certainly not a bad thing and nor is being able to talk things through with people. What I am talking about here is people who are constantly needing to ask everyone they know about a decision they need to make, or referring to the angel or other divination cards at a drop of a hat. (And if you are one of those people - no shame in it - claim it and then you can do something about it - don't you find that the cards confuse you? They are only reflecting back to you the discombobulation that you are feeling - if you are in such a pickle and almost paralyzed from moving forward for fear of getting it wrong, or fear of loosing everything because you are so unsure about what to do - it is not the cards that you should be turning to for assistance!)
- My final reason to share here, is that when you are avoiding and not seeing power as your ally - what I have seen both in my life and in the lives of my clients is that when you start to do the things that are part of your life purpose, they almost do not have the impact that you deep down expected or felt they would - there is a feeling of deflation or a lack of satisfaction. This is because without the power - your force, your strength you are not at your full potential. Without your full power you are not fully present in what you are doing - so the benefit, the result, the emotion and the experience will reflect that.
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