Friday 6 November 2009

Sarupa's Space

Lots happening as ever...well that seems to be the M.O at the moment. I led the new Earth teleclass last night and WOW it was **HUGE!** What was interesting to me before the call I got quite emotional, I started to feel humbled and I know that happens to me when I am really doing something BIG for the planet. I guess wrapped up in it is the joy of doing my soul's missions work and the ego being petrified that I am stepping out so much so it is trying all it can to hold me back. Of course my ego gets no play time with me and I surrender to this feeling and release it with love. But I so love what I do and like I said on the teleclass last night, nothing beats doing your life's work. Nothing beats living the life of your dreams and that is what I am doing. That is what I am experiencing.

I don't want you to think though that my life is so perfect and everything goes my way. No, no that is not how it works. I still get upset, people are still unkind to me and I can still find that I am slipping into annoyance and anger (my weak spot) but what changes when you are living your higher life purpose and connecting to New Earth energy is that you will have evolved enough to see those type of actions and behaviours for what they are. You will have processes and understanding that lets you move through this old paradigm stuff very quickly. There are now things that don't affect me in the same way. At the moment I am having really big relationship problems, probably going to come to an amicable (I hope) end. For all of you who have experienced this it is so time consuming and emotionally draining. Even if it is you who wants out or acting like the one who has no connection with the other. What has become apparent to me is that despite the pain I am in inside and the sadness for something that starts to slip away from you when it has been so important, I do not feel the need to take time out of life. I have had my moments of feeling sad and then I start writing, or preparing various classes and I am back in the light. I have to consciously choose to do something and then its like BANG, back in the light! As you connect to the higher frequencies you do get to move through old paradigm stuff quicker because you will have gone through the processes and you will be full of more of the newer frequencies. And if you heard the class last night you will know that you the higher frequencies cannot sustain lower vibration behaviours, thoughts, words, emotions and so on. Now given what I am going through at the moment makes me feel very glad that I am connected to New Earth energy because a few years ago this would have begun to consume me. SO phew to me....but watch this space for the next update....who knows we are creating in each moment so what will be is unknown until it happens1 ooo isn't life exciting...

Have a fun weekend,



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