Monday 19 October 2009

Cosmic Bugle...

This is where I share with you what is going on energetically. This is based on my intuitive hits, experience and information from the celestial ones. Just a top up to the monthly channelings so you can keep abreast of what is going on cosmically and how and why you might be feeling the way you are....

It seems as if energetically and cosmically things are building up and getting potent. At the same time veils seem thin, so cosmic connections feel strong as does manifestation. I get the sense that a NEW COSMIC GIFT shop has been set up and opportunities for magnetizing things to help you embody your life purpose are available. It is okay to put your order in as they are still taking orders, particularly welcome are orders about life purpose and living your dream and spiritual and divine development. I do not get the feeling that the gift shop is so concerned with material matters in the old paradigm sense, so if you want a car, a new house or so on think about what actions you can take to make this so and how this is aligned (or not) to your life purpose so you can put an order in that matches the frequency and vibration of this current gift shop!

In this intense period we find ourselves in I also think that there is physical shift happening. This can be seen in people moving, changing and leaving jobs, careers, partners and so on and for some it is a leaving of this earthly plane too. Almost feels like there is a re-ordering going on and if you feel this then embrace it.

There is going to be energy building up and there will be a push that many of us are going to feel to open up in even further and just get on with what we are here to do. If you have been feeling that you are being called to do something more or different to what you are doing then this the time to discover what it is and do it. Energies are in your favour and they will match your actions in infinite ways. So think wisely about where you decide to put your energy, because as ever you hold the keys and what you do and how you do it and the intention that you hold for it and during it decides the outcome. You hold the keys to your destiny and this has never changed!

So enjoy this awesome opportunity, and place your order ASAP, gift shops do not last forever...once you have placed you order though, don't sit back as you will need to take action to make it so! Remember the gift shop spirit, the celestial ones, the universe will match your contribution!

Much love,

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