Message of Peace and message of Growth 31st October
Chief Seattle – Channelled through Sarupa Shah
I am Chief Seattle, I have not worked in this way, in this form as Chief Seattle before.
The reason I am here now is to talk of world peace, world harmony, co-operation and community.
The consciousness of man is changed. The seeds have been sown. The shoots are visible both to you and to those of us working for higher planetary consciousness, from the higher dimensions of light.
The shoots are strong but not yet bearing fruits, for like any plant they require tending to.
Like any child or new born they require the love, compassion and support to grow and become the great oak tree.
But of course the shoots I speak of are metaphorical, they are not in a literal sense seeds of anything that you grow and tend to outside of yourself. For these seeds are each of you. It is your growth and your actions that will see the shift in consciousness happen more smoothly and speedily.
For the time for watching the work of others and admiring the efforts and light others were anchoring and radiating is of limited value and purpose.
The question you must ask yourself is, if I am the young shoot, what must I do for me to tend my own growth? For you are also the parent, the gardener, the care taker of the young shoot that you be. The change that you are desiring and dreaming can only happen through you. It is time to wake up and take action and trust what you know you must do. It is not the actions of the enlightened ones who walk this planet that can carry the rest of humanity on their back. It is time to be brave and time to make your commitment to moving forward. Not just your desire and intention, but commitment to do what you know you must.
Ask yourself, ‘How can I ensure that I grow and reach my full potential and that I can inspire and maybe leads others to their full potential?’
Potential for yourself, for your community and potential for the planet. This is the New Earth way, this is the way that always been the dream, the intention, the promise and the journey of all souls.
Time has come to step even further into the light, not to be indulged by the brightness but be fired up to take action and to move away form behaviour, thought, pattern, emotion and other expression and from structures that do not support love of one another. For you see you are each brother, sister, mother, daughter, father, son. You are each from where I stand a light of your own, from where I stand I could say that each of you is a star so bright, a ray of the Divine, a spark of her love.
It is time for you to recognise this in all, not just the few but know and begin to foster the understanding that every soul on the planet is your family.
The time to step into a higher vibration is drawing near you. You cannot take with you such things that do not belong in the higher vibration of love. It cannot carry low vibration behaviour, thoughts, patterns, emotion and other low vibration expressions. These things shatter in the higher vibration as they have no place there. This is why so many of you report and experience what appears as destruction, illness, it is simply a shattering and transmutation of lower vibrational being and expression. The time for you to be conscious in this is now, for the ultimate steps are down to you, you share this dream of higher living, of new earth and the choice of how it manifests is in each of your hands.
What we do ask is that you take opportunity to work on yourself each day taking steps to release more of what is not your true self. For then your personal transition will be smoother. Indeed, you are entering a time of transition and new time of preparation and growth.
The energy of destruction has just come to an end and the feelings of disharmony, confusion, lack of direction, feeling like life has no purpose will go with this, but for you are require to examine what remains. The transition that awaits you now requires you to step up and consciously release and create. For if you are to claim this higher living then this jump needs to occur soon.
What are the areas that you need to evolve? What is it that you hold onto that support old paradigm beliefs of separation from each other and the Divine? That is the core of the old paradigm and the new paradigm that is being co-created is releasing the feelings of separation and instead moving back to community and unity. Now that energy shifts have occurred, the remainder of your calendar year and your start of 2010 are for you to make the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shifts in your own life first. It is time from whatever you be to take your next step. You are being offered an opportunity to reach higher vibrations. If you take this opportunity then you will be choosing the direct route. Nonetheless, this will be the way for all direct or indirect. Direct is the choice for you to make if you are ready to claim the new way and are ready to grow and evolve from the new path that the planet finds herself on.
The spirit of community is blowing across the planet, the time to come together and unite as the family of light is now. It is not tomorrow, it is now. Now is where the seeds are sown for tomorrow. Waiting or not taking responsibility is a delay and a hindrance only to your enlightenment and ascension.
So embrace opportunities, know that I am your guide, know that I am here now working with the Ascended Light of Consciousness, the highest vibration for planetary evolution.
I am Chief Seattle, the keeper of the flame of peace.
We bid you welcome.
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