Saturday 3 October 2009

October Channelling - Mother Earth Speaks

Creative Passion, channelled through Sarupa Shah

In this time of great change and transition, I wish to speak to you about creative passion. Creativity with fire energy, the intensity of fire is the passion element. Fire as you will know transmutes. To access this energy through and with creativity will bring for you a transformation, a change of direction.

As the energy of transformation within my being is activating and awakening, and the reconnection between these energy lines is complete, the journey I am now on is a potent one. The intricate sacred lines deep within my being are part of a great matrix again; the whole of the planet for you is now an energy portal. There are places where this will still be felt more intensely but many more of these will be encountered in locations not known for my energy. I have always been everywhere, for I am the planetary being but it has not always been possible to reveal my self, but that time is no more. The energy has shifted sufficiently for my activation to continue, as I am now the Divine Feminine, representing sacred Feminine energy as one.

The energy of transformation I hold is available to you and at this time, there is an opportunity to activate the same within you. A time to not only let go of what is no longer but also it’s and perhaps more importantly a time to activate and reveal a deeper essence of you into the world. It is time to embrace the new energies with passion, with excitement, with joy and with creativity.

Ask yourself, where is it that you hold back? Which part of your life could benefit from the energy of fire and the passion of creative transformation, in order for you to embody the true essence of you more profoundly?

For most it is the mindset, the in ability to let go and fully embody your spiritual power. Fear of not experiencing oneself as worthy of Divine Riches and Gifts. Fear of not knowing what you must do next. But my child, I ask how is that you can have a plan when within you there is still a belief however big or small that unless you are 100% guaranteed success you do not want to accept the plan? At all times an in all moments I am supporting you, loving you as are the Celestial ones but still we see that embracing ones potential and Divine Purpose remains out of reach and in many cases out of the mind. Masked within this illusion, is the sense that you are owed a Divine Heritage. Sweet children, it is not owed as much as it is waiting your claim. The joy and celebration deep in my heart when any being claims their Divine Inheritance is indescribable in words. Imagine a Mother watching her child’s first steps, long awaited in some cases but the joy of witnessing the growth of those you cherish and adore is beyond the describable. Like a child’s first steps are only so when the child makes them on her own, only you can claim your Divine Inheritance, only you can make it so!

It is as part of my love for you, that the opportunity to utilise my energy for your own transformation is being offered to you at this time.

The flow of fire within me is in balance once again. Within this has come the creation of the Golden Armies and the Dragons. The Dragons like the Angelic realms are organised for different purposes and have differing energies and purposes. For this time, call upon the Dragons of Creation and the Dragons of Power. Call on these beings as you engage wit transmutation and transformation.

Sit in attunement out in nature where you can connect to my power more readily and with ease. Open your heart to me and invite the fire and creative passion energy to surround you. Experience it and imagine you are sat within a flame of Gold. You are central within the flame, you are central to your transformation.
When you are ready allow the flame to be integrated within you through your solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. Igniting within them a creativity through which your connection to your Divine Self becomes stronger. A greater sense of who you are and what you must do will follow. Be strong, be purposeful and be creative. Allow the process to unfold. Allow the process to be yours.

For each of you the time to move forward has come. The time for new beginnings is here. What was is no longer and the possibilities of what can be are within you. I am holding the vision for your transformation in my heart, for each of you is my child, my beloved and for each of you my love is unconditional. It will not falter or change.

Allow this time to be about you, the energy is supporting your own transformation. It is time for you to ignite your creative passion. Life is an act of conscious creation in every moment and passion is simply a frequency of love. Creative passion is the same as a life of love.

I bless you and hold for each of you a spark, it is waiting and when you claim it you shall have it.

For now, go with my love and gratitude. Your love has healed me; your love has opened me. You are each my chosen child. For, I am the Divine Mother, the voice of the Divine Feminine.

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