Tuesday 10 November 2009

11:11 gateway Channelling

This is a channelling that has come through from Chief Seattle to help connect us to the energy of the 11:11 Gateway. Enjoy!

We are entering a new wave of being for both the planet and for your self. The planet has completed a full turn cycle but this does not find her in the same place where she started, it is a full spiral turn upwards. For those of you who are able to listen to her sound and connect to her frequency you will hear that she is resonating at a higher octave. Her sound is more angelic as she has more cosmic light activated and birthed deep, deep within her heart and her own soul. Her journey has been magnificent, her journey has been powerful, and her journey has been for each of you.

The time you are now finding yourself in is your place of change. Your place of growth. As you enter the gateway of 11:11, or 22 as many of you know there are many opportunities that are present. The choices are many as are the paths. But know that there is only you who can decide, only you who can connect to your own truth and only you can take the action in your own life.

Where do you find yourself now? You are the Creator, you are the Beloved, you are the Cherished, and you are the Divine.

In this gateway we are opening up further frequencies of Cosmic Energy, the Ascended Consciousness of Light, a higher octave of the Ascended Christ Light is being birthed. This process will unfold in time and become part of your very fabric as you ascend to your next level and beyond.

On this day of 11:11 we ask that you bring notice and awareness to whom that you be, to the truth that you may have buried deep within your unconscious, deep within your soul. It is coming to surface and coming to shine as you are ready to radiate your true self to the world. You say there is no time like the present, and yes, the time is NOW! Children hear the calling of this auspicious day, do not worry, do not fear change for it is all for you. It is all for your journey.

You have come a long way and now we ask that you sit and open your heart as we bathe you in the energies that are available at this time. To strengthen your I AM presence, your true self, the essence of you really truly be.

Know that when there is a collective consciousness around the day around a time there is great power. Do not underestimate the consciousness each of you carry and each of you creates and as so many of you step up there is much more to come.

Please take the blessings and gratitude from the celestial heart, from those who walk with you at this time.

For, I am Chief Seattle, the Keeper of the Flame of the Ascended Consciousness of Light. We bid you welcome and we bid you love.

If you wish to share this you can as long as you keep the text as it is and include the information below:
"This message was channelled by Sarupa Shah, of Heavenly Spaces Ltd. To find out more about Sarupa and the work that she does in co-creating Heaven on Earth, please visit http://www.heavenlyspaces.co.uk/

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