This is where I share what I perceive through my own inner guidance and sometimes through my celestial team as to what is happening energetically. Just to help further your insights and let you know that what you may be experiencing is part shared with others and is all part of your own Divine Plan....
It seems as if this new wave of energy that I have been speaking of and what my spirit team have been referring to is on it's way to be being birthed. So if in the last week things have felt a little bumpier than usual that will be why. Seems that those who are more sensitive to energy can feel the adjustments that new energy that births has to make. This particular energy has to make a a BIG adjustment which is why it has started to reveal its self. Part of what it is doing at the moment is creating the space for Uranian (of Uranus) energy to dissolve for now. Uranian energy is destructive, like lightening, cutting through things and forcing change (Financial centres collapsing, very Uranian!) In fact I think the Ascension Symptoms people used to talk about (and I know some still do) are really just individuals own experience of Uranian energy and rather than it being an Ascension symptom (can you imagine that carrying more light and moving towards living as your true self should be met with pain???) it was more that this energy was shattering parts of ones old self that do not belong to the true self. All that clutter that life times of living has left behind. But that is not what I really want to write about ;-)
If you have 'stuff' that you are not dealing with, doing, taking action on, learning, experiencing, creating and so on... you are going to feel Uranian energy as although its force is going the work that this energy had come to do will go on for those who are simply not stepping up to move towards their true self. Things need to break down before they can grow in this case. There is of course an easier route and that is simply to do what you know you need to do. Why take the harder option? But that is such a human thing to do, we think no pain no gain....well perhaps we should say instead 'no joy, no fun, slow and limited gain!'
But the good news is and you may have started to experience this is the waves of peace this new expression of New Earth energy is bringing with it. It really is bringing a deep inner peace with it. And from what I know each person regardless of their journey is going to benefit from this. I have an image of waves of energy around the planet dropping codes of peace into the ethers, like a shower they fall and connect to each person on the planet. What will happen to these seeds of peace is down to the individual of course but you know in the big scheme of things this does mean there can be peace in the world. Not temporary peace and not peace with injustice or imbalance, but actual peace with co-operation and community consciousness. And I don't know about you but for me this is such a beautiful way to end a weekend and start a new week, especially this one that has the 11:11 gateway....
Know and trust that it is all good and any on and off turbulence is a sign that you need to step up and get on with what you know is in your heart and in your soul. Then the turbulence will lessen and stop.
Have a fun week....
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