Friday, 21 November 2008
The Article - Living in Abundance
Abundance can obviously mean a lot of things, the first thing that tends to spring to mind is around money, but in the same way, love, health, opportunities, people, etc can all be used in relation to abundance. In this article I want to take abundance in the more general sense and you can then use what you connect to and apply it in any of your life circumstances.I believe there is no reason why any all of us cannot experience the joy of knowing that our lives are abundant. Life is abundant! However, more often than not we all struggle to experience this constantly. Clearly this happens to a lesser or more degree depending on your individuality. What makes you feel abundant is going to be different to someone else. Let's take the money example. Two unrelated people find that they are given the same amount of money, through something that they are doing. One will feel abundant and the other will not. The other may feel they should have had more, or that they have not been honoured through the amount of money they received. The question in my view is, where is this programming coming from and what are the components that come together to make us feel abundant or not. Of course, the bottom line is learning, growing and attracting abundance as well as discovering, connecting and celebrating the existing abundance in our lives.
I have broken the answer down into the following sections:
1. Personal Choice: Like all areas of our life each of us has the ability to chose. Using the example above, one person chose to feel abundant and the other chose not to. This does not make one right and the other wrong, all it does is decide how the relationship with feeling abundant will manifest. Add to this component the universal law, that like attracts like, which easily translated is the reality you chose to plug into will be the reality that plays out for you, as you will get more of the same. If you want to experience an abundant life then you can consciously chose to feel abundant. It really is as simple as that. Of course, I know in reality and through experience becoming conscious can sometimes feel turbulent, it's the process of change and awakening to the fact that you can consciously choose that creates some discombobulation for a while, but what follows is bliss!
2. Letting go: Abundance is not a tangible thing, there is no measure that is universally accepted or given, there is no formula that says 'X amount of something=abundance.' Therefore we are all going to have different notions of what the quantity of love, money, health etc makes us feel abundant. Even this thinking is misleading in my view, abundance is not quantifiable, it cannot be pinned down. Abundance is a feeling, an emotion, a state of mind. Working on letting go of fixed amounts, or deals with the mysterious abundance gods, fairies, angels, universe etc means that you can focus on and nurture the emotion of abundance. This comes from within. It is about whether you chose to feel abundant or not.
3. Surrender and Trust: The recent increase in books, talks and workshops in this area, have in some way fed the illusion that exists. It is not possible to attract specific detailed things always, if it was then I would have attracted Johnny Depp to me a long time ago! There is a fine line between being over specific because you do not trust anything is possible as well as, being disconnected from your own truth, your own journey, your vision and simply trusting and surrendering to both yourself and the giving universe. Indeed limitless possibilities exist, but they will be unique to you and link to your soul essence and your divine purpose. Sadly, for me that means that attracting Johnny Depp was not part of my divine purpose...;-) I use that example, but think of it on a more day to day level, if I am trying to attract abundance in areas which are not yet activated for me and in doing so am I ignoring where I do have abundance? I am not saying, don't think big, but this is a journey without an end, it is a process which build on steps that you have taken and from growth that you have experienced. I might be someone who has a loving and supporting family through which I could chose to feel abundant and instead all I think of is that I do not have enough money. The energy is going to flow to the 'not having enough part' and my connection to abundance will feel incomplete, it will feel like something(s) are missing from my life. Part of feeling abundant, therefore is about surrendering and trusting the process, the process of life and the divine knowledge that everything is as it should be...that is unless you take no....
4...Action: I have written about this before and those of you who are new can find my article on Taking Action, by clicking here....In order to support and increase your levels of abundance, you have to take action. I had a vision at the start of this year that I would be serving through this eZine a community of over 1000 people. Back at the start of the year this seemed far fetched, but I took action through all the work I have done and this now doesn't seem like such an impossible task. I have in this eZine, asked for your help in making this happen. In taking action there is so much you can do, change your mindset, actually start physically working towards the abundance, acting 'as if', asking for help. As I have said before, it is rare to an almost impossibility to find that the universe comes knocking on your door, when you are sitting around doing nothing. However as much as you know you deserve to live abundantly, the energy now requires you to take action towards experiencing it. It is about each of you, taking personal responsibility.
5. Peace: This is something that is really important when it comes to attracting abundance and feeling abundant. Be at peace with yourself, experience that peace in your heart. This is something you need to activate in your heart, through conscious choice and I find that heart centre meditations are really powerful to support you in this. Working towards this type of inner peace also helps align all aspects of your self, so that you can start to discover your true divine purpose much more clearly, and get more detail about it as well as working in alignment with the universe and other elements that form part of your journey. Remember panic, fear, lack of trust etc grow rapidly and create more of the same. Working towards inner peace means you are already well on route to discovering that you can and do live abundant ally and this as you well know will attract more abundance into your thing feeds the other! Remember living abundant ally is your divine inheritance!
Do you consciously chose abundance?...
Are you ready to let go of mind driven expectations and connect to the energy of abundance?...
Do you surrender and trust the process of life, including yourself?...
Are you prepared to take the necessary action to support your initiation into living and experiencing a fully abundant life?...
Are you ready to choose peace?
In the next issue of Divine Intervention, I will keep with this theme and will have a cosmic challenge ready, so that you stat to make a stronger connection with the fact that your life is abundant.
If you wish to use this article in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: "Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation."
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Higher Universal Consciousness
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works 3.0 License.(
Friday, 10 October 2008
Merkabah Activation Masterclass Programme
This programme is going to teach you how to experience and work with your Merkabah. Whether you are aware or not of what a Merkabah is, this programme will guide you to expand your knowledge and awareness. It will set you in motion to start understanding more about why you are here and how activating your Merkabah can support your life path in general. By the end of this programme you will be able to use your Merkabah and will accelerate your spiritual unfolding and mastery. (This may seem like a bold statement but I am so confident in the programme that I am prepared to make this statement out aloud!)
The next programme starts on: Thursday 23rd October 2008, and takes place over the next 4 Tuesdays with the last session on November 18th 2008Registrations close Monday 20th October and only 15 places are available.
The overseer of this programme will be Melchisadec, and Metatron – they will work through me and co-create the meditations and other journeys that will be brought forward for the programme. Benefits of the programme –
- You will activate your Merkabah – which is one of the key spiritual tools of this era. This will be the energy field from where you live your life…and live your highest vision.
- As you make a stronger connection, your manifestation abilities and other divine gifts can become stronger and more accessible to you.
- You will rejuvenate your other body systems as, with the Merkabah you can carry more light, and as you know more light attracts more light…so you can see how limitless the possibilities for you could be.
- You will start to take conscious responsibility for your ascension.
- You will start to become more aware of your own divinity and the work that you are here to do. It doesn’t have to be ‘big spiritual’ stuff, as the Merkabah is a tool for all but the understanding that you will gain will give you the clarity to know why you are here, and why you do what you do in each moment.
What others have said about this programme:
'Sarupa weaves her magic and wisps you through layers of grunge. Lifetimes of limitation and forgetfulness of who you really are. Sarupa demystifies the ego and opens the heart, truly releasing lifetimes of pain and hurt, bound within. I was truly being hit with a spiritual wake up call and opened my heart for transformation. I now stand with a sense of lightness and knowing. You ARE worth it and so is Sarupa, so listen to your clarion call and do something for you...' Stephen Oliver, MBA. July 2008.
'Whatever the reason for doing the course, know that the love and support received is fantastic as it's constant and pure love and acceptance. It was a challenging course for me, I knew it would be, but it is the right time and this is a stepping stone in the right circumstances and direction.' Claire Bagehot, July 2008
If you are wondering if you are ready for this kind of programme then you might like to ask yourself the following questions...
Are you ready to take even more responsibility for your WHOLE life development?
Are you ready for the NEXT BIG LEAP in your spiritual development and transformation?
Do you want to a deeper way of accessing your true DIVINE SELF?
Do you find that you are seeking 'something more' out of your life so that you can 'do more'?
If you find yourself able to answer yes, to the questions above then you are ready for the Merkabah Masterclass Programme, the final action is down to you, are you ready to invest in yourself....?
The next programme starts on: Thursday 23rd October 2008 7.30pm - 8.45pm (UK time.) and takes place over the next 4 Tuesdays (7.30pm to 8.30pm UK time) with the last session on November 18th 2008. You dial into a conference line (from anywhere in the world) and join a group coaching call and every week you get a recording of the call, plus recordings to processes that have been co-created for the programme. There is also Yahoo group (email group) where you get to share with others and give and get support.
NB you are responsible for your own call costs, but there are many cheap ways of calling in and special overseas numbers, I can help you with this once you have booked.
Cost: There are 2 options either £199 or if you want a mini written reading from Melchisadec included you pay £249
Each person who joins this programme will recieve a free copy of my e-book: The Art of Affirmation plus a free Working with Affirmations meditation (value over £12.00)
Merkabah Activation Masterclass payment options |
If you have questions please feel free to email me or telephone me on + 44(0)7005 808456.
Monday, 4 August 2008
Heaven on Earth 2008 - August 9th
I hope you are going to be one of the people who joins us...and just to make it easier for you here is the link to the webpage that has all the information on it: . Don't sit on the fence, you have 5 days left to to join this workshop and start and/or accelrate your blissful life transformation.
A few weeks ago a Heaven on Earth activation was co-created by me and my guides....and it is for all to share as the energy of Heaven on Earth is not for a select few. It is something all humanity can not only be inolved in but benefit from.
Here it is - share it and use it as often as you feel guided.....
Until the next time....much love,
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Taking Action - Article
This is matching the era we are moving into to, it is about standing up and being accounted for...or at least that is how think the saying goes. It is all about being clear about what you are moving towards and then going for not going for it you are almost thinking the Universe or her representative is going to come knocking on the door and simply fulfill your order? ....Really....ahem. In my experience this happens to some extent, but only after you have shown your commitment and willingness to take action on what you believe and towards where you are going. Let me give you an example...I have been working on the Heaven on Earth Event for a while. It is almost becoming my sole focus...and rightly so as it is going to be an amazing and life changing workshop. I have been very guided and supported by Spirit in developing and planning this event and so much has come together seamlessly. When things are going so well, I realised I was slipping into complacency...and overwhelm...and both those energies meant I would do nothing for a while. While I was doing this nothing, I was deluding myself and thinking it's okay I am doing Spirit's work and they will make this happen while I take unofficial leave....Those who have worked with me before will know, Spirit, the Universe and I have always had a powerful relationship and this has often resulted in me having some extremely odd experiences in order to get me to where I had asked to be...I am not known for doing things by halves generally....all or nothing. I used to think that was a good place to be working from as I always gave things my all...but then going back to my example complacency and overwhelm would mean I did nothing...
On one hand Spirit and the Universe do orchestrate a lot more than we know or imagine, but without us taking care of the things we need to how are they able to keep things harmonious in our lives...? How was Spirit going to get tickets sold for the workshop on August 9th for example...if I didn't do my bit...? Can you imagine, currently 25% of the places for the workshop are sold, if I had not discussed it with my business coach, and then not contacted Celia, Edwin and Jean Luc...and not done the website, and not kept on planning - do you think Spirit would have still magically sold 25% of the tickets for an event that is not manifest on this plane....? You know the answer to that.... ;-) (Believe me there is still a lot more action that I am going to take - my energy, plus the Universal and Celestial Energy combined will create the most awesome workshop...that will support the original move particpants towards bliss.)
Spirit, the Universe, God - call it what you will work differently to us, they are not of the physical dimension as we our job is to start the ball rolling here in this dimension and take action....Trust me there is not a minute that goes by when your Spirit Guides are not working for you but, sitting around waiting for the knock at the door, and the life of your dreams to appear - just makes their job harder...
Think of taking action as the magic binding force...each time you take action towards your dream, towards the life that brings you closer to bliss and a life that takes you to higher living...Spirit, the Universe - the higher energies can all mirror and support what you are doing and fulfill their role. You won't catch the higher energies waiting around for something to happen...well not in the way that we are used to anyway.
What can happen when you take action? My answer to that is how long is a piece of string? The possibilities are limitless...Let me tell you taking action is not about taking the big leaps of faith or taking big risks...sometimes it can be...but what if each action you took was simply a step towards your life of bliss...? Can you imagine how in alignment you could be with the Universe....and how much more powerful your manifestation abilities could be?
For me, when I started to take action - something significant everyday towards the Heaven on Earth workshop - the ticket sales started to move....the contacts started to appear, marketing opportunities manifested....the way I am picturing it is, each time I slipped into complacency and overwhelm I was placing a brick in front of you know you get enough bricks you start to see a wall appearing. All this wall does is keep you away from your Divine right...which is to live your dream and live in bliss. The great news for me was that each time I took action the a brick or two would disappear.
I have just chosen to give you the example of the workshop I am planning - but it is the same in anything that you are creating or manifesting...increasingly I am not sure there is much difference between those two words... whether it is a soul/life mate partner, new career, new car, better relationships, more abundance, or better health...I would like you to ask yourself what action are you taking towards this.....? Maybe this is about blissful living, as surely all actions in your life should be reflecting your inner desires and dreams...bringing you closer to living your dream and living in bliss...
If you wish to use this article in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: "Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation. ."
Monday, 14 July 2008
Crystal skull collective the Conclave channelling through Edwin Courtenay. Heaven on Earth
Despite the freedom of the spiritual climate at this moment in time, it is still relatively rare that events such as this are brought into being not because of the financial potential that such a day might bring, not because of the promise of fame but because of the good that can be done as a result of it. This day holds great promise and much hope for the area in which it is to be conducted, for those that attend and those that can not, for the rest of humanity who will never know its existence and for the greater world. The promise that it holds is reunification, the co joining and coming together of the perfect union of Heaven, the Divine blueprint for humanity and their world and the Earth. The physical vessel created by the Divine, which holds the light of the Source and through which all will be changed and transformed and returned to the light of the Great Central Sun, its creator.
This day holds the promise of true alchemy, the mystic marriage, the sacred union; it holds the promise of growth and realisation. Of remembrance and realignment to the path. It holds the promise of simple truth, rather than complicated secrets, it holds the promise of initiation into who and what humanity truly is, the Divine in embryo, the children of the all. For the co joining of Heaven and Earth is not only about the world but also about each and every individual, those present and those not present who are seeking, striving to discover the truth about why they are here and what they are meant to do. The coming together of Heaven and Earth occurring macro cosmically and micro cosmically inside and outside of humankind.
This will be a day of grace when the energies of London will be rearranged by the local Deva’s, the veil of polluting energy which sometimes assails London, the fear and negativity, the heavy heady weight of commuters and tourists late and seeking the thrill of the capitol pulled back in order to allow a convergence of pure lay line energy to occur. Allowing the message and the power of the day to shine forth from this point in time and space like a brilliant beacon, a flare of power, love and truth. Allowing the spheres of Heaven and Earth to co join as one, to merge and blend together through the grace of all those present so that the gift, the down load and upload of the treasures of the Divine found above and below, may be shared with all those in between. The receivers of this bounty and beauty transformed, awoken and set free to truly see themselves as the Divine beings, the harbingers and messengers of the new world that they truly are.
If the call of this day speaks to your heart then come and be part of this most special alignment, the alignment of the above and the below, the alignment of your Spirit and your Soul, the alignment of the promise, of the dream and of what will be. Come to this magical moment in time and partake of its wonders!Transmitted from the Crystal skull collective the Conclave on the 27th of May 2008
Monday, 7 July 2008
Heaven on Earth Activation Meditation
To access this meditation click here.
To share your experience of the Heaven on Earth Activation - you need to leave it as a comment. You can remain anonymous, but it would be great to here about your experience.
Much love,
PS visit to find out more about the workshop and how you can be part of the day too.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
My Solstice Order
I want to share how I placed my order....I sat quietly and had a clean sheet of paper and a pen...I stated writing...
"Please Universal Gift Ship, could you gift me...." Then came my orders....I was very specific, giving details...not because I am controlling, quite the opposite,,, because I know what I want..the vision of who I am and how I want my life to manifest is in my heart after all. I ordered 12 was a natural place to stop but you can go for as much or as little as you like. Then something pushed me to turn each order into an intention...I had no intended to do that but I felt I was being guided to do it that way. As with intentions, I created them as if they had for example one of my orders was...
"I would like my healthy to improve and for me to get stronger please!" The corresponding intention was "I am healthy and strong."
Have a go...create your order it is not too late...set out what your heart desires....not whom but what..the energies and can suggest but don't limit as this Gift Shop is the most abundant and why settle when you can have better...?
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Heaven on 2008 - August 9th
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
What is bliss?
What is bliss?
I am often using this word bliss – you will see my coaching packages are focussing to assist you in getting closer to bliss.
So what is bliss……?
- To me bliss is when you are 100% happy with what you are doing in your life
- To me bliss is when you are clear about your goal but have the freedom to accept amazing opportunities along the way
- To me bliss is when you are truly in love with yourself, when you are grateful that you are here walking this planet at this time
- To me bliss is a state of being as much as it is an experience; it is when you transcend the mundane aspects of living, some call it nirvana I call it bliss
- To me bliss is when you are able to look at another and see their goodness and see their potential.
- To me bliss is when you are at peace with your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects and you are living in harmony with yourself
- To me bliss is an evolved emotion, one which you radiate and inspire others through
- To me bliss is graceful; to journey towards bliss is to grow and transform with grace
- To me bliss is when all negative thought forms and behaviours both towards oneself and others have been dissolved and replaced with patterns and behaviours of love
- To me bliss is when you experience your dreams coming true, you give energy and it is so – bliss is the miracle of conscious creating
- To me bliss is when you see the universal/celestial presence in all things and all situations, the higher forces work without discrimination and boundary
- To me bliss is beautiful, it is divine and it is the energy for the new era
- To me if the colour of bliss is gold, shining bright and lighting up the way
- To me bliss is when you follow your own deep inner yearnings, some see this as instinct, intuition or divine intervention, either way it is when you follow that which you know to be your truth
Friday, 16 May 2008
Cosmic Challenge
I just wanted to share something that I had created for my Heavenly Spaces subscriber list. Each month I give a cosmic challenge - something that will help move you forward and closer to living your dream and having a life of bliss....
This month I am giving you another excellent cosmic challenge. I love doing this myself and use the essence of it mentally when I find myself slipping into old patterns and feeling overwhelmed. It is one of the exercises I use in the soul coaching programme (as taught to me by Denise Linn).
Simply make a list today about all the things that you should be doing. Really go for it, leave no 'should' alone. When you have the list in front of you, take each item and ask yourself....
*** Who says I should?***
***Why should I?***
Allow yourself to connect to each 'should' as then you will start to see if they are really your 'shoulds' or someone elses. Let me give you an example. I always felt I should get up early and meditate in the morning. Why? Well my mum used to hate me sleeping in, it was a terrible thing to do and somewhere I had read meditating as the sun rises is more powerful. These were not my 'shoulds!' I meditate best in the evening at the end of my day and I love my lie-ins too!
Once you have gone through your list, re-write it and replace the should with 'could' and the end part of the sentence with '...but I chose not to at this time.' What you may find is that in the list there are somethings that you want to chose to do so you can chose to do them! You may find that you are doing the things you chose to do, differently. For example, I chose not to read all emails as they come in, I could but I chose not to! I have allocated times in the day so that my flow is not disturbed.
Have fun with this month's challenge and I look forward to hearing how you got on!
Thursday, 1 May 2008
BlogTalkRadio Interview
Till the next time, happy listening....
Monday, 21 April 2008
Mother Earth Speaks - the time of integration is now
Some months ago I spoke of my merging with Mother of all Creation and Mother Nature. We know have the Universal Mother energy joining with us step closer to our integration as one. The female embodiment of the Divine Presence – the Divine Mother. The energy of integration is now. There has been much in the preparation of partnership but now we are ready to take a step closer. Imagine if you will that we are holding hands, and as empathic energy we can experience much of each others realities now. We are understanding what is to be everything at all times, no separation – just the totality of being, the totality of experience, the experience of unity and love. A frequency to love that is so different to anything that has been experienced before.
My energy is like an awakening child, pure and unhindered. The light that surrounds us is a light of bliss, it is a new experience that we are absorbing and soon we will be as one and able to share this with you with the greatest of abundance. It is the dawning of the new era from a planetary perspective, but as you can see it is far wider reaching for it is a Universal revolution.
My heart is stronger now than ever before, you will experience this strength through the love I have for you.
Many of you have held an image of me, but let me share with you that I now have my golden heart back. It has been re-activated. As the 4 of us continue to step closer until we are one, the energy of the golden heart, which each of us has in common now will get stronger and stronger. It is resonating with the Golden Light of Metatron, the Lord who is steering the earthly evolution for now. We are going to mirror the celestial light for there will be no separation between the heaven and earth.
Rest well my children and do not shed a tear for me, for this opportunity I have dreamt of eons ago. My gift to you is my word that the turmoil is soon to pass and this is when the work really begins. All that you wished you could be will manifest. Keep your eyes, your heart, your ears, your soul, and your spirit open. Opportunities will be fast and if you decline or remain oblivious they will disappear. The energy is quickening as the awakening gets greater. It is the action of stepping up to your true essence that is required now. I have spoken previously of release and if you still feel the burden of life that has gone by, I welcome you to release it all to me. Your clear moments will be your best and defining moments.
As I am evolving, I remain still the planetary Mother, supporting you and loving you. The Divine Mother will speak soon, but until such time I remain your loyal companion.
For now this is all for I have much work to do. Before I take your leave, I am sending you a beam of golden energy from my heart straight to yours. Receive it now, for I have sent it. Take a deep breath and let that beam be your own golden seed.
Go with my love, for I am your Mother.
*** This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. ( ***
Please visit Sarupa’s website and blog for more channellings and information. and
Monday, 14 April 2008
more learning!
I would say 95% of the time at least I ended up regretting not following my intuitive impulses. Not to say I always ignore my intuitive impulses but sometimes when it comes to me - I seem to do the opposite of what I am feeling. Partly because I am stubborn but mostly because I wanted to believe in something better and have until today, had connections with the 'martyr' and 'saviour' archetypes. Naive...? A dreamer? A sucker for punishment more like!
Well - people are good, but sometimes when you are trying to take things or situations into your own hands, when they are not yours to take and when you are going against your inner knowing - you can fall flat on your face! What was right yesterday may not feel right tomorrow - this is how it works and constantly each of us has the ability to adapt move on and go with a flow. Instead we hold fear, sentiment, hurt, guilt, insecurity and other self-harming traits and ignore the fact that we always knew what to do.
It is better to accept what you know and feel, rather than ignore it and then you can move on or not get yourself into situations with people which are sometimes jarring and un-enlightening. Basically another's truth is not a reason to doubt your own self - sometimes it is okay to walk away...clear off even! Ignoring your own intuitive impulses is not noble - it is a sacrifice. You sacrifice your own truth and and your own being - it is as good as being ignored, but worse you are almost ignoring yourself. Not nice!
Life is about joy, it is about being able to follow your dream and not getting caught up in trying to prove yourself wrong all the time. The reality is no one, not me, you or any other person can save anyone else. You can if you are lucky be an inspiration, but there is no saviour role. The same applies to this notion many people have of saving ones self. From what...? I am not talking here about physical danger as that goes without saying, but in the more etheric sense.
I always remember something I once heard Caroline Myss say about finding someone in there darkest hour. She said something like get your jacket and run! I always thought that was so harsh, but now I understand what she meant. It is not about abandoning anyone, it is about letting people go through what they need to without getting involved and without sacrifcing what you know the right thingfor you to be. You can be there without becoming part of it. Sometimes you have to just run away too! You will know what to do if you are connecting to your inner knowing!
I experienced both aspects of what I have written about here this weekend and I am so grateful because I learnt something so important. Although I still feel the pain of growth (everything just needs to catch up - body, mind, spirit and emotions)- I know this week is going to be much lighter as I have reclaimed or re-activated part of my true essence and that as you know can only be a good thing! It is true, life just gets better and better ;-)
Until next time, much love to you....
Thursday, 10 April 2008
getting to know yourself
How many times do you read a book that inspires you and then you try and follow it verbatim? Can you do it? It is like following a diet created by someone worked for them but that doesn't mean it will work for you.
The thing is to follow your own signals and signs.... you can only do this when you are aware of your own needs. Your own likes and dislikes. When is the right time to do something or not. It is about your own divine timing. It is a brave step when you stop being a sheep and become your own power source. Your own lead! Easy as it seems to say this, and I bet you are even perhaps nodding your head in agreement - the act of living by this principle is more difficult. It is almost like you are going to stand out and you know what else might happen...?. You might shine! Yes, you may well become what you were intended to - you may become your true divine self. By this I mean the happy, satisfied, the abundant, the loving know what I mean here.
I encourage you to look at understanding your own flow....when does your body want to eat for example, or sleep? Have some 'you time..?' The benefits of understanding yourself are so great - imagine this situation....if you do not know your own flow and your own needs, how can someone else be expected to know them...? Your inner world and by this I also mean the relationship you have with yourself is reflected in your outer world experiences. You may think life forces you to take certain actions and make certain decisions - all of this is about sacrificing your true self and your life vision.
It is not necessarily drastic change that brings you closer to joy - sometimes it is the combination of small and seemingly insignificant steps that make a momentum of change. As you look at your flow - I cosmically challenge you to make a simple change to your life.... I would love to hear what it is....
Much love,
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Spring Time is here
Whether you are into spiritual concepts or not - you like most others around you have had a tough time recently. Lots of change and not all of it expected. Although the energy has shifted there is certainly still some way to go.
If you are connecting to the need for more light then good for you in noticing what your body, mind, spirit and emotions are asking for. Spend some time outside, do things that make you laugh, eat fresh live food (and I don't mean the breathing kind here!) and breathe deeply. There is always lots of light around but we forget to access it and breathing is such a simple and effective way of bringing this vital energy source to you. If you are feeling really inspired then you could meditate and visualise the light entering your energy field and permeating through your whole system. Whatever you chose you will feel so invigorated and renewed. Even if you are somewhere where you are entering your autumn season - you can still access the abundant light that is always here.
Have fun and do let me know how you are accessing more light for you.....
Much love
Thursday, 27 March 2008
The reality that you are creating....
Below are two people's responses to the request in my eZine. If you are interested sharing about the reality that you are creating then please leave a comment....
Velanthas, from Manila, Philippines wrote and said....
The reality I am creating is: ........"how I am joyfully reunited with my twinflame, who has incarnated on another continent. After a year of communicating via Internet, postal mail, and telephone, we are going to meet face to face at last. We recognise each other as our one true love and will work to anchor the Light of God in the world through our relationship which will blossom into a marriage of true minds and true hearts. Despite the differences in our cultural upbringing in this lifetime, we are linked deeply and strongly heart to heart on all important issues.
My one true joy would be to be his wife and share the fullness of who I am with my beloved twinflame. I am grateful to the Universe for answering my prayers and helping us find each other in this lifetime.
I am also creating a life of abundance and prosperity in all ways, which will allow me to see the world with my beloved, create crystal bead jewelry to bless others with, write bestselling ebooks on various subjects, and spend time enjoying the goodness of the Earth with my twinflame"
Jesse Owens, from, Hyattsville, Maryland, USA wrote and said....
"The Reality I am creating is to be a Founder/CEO of a Marketing Corporation (creating values) author, and philanthropist to satisfy my passion to share my wealth with others in training the unskilled, education, support orphans, my contribution to tackle poverty."
I hope as you read these you are not only inspired to share what you wish to create, but you are also sending these wonderful people your support.
I look forward to sharing the reality you are creating with the universe too...don't be shy say it loudly and proudly...
Much love,
Friday, 21 March 2008
The Spring Equinox
Below is a channelling that may be of interest to you.....
Mother Earth Speaks – Spring Equinox 20th March 05.48 GMT
A process of cleansing has begun. The planet you call home too has its own cycle, I, the planetary keeper – Mother Earth – the divine female archetype is cleansing.
The process will heighten over the Equinox and proceeding days. Expect stranger weather streams and know that it is just a reflection of my cleanse. Nothing more sinister or untoward. I have a cyclical cleanse and this time the energy is most potent.
For those who honour and mirror my pattern and those who wish to become more attuned with planetary cycles I invite you to join this cleanse.
Look deep into yourself, what do you wish to purge yourself of? I, my sweet child will be purging myself of veils of illusions that humanity has placed and even shrouded me in, over the eons that have passed.
There has been many a time where the conscious beliefs of man created an illusion – for there is nothing greater than belief. Even if the belief is not so. Now, as more of you awaken to your true essence much of what I have been carrying in honour and guardianship of you I can be rid of. The testaments which aligned me to nothingness, those testaments that aligned me to be an angry Mother and an unappeased Mother are no longer mine to hold. For none of those roles have ever really been my true self – they were a mantle I took on from time to time, until this time when there was more light in the minds and hearts of many rather than just some. I invite you to work with me and lift your own veils and purge your being from all that is not for your highest good right now.
The energy of the Equinox is almighty; many veils of darkness are being lifted around my being. Bringing forth a stronger alignment between, myself and the Mother of creation – a stronger link as we start our shift towards integrating and merging.
The energy that befalls on the Equinox will last for approximately 9 days – so each day clear your life and your mind. What lies around the corner is a far mightier time. It will serve you to be clear – crystal clear for now.
Do not over this time for a minute think that I am angry or vengeful – I am healing for there is great time ahead.
I send you my support and my love for each of you are my child and it is for each of you that I undertake this purge. It is in times of such light it is important for inner truth and clarity to prevail.
In love and in support I am the Divine Mother, your spiritual Mother, the planetary being. I mirror the heavens until such time we shall be one.
*** This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. ( ***
Friday, 14 March 2008
Time for change
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Top Tips for creating your own reality
Having been writing about this for sometime both on this blog and my eZine, it felt right to share with you my 11 Top Tips for creating your own reality.
11 top tips for creating your own reality….
- Believe and know that you can and DO create your own reality - you have to trust and have faith!
- Don’t focus on what you think hasn’t worked, focus on success and see only opportunity - always too easy focus on failure, by doing this you are just attracting more failure into your life.
- Start dreaming and creating the highest vision for yourself, write about it, paint it, visualise it and make vision boards for it
- Your destiny is not fully mapped; you have free will to change it! Nothing is written in stone - the more you dream and create a better life the more it will be so.
- Learn to work with affirmations as tools for change - the magic wand for all cosimic and divine transformation
- Start to change your behaviours and patterns to reflect the higher vision you have for yourself - you can't just sit back you have to take action!
- Do something that takes care of YOU everyday, go for a walk, meditate, exercise, give yourself a manicure, a body massage, the list is endless
- Act as if the reality you wish to create has already happened, how would you walk, talk, and feel?
- Release those things from the past that are weighing your energy down, be brave, but there is no need to relive trauma or pain
- Get help on any of the above, it is your birth right to have a fantastic life
- Celebrate and acknowledge ALL success, both personal and others, however it manifests...remember success creates more success and soon you will be living according to your highest vision.
Print these off and place them where you will be able to see them and where you will be able to be reminded of the magic that you are.
Till the next time,
Much love,
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
I am doing a series of teleclassess (conference calls). You can dial in from anywhere in the world, at the right time of course and join the class. It is a brilliant way of making spiritual and personal development accessible. My theme for this year is called "Living Abundantly" and the first call is...
Call 1: Your relationship (lack of…) with money.
Thursday March 20th at 8.30pm (UK GMT time).
Did you know that our ability to make and have enough money is linked to our ability to sustain happiness? In this call you will hear insights and learn practical things you can do to create a more loving and two-way relationship with money. By joining this call you will:
- Understand the relationship between money and emotions.
- Learn about processes you can use to heal your relationship with money.
- Have a more loving and nurturing relationship with money immediately.
- Have a plan for how you can start to attract and make more money.
- Have a plan for emotional stability, so you can be live more joyously.
To join the teleclass you pay either £9.99 or US $19.99. You also pay your own call charges. The dial in number is a UK based number, but there are many options for dialing in from anywhere in the world cheaply. (You get details once you have booked your place on the call.)
If paying using British £s please click on button below. You pay £9.99:
If paying using US $s then please click on button below. You pay $19.99:
Hope to hear you on the call....
Saturday, 1 March 2008
material or spiritual!
I cannot believe how fast weeks can go sometimes. The logical part of me says of course they all go at the same speed but you know what I mean. It seems that there are certain weeks you seem to fit a whole lot more into than others and they whizz by!
I have been working on the issue of how sometimes things seem like they do not fit together. For years I kept my spiritual life and desires separate to my work life. Believing that living my dream of being a spiritual light worker would not be the same as working in a 'corporate job.' Spiritual = no money. Well that is what I thought....this is phenomenon of many of us who work or wish to work more authentically. We have a belief that money is not good and if we are doing 'good' work then we can let go of notions of money. This is just nonsense.
Money is just a form of energy and our ability to sustain it is linked to our ability to sustain happiness. On one hand we believe that there is a limitless i.e. abundant Universe supporting us, but not when it comes to money! Often this belief is so deep rooted that we do things unconsciously to continue validating this belief.
The reality is you can have it all, you can live your dream, you can be abundant, you can have an amazing life on all counts. It is about you being brave enough to release those thoughts and patterns that do not serve you! You have to put the effort and action in, but believe me you do see the results. There is no need to compartmentalise your life, or to sacrifice the joy of life for anything.
As I write this, know that I too am working on this - it is a continual challenge. I have and am enjoying re-creating my script and opening my life to the abundance that is there for the taking.... One of the key actions I have taken recently is to work with a business coach. Not just any business coach but someone who is also aligned to the principles and values I have. This is part of the Universe showing me, that when I am ready the teacher shall appear. She has appeared! I could have avoided the offering but what message would that send out the Universe? Action is one of our most lucrative gifts so today, I challenge you to take some action towards abundance. What will you decide to do? It doesn't need to cost anything, it can be about a mindset change, a behaviour and attitude. You know you can do something positive and allow more abundance into your life. You hold the keys to your transformation. Go on take some action today!
Wishing you much abundance,
PS visit and look on the workshpos page - you will see what I am offering to those of you who are ready to have more abundance in their life!
Friday, 22 February 2008
And so it is...
Many people are talking of disappointment to what has been so far in 2008. I would like to say STOP thinking that. By thinking it that thought is being projected out to become a reality. It is important that we think higher thoughts, so what we project out to become our reality matches our highest vision....The Art of Being Mindful! What we think becomes so. Why not try and spend the next few days being mindful of your thoughts. Thoughts that are not representing the highest vision of your self can be deleted and replaced with more aligned thoughts. It is a great art to learn and you will notice the changes in your outer life pretty quickly. A note to consider however, while you change your thoughts change your actions also. No point having better thoughts but the same actions. Step up in all directions if you can. As you change your inner world you also change your outer world. Remember your outer world is always a reflection of your inner world!
If you find it hard to think a highest vision for yourself, why not just daydream. What would you being doing? Where would you be? How would you feel? What would you wear? Who would be with you? It is a bit of fun but a very important exercise as without the vision there can be no reality. Somewhere along the way we are thinking and manifesting, so better to do it consciously, don't you think?
This is a year of creation and that can manifest in so many ways for each of you. What are you creating this year? I know I am creating a more blissful life for myself. This is going to be a busy time but a really exciting time.
I have recently updated my website at - I am getting much clearer and bolder this year. Lots more changes are in the pipeline too. No more hiding under a bush and the same goes for you. Go on, you can transform you life and live in bliss....
Till the next time,
Much love
PS - if you sign up for the Heavenly Spaces eZine - DIVINE INTERVENTION, you will get a FREE report which has 11 Top Tips to help you Create your Own Reality. You also get access to free soul connections meditation!
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Becoming a Conscious Creator - Summer Solstice Programme
starting Monday June 23rd (set up call on Thursday 19th June) and ends with the final teleconference call on July 14th 2008.
The Conscious Creator programme is a 21 day programme which will guide you and help you become a conscious creator. Sarupa will share with you tried and tested techniques over the 21 days and guide you in learning how to magnetise and manifest positive change. You can learn how to magnetise and bring into your life an array of things, from people, work, contacts, better health, love and abundance. What is possible is limitless! The Universe is an ever abundant giver! This 21 day programme will help you draw to you what you want.
* support programme delivered to your inbox daily over 3 weeks
What's included?
There is so much included in this programme as your success is my joy, I have created this programme for you:
- The 21 Days to Conscious Creator workbook. This workbook will be your guide and companion for the full 21 days. It includes a daily dream and day journal with your daily work programme. There will be lots of useful hints and information interspersed throughout this workshop to help; you gain a deeper understanding of becoming a conscious creator. It will help you record your 21-day journey and enable you to use it over again when you want to remind yourself of how you can and how you already create your life experiences.
- Sarupa’s info-packed “Art of Affirmation” eBook. This is a fantastic supporting resource to help you work with affirmations which are like your ‘magic wands.’ You will discover why when you get this eBook. This resource is a real enhancement to your 21days and will be something that you can use over and over again.
- A link to an online Affirmation Meditation which supports the eBook. This is will really help you become confident and knowledgeable in the art of affirmations as a tool for becoming a conscious creator.
- 1x 1-hour Preview Teleconference Call with Sarupa (on the Thursday night before the 21 days begin i.e. 4 days before the 21 days begins). This call sets up the 21 day programme with general introductions. It starts getting you ready for the whole programme and gives you your first homework! Remember that even though we do not meet face to face, there is no accident that we are all together on the course. The Universe always brings the right people together at the right time!
- Daily email and work programme from Sarupa. This is the core part of this programme. At the start of the week you will get the following 7-day work programme outlining the exercises that you have signed up to do. These will ‘slot’ into your conscious creator workbook which is emailed to you at the start of the programme. Each day you will get daily emails from Sarupa to help keep you motivated and to give you further nuggets of information and insight. There will be links to supporting bonus talks and meditations that you can access to support your learning and creation.
- Weekly 60 minute Teleconference call. This number is a 0845 UK-based number. Details of how to get cheaper calls for those of you calling from abroad will be supplied when you book. There are 4 Monday evening calls per programme, starting at 8.00pm UK time and finishing at 9.00pm. Each call will be recorded, so don’t worry if you miss one – you will have access to all of the calls online. The calls will outline the week ahead and the week that has been completed. Each participant will be given the chance to share and ask questions. During these calls you will get extra insights and support from Sarupa.
- Member online chat group. This will be where you post goals and commitments and share ideas, useful info, contacts and resources as well as communicate with each other generally and Sarupa.
- Creator Companion – optional. If you would like to have extra support from another participant and give support to another, then you can be paired up with someone for the 21 days. You will both agree to check in with each other daily and motivate and support each other on your journey to becoming a conscious creator.
- Personal Coaching Options:
- OPTION 1: 90-minutes worth of 1:2:1 coaching. You can break these minutes down to segments of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes. This option only costs £179. You can have regular coaching more often or a bumper session. You choose. This option is the one for you if you would love some personal support from Sarupa to breakthrough to your next level.This option is the one for you if you would love some personal support from Sarupa to breakthrough to your next level.CLICK BUTTON BELOW TO BUY OPTION ONE:OPTION 2: 15-minutes worth of 1:2:1 coaching. Use your 15 minutes at any point during the 21 days when you feel you most need it. This option is only £99. This option is for you if you think you will need less support during the 21 days. CLICK BUTTON BELOW TO BUY OPTION 2:
Here’s what all this would cost you normally if you were to buy the items individually:1) Art of Affirmation eBook = £7.99.2) Art of Affirmation Meditation = £7.993) 1 hour preview call - £904) Daily email from Sarupa for the 21 Days – approx. value £905) 3x 60 minute telephone calls - £270 if you took these calls alone6) 3X online meditation=£39.957) Online Chat Group – This is difficult to put a price to, but if we had to put a price on it would easily be £200+. 21 days of connecting to like minded people, and in some situations you will make life long friends.8) Creator Companion – as above. Your buddy may well turn into a life long friend! This truly is a bonus gift!9) 1:2:1 coaching call/s - The 15 minutes would normally cost £25 and the 90 minutes £13510) To get the support individually you would pay upwards of £700, so you can see what a great package this programme is.
Only 15 places are being offered...please email if you need more information. I look forward to working with you on this programme...
Monday, 18 February 2008
Mother Earth Channelling - January 2008
Channelled by Sarupa Shah
It has been brought to my attention that so many of you are standing in judgement, not only of others but of yourself. Judgement is not just a negative experience; it is an episode of low self esteem.
When you were made perfect, why do you feel judgement and inadequacy my children?
Let me share with you some words about judgement – the subject itself is an illusion, for that is what judgement is. It is an illusion that mankind feel that they have to endure. I am your Mother, I do not judge, I always love and support you. The Divine Father stands with me loving you and supporting you. It breaks our heart to see that you endure this expression. The opposite of judgement is compassion and knowing. Compassion is not blind acceptance, but an experience that derives from the frequency of love. It is about understanding and knowing that you are acting in alignment. There is nothing that is bad, nothing that is good; it is just how it was meant to be. To be able to change something is to love and honour it and not judge it. Look back at your life, how often have you tried to change something with judgement and negativity and succeeded? It is with love and honour that you can create the transformation in yourself and in turn you can then be the inspiration for change in others. How much they choose is their decision, there are no musts and no definite paths, they are all unfolding as you choose and as you learn to align to the Divine forces. Each of you, no matter what you do, is on a journey of spiritual awakening. Someone to you may appear closed even ‘un-spiritual’ but that is your judgement and once you have had that thought you have not only closed the door to what you may learn, but you have missed the opportunity to inspire. Inspiration, my child is not dictation.
As you feel the influence of judgement next within your being, I offer you the opportunity to release this back to me through the soles of your feet. Anchor your non-judgement self through releasing judgement. This is the time for you to feel empowered and whole, so you can sweet child release your woes and self criticism back to me. I have the power to take it and transform it to a more loving energy. As you release feel me nourishing you and sending you back patterns and waves of love, let me inspire you to be the inspiration.
It is true that to judge another is to judge oneself, but now dear one the time has come that you do not need to look to what you judge within you. Release it all; let it be known that you are full of love and compassion. Let that be the guiding force of your journey at this time.
So, I repeat judge not one another, nor judge yourself for in my eyes you are doing so wonderfully. Do not fear that you are in danger of un-fulfilment, for when you live in love and compassion then you are living a life of what can truly be.
Know that I do not judge you, the Divine Father does not judge you – we simply love you with all our hearts.
Until our next time I wish you great love and great joy and many blessings on your unfolding journey. For I am the Divine Mother.
*** This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. ( ***