Tuesday 11 March 2008

Top Tips for creating your own reality

Having been writing about this for sometime both on this blog and my eZine, it felt right to share with you my 11 Top Tips for creating your own reality.

11 top tips for creating your own reality….

  1. Believe and know that you can and DO create your own reality - you have to trust and have faith!
  2. Don’t focus on what you think hasn’t worked, focus on success and see only opportunity - always too easy focus on failure, by doing this you are just attracting more failure into your life.
  3. Start dreaming and creating the highest vision for yourself, write about it, paint it, visualise it and make vision boards for it
  4. Your destiny is not fully mapped; you have free will to change it! Nothing is written in stone - the more you dream and create a better life the more it will be so.
  5. Learn to work with affirmations as tools for change - the magic wand for all cosimic and divine transformation
  6. Start to change your behaviours and patterns to reflect the higher vision you have for yourself - you can't just sit back you have to take action!
  7. Do something that takes care of YOU everyday, go for a walk, meditate, exercise, give yourself a manicure, a body massage, the list is endless
  8. Act as if the reality you wish to create has already happened, how would you walk, talk, and feel?
  9. Release those things from the past that are weighing your energy down, be brave, but there is no need to relive trauma or pain
  10. Get help on any of the above, it is your birth right to have a fantastic life
  11. Celebrate and acknowledge ALL success, both personal and others, however it manifests...remember success creates more success and soon you will be living according to your highest vision.

Print these off and place them where you will be able to see them and where you will be able to be reminded of the magic that you are.

Till the next time,

Much love,


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