Friday 16 May 2008

Cosmic Challenge

Hi there...there has been a little gap in my blogging because I have been in Sicily for a was amazing. I will blog a little more about that later...

I just wanted to share something that I had created for my Heavenly Spaces subscriber list. Each month I give a cosmic challenge - something that will help move you forward and closer to living your dream and having a life of bliss....

This is from April's newsletter. Remember you can visit and sign up so you can receive your monthly cosmic challenge and inspirational article as well as lots of other goodies to support you on your blissful life transformation....

This month I am giving you another excellent cosmic challenge. I love doing this myself and use the essence of it mentally when I find myself slipping into old patterns and feeling overwhelmed. It is one of the exercises I use in the soul coaching programme (as taught to me by Denise Linn).

Simply make a list today about all the things that you should be doing. Really go for it, leave no 'should' alone. When you have the list in front of you, take each item and ask yourself....

*** Who says I should?***
***Why should I?***

Allow yourself to connect to each 'should' as then you will start to see if they are really your 'shoulds' or someone elses. Let me give you an example. I always felt I should get up early and meditate in the morning. Why? Well my mum used to hate me sleeping in, it was a terrible thing to do and somewhere I had read meditating as the sun rises is more powerful. These were not my 'shoulds!' I meditate best in the evening at the end of my day and I love my lie-ins too!

Once you have gone through your list, re-write it and replace the should with 'could' and the end part of the sentence with '...but I chose not to at this time.' What you may find is that in the list there are somethings that you want to chose to do so you can chose to do them! You may find that you are doing the things you chose to do, differently. For example, I chose not to read all emails as they come in, I could but I chose not to! I have allocated times in the day so that my flow is not disturbed.

Have fun with this month's challenge and I look forward to hearing how you got on!

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