Thursday 10 April 2008

getting to know yourself

With all the recent energy fluxes and cosmic twists one of the greatest lessons I have learnt is about my own flow. Often I used to find myself flowing according to a rhythm that I thought I ought to be in - or to something I was forcing myself to do. Simply put, it is an act of being unconscious.

How many times do you read a book that inspires you and then you try and follow it verbatim? Can you do it? It is like following a diet created by someone worked for them but that doesn't mean it will work for you.

The thing is to follow your own signals and signs.... you can only do this when you are aware of your own needs. Your own likes and dislikes. When is the right time to do something or not. It is about your own divine timing. It is a brave step when you stop being a sheep and become your own power source. Your own lead! Easy as it seems to say this, and I bet you are even perhaps nodding your head in agreement - the act of living by this principle is more difficult. It is almost like you are going to stand out and you know what else might happen...?. You might shine! Yes, you may well become what you were intended to - you may become your true divine self. By this I mean the happy, satisfied, the abundant, the loving know what I mean here.

I encourage you to look at understanding your own flow....when does your body want to eat for example, or sleep? Have some 'you time..?' The benefits of understanding yourself are so great - imagine this situation....if you do not know your own flow and your own needs, how can someone else be expected to know them...? Your inner world and by this I also mean the relationship you have with yourself is reflected in your outer world experiences. You may think life forces you to take certain actions and make certain decisions - all of this is about sacrificing your true self and your life vision.

It is not necessarily drastic change that brings you closer to joy - sometimes it is the combination of small and seemingly insignificant steps that make a momentum of change. As you look at your flow - I cosmically challenge you to make a simple change to your life.... I would love to hear what it is....

Much love,


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