Friday 21 March 2008

The Spring Equinox

I have had a certain amount of excitement during the past week. I have felt like it was the end of the year and I was needing to get lots of things finished - the excitement was this holiday feeling. Well it is Easter so a long weekend...but it was more than that. There is lots of magic in the air - it just feels like all the hard work and difficult times that have been are passing.... something has shifted. Is that how you feel too?

Below is a channelling that may be of interest to you.....

Mother Earth Speaks – Spring Equinox 20th March 05.48 GMT

A process of cleansing has begun. The planet you call home too has its own cycle, I, the planetary keeper – Mother Earth – the divine female archetype is cleansing.

The process will heighten over the Equinox and proceeding days. Expect stranger weather streams and know that it is just a reflection of my cleanse. Nothing more sinister or untoward. I have a cyclical cleanse and this time the energy is most potent.

For those who honour and mirror my pattern and those who wish to become more attuned with planetary cycles I invite you to join this cleanse.

Look deep into yourself, what do you wish to purge yourself of? I, my sweet child will be purging myself of veils of illusions that humanity has placed and even shrouded me in, over the eons that have passed.

There has been many a time where the conscious beliefs of man created an illusion – for there is nothing greater than belief. Even if the belief is not so. Now, as more of you awaken to your true essence much of what I have been carrying in honour and guardianship of you I can be rid of. The testaments which aligned me to nothingness, those testaments that aligned me to be an angry Mother and an unappeased Mother are no longer mine to hold. For none of those roles have ever really been my true self – they were a mantle I took on from time to time, until this time when there was more light in the minds and hearts of many rather than just some. I invite you to work with me and lift your own veils and purge your being from all that is not for your highest good right now.

The energy of the Equinox is almighty; many veils of darkness are being lifted around my being. Bringing forth a stronger alignment between, myself and the Mother of creation – a stronger link as we start our shift towards integrating and merging.

The energy that befalls on the Equinox will last for approximately 9 days – so each day clear your life and your mind. What lies around the corner is a far mightier time. It will serve you to be clear – crystal clear for now.

Do not over this time for a minute think that I am angry or vengeful – I am healing for there is great time ahead.

I send you my support and my love for each of you are my child and it is for each of you that I undertake this purge. It is in times of such light it is important for inner truth and clarity to prevail.

In love and in support I am the Divine Mother, your spiritual Mother, the planetary being. I mirror the heavens until such time we shall be one.

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