Tuesday 24 June 2008

My Solstice Order

The Summer Solstice took place on June 21st...but I never stick that closely to dates...as the energy of the Solstice can still be felt.... It is an exciting time as this particular Solstice is marking the end of the year of the Gift Shop.....the Gift Shop - is a representation of the Universe.... The need of the Gift Shop doesn't mean that the Universe will no longer 'give away,' anything....just that the rate of what we could get may slow down and we will have to start taking more action....but all orders as ever will be honoured...as they always are by the every abundant and ever giving Universe...

I want to share how I placed my order....I sat quietly and had a clean sheet of paper and a pen...I stated writing...

"Please Universal Gift Ship, could you gift me...." Then came my orders....I was very specific, giving details...not because I am controlling, quite the opposite,,, because I know what I want..the vision of who I am and how I want my life to manifest is in my heart after all. I ordered 12 things...it was a natural place to stop but you can go for as much or as little as you like. Then something pushed me to turn each order into an intention...I had no intended to do that but I felt I was being guided to do it that way. As with intentions, I created them as if they had happened...so for example one of my orders was...

"I would like my healthy to improve and for me to get stronger please!" The corresponding intention was "I am healthy and strong."

Have a go...create your order it is not too late...set out what your heart desires....not whom but what..the energies and qualities...you can suggest but don't limit as this Gift Shop is the most abundant and why settle when you can have better...?


Anonymous said...

Having gone through a lot lately, the solstice was a blessing. It toned down the energies that had been building up in me. I also realised that this gave me the possibility to ask the universe that I be given the force and the clarity to co-create heaven on earth. I did ask "Eole" to bring in all the energies through the violet flame of transformation to clear mother earth of all distorsions and bring awareness to all humains.

Heavenly Spaces, Raw Food Raw Bliss Blog said...


Thank you for your comments..an I agree the Solstice energy has definitely brought some level of respite..and has allowed something new and beautiful to emerge...

Much love,
