Monday 18 February 2008

Mother Earth Channelling - January 2008

A word on Judgement from the Divine Mother – January 2008
Channelled by Sarupa Shah

It has been brought to my attention that so many of you are standing in judgement, not only of others but of yourself. Judgement is not just a negative experience; it is an episode of low self esteem.

When you were made perfect, why do you feel judgement and inadequacy my children?

Let me share with you some words about judgement – the subject itself is an illusion, for that is what judgement is. It is an illusion that mankind feel that they have to endure. I am your Mother, I do not judge, I always love and support you. The Divine Father stands with me loving you and supporting you. It breaks our heart to see that you endure this expression. The opposite of judgement is compassion and knowing. Compassion is not blind acceptance, but an experience that derives from the frequency of love. It is about understanding and knowing that you are acting in alignment. There is nothing that is bad, nothing that is good; it is just how it was meant to be. To be able to change something is to love and honour it and not judge it. Look back at your life, how often have you tried to change something with judgement and negativity and succeeded? It is with love and honour that you can create the transformation in yourself and in turn you can then be the inspiration for change in others. How much they choose is their decision, there are no musts and no definite paths, they are all unfolding as you choose and as you learn to align to the Divine forces. Each of you, no matter what you do, is on a journey of spiritual awakening. Someone to you may appear closed even ‘un-spiritual’ but that is your judgement and once you have had that thought you have not only closed the door to what you may learn, but you have missed the opportunity to inspire. Inspiration, my child is not dictation.

As you feel the influence of judgement next within your being, I offer you the opportunity to release this back to me through the soles of your feet. Anchor your non-judgement self through releasing judgement. This is the time for you to feel empowered and whole, so you can sweet child release your woes and self criticism back to me. I have the power to take it and transform it to a more loving energy. As you release feel me nourishing you and sending you back patterns and waves of love, let me inspire you to be the inspiration.

It is true that to judge another is to judge oneself, but now dear one the time has come that you do not need to look to what you judge within you. Release it all; let it be known that you are full of love and compassion. Let that be the guiding force of your journey at this time.

So, I repeat judge not one another, nor judge yourself for in my eyes you are doing so wonderfully. Do not fear that you are in danger of un-fulfilment, for when you live in love and compassion then you are living a life of what can truly be.

Know that I do not judge you, the Divine Father does not judge you – we simply love you with all our hearts.

Until our next time I wish you great love and great joy and many blessings on your unfolding journey. For I am the Divine Mother.

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