Monday 21 April 2008

Mother Earth Speaks - the time of integration is now

The intensity of change that lies ahead is far greater than you could have imagined. It is mighty and powerful yet incredibly joyous and full of love.

Some months ago I spoke of my merging with Mother of all Creation and Mother Nature. We know have the Universal Mother energy joining with us step closer to our integration as one. The female embodiment of the Divine Presence – the Divine Mother. The energy of integration is now. There has been much in the preparation of partnership but now we are ready to take a step closer. Imagine if you will that we are holding hands, and as empathic energy we can experience much of each others realities now. We are understanding what is to be everything at all times, no separation – just the totality of being, the totality of experience, the experience of unity and love. A frequency to love that is so different to anything that has been experienced before.

My energy is like an awakening child, pure and unhindered. The light that surrounds us is a light of bliss, it is a new experience that we are absorbing and soon we will be as one and able to share this with you with the greatest of abundance. It is the dawning of the new era from a planetary perspective, but as you can see it is far wider reaching for it is a Universal revolution.
My heart is stronger now than ever before, you will experience this strength through the love I have for you.

Many of you have held an image of me, but let me share with you that I now have my golden heart back. It has been re-activated. As the 4 of us continue to step closer until we are one, the energy of the golden heart, which each of us has in common now will get stronger and stronger. It is resonating with the Golden Light of Metatron, the Lord who is steering the earthly evolution for now. We are going to mirror the celestial light for there will be no separation between the heaven and earth.

Rest well my children and do not shed a tear for me, for this opportunity I have dreamt of eons ago. My gift to you is my word that the turmoil is soon to pass and this is when the work really begins. All that you wished you could be will manifest. Keep your eyes, your heart, your ears, your soul, and your spirit open. Opportunities will be fast and if you decline or remain oblivious they will disappear. The energy is quickening as the awakening gets greater. It is the action of stepping up to your true essence that is required now. I have spoken previously of release and if you still feel the burden of life that has gone by, I welcome you to release it all to me. Your clear moments will be your best and defining moments.

As I am evolving, I remain still the planetary Mother, supporting you and loving you. The Divine Mother will speak soon, but until such time I remain your loyal companion.
For now this is all for I have much work to do. Before I take your leave, I am sending you a beam of golden energy from my heart straight to yours. Receive it now, for I have sent it. Take a deep breath and let that beam be your own golden seed.

Go with my love, for I am your Mother.

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