Saturday 1 March 2008

material or spiritual!

Hello again,

I cannot believe how fast weeks can go sometimes. The logical part of me says of course they all go at the same speed but you know what I mean. It seems that there are certain weeks you seem to fit a whole lot more into than others and they whizz by!

I have been working on the issue of how sometimes things seem like they do not fit together. For years I kept my spiritual life and desires separate to my work life. Believing that living my dream of being a spiritual light worker would not be the same as working in a 'corporate job.' Spiritual = no money. Well that is what I thought....this is phenomenon of many of us who work or wish to work more authentically. We have a belief that money is not good and if we are doing 'good' work then we can let go of notions of money. This is just nonsense.

Money is just a form of energy and our ability to sustain it is linked to our ability to sustain happiness. On one hand we believe that there is a limitless i.e. abundant Universe supporting us, but not when it comes to money! Often this belief is so deep rooted that we do things unconsciously to continue validating this belief.

The reality is you can have it all, you can live your dream, you can be abundant, you can have an amazing life on all counts. It is about you being brave enough to release those thoughts and patterns that do not serve you! You have to put the effort and action in, but believe me you do see the results. There is no need to compartmentalise your life, or to sacrifice the joy of life for anything.

As I write this, know that I too am working on this - it is a continual challenge. I have and am enjoying re-creating my script and opening my life to the abundance that is there for the taking.... One of the key actions I have taken recently is to work with a business coach. Not just any business coach but someone who is also aligned to the principles and values I have. This is part of the Universe showing me, that when I am ready the teacher shall appear. She has appeared! I could have avoided the offering but what message would that send out the Universe? Action is one of our most lucrative gifts so today, I challenge you to take some action towards abundance. What will you decide to do? It doesn't need to cost anything, it can be about a mindset change, a behaviour and attitude. You know you can do something positive and allow more abundance into your life. You hold the keys to your transformation. Go on take some action today!

Wishing you much abundance,


PS visit and look on the workshpos page - you will see what I am offering to those of you who are ready to have more abundance in their life!

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