Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Cosmic Bugle - 28th October
Last time I wrote about the Cosmic Gift shop, the feeling and information that I get is that it is still open for cosmic business! Although it is not going to be for much longer.
You may have noticed that the energy has recently been seeming a little icky...if you have don't worry this is not a wave of energy coming, it is just blowing over and is here to remind those of that are stopping our flow for whatever reason, whatever excuse to stop doing that at once. It is a reminder, a gift of its own, reminding us that we, each of us is in control of our flow and destiny.
Last Monday I really felt a bit low and luckily I immediately was able to tune into get a clearer understanding of what was going on.
Disconnection only happens when you decide to unplug from the Divine. This is the time we are reminded to stop doing this as it get us nowhere hinders progress and stops us living life as we had once dreamt those many eons ago! The message remains strong about doing what you know is right. Have you been putting things off? Have you been wishing for ages that you could go to a retreat, start a class, meditate, write, dance, sing or something else? And then you think maybe later/tomorrow, ...or if I had more time, or if had more money, I am too tired and such like????? Well Dragon Energy (as I am calling it) that is around will not mix well with those kind of low vibration thoughts, as it is a high vibration energy. Dragon Energy wants to power on, it doesn't understand the excuses and reasons why not. The new paradigm is about living in the NOW, so you have intention, energy flow and action that all comes together. To wish or have an intention and not follow it up is breaking this cycle and breaks your connection with your Divine Self!
As you can imagine this Dragon energy is strong and it is powerful. Powerful beyond what we have experienced and in order for you to be able to access it you need to step up and stand in your own power. As said, don't put things off, be decisive, be ready to claim your divinity and show up as your Divine Self at all times as if you become one of the ones who can carry and channel this energy you will be be able to do all the things your heart as desired. Work towards planetary peace, build communities of love...the impact will be huge, but Dragon Energy is teaching at this time that the change begins with you!
Keep opening yourself to what is available, keep following your hearts desire, times are potent and as ever in our favour.
Friday, 23 October 2009
All about the hands
I wanted to write about the Hand Analysis which in some way is no different to Palmistry, except it is a modern version. Something that is perhaps more palatable and relevant? I love Palmistry, don't get me wrong but it was only when I had my own Hand Reading with someone who had trained to be a Hand Analyst did I realise how powerful it was.
Hand Analysis goes straight to the focus of your life purpose, life school and life lesson. It helps you cut through things that are in my view probably illusionary and then through looking at the fingers can give you more in-depth information about your niche, your drivers, the areas you need to focus on to overcome the lesson you have. (We all know lessons are our greatest gift by now, surely?)
After my Hand reading, this year in July I knew it was something that I had to learn and use with my clients. It was too powerful not to. The more information that you can have about your life purpose the better in my view. Imagine a world where everybody is living their life purpose. How awesome would that be? Can you imagine what the mood of people would be...? You guessed it they would be in bliss!
As you will see from previous posts I flew to Arizona in September to complete a 3-day intensive, where I learnt about finger print hand analysis. It was mind blowing. I know when things are activating deeper knowledge and it was one of those occasion. Now, I knew it would be good but that good? It's funny how spirit like to underplay the BIG things in life as you move towards them, I guess they know that we might interfere, change our mind or decide that it isn't what we want...out of fear, or disconnection from our own path!
I have always been big on the soul, my first big major training was as a soul coach with Denise Linn. Much of the New Earth and Heaven on Earth work I do is about living as your soul intended and allowing your soul presence to be activated to a more fuller and permanent degree. The soul for me is our true earthly self, so while on this planet my feeling is that, is through my soul that I want to live. This is a journey because communing, activating, engaging with ones soul can feel tricky and feel like it is not easy. But did you know the riches that your soul has access to? It knows all that you are here to do and more, it knows how to suport you, yet for so many it is still seen as an outside body, part of us but not integrated within us.
Now, you may wonder what this has to do with Hand Analysis, well I learnt that the finger prints are formed at 12-14 weeks in the foetus. Given that the finger prints reveal information about your life purpose, life school, life lesson and more...I knew immediately it was ones soul giving the biggest clue to each of us about our life purpose. Yet, like so may signs we just ignore it or are simply disconnected from it.
Being able to step up and live your life purpose is increasingly becoming more important. The world needs to change and in some way is going through transition and the more people that are living in bliss, living the life that they choose and as their soul intended the more others can follow.
I find the biggest question when one starts out on a spiritual path is, what is my purpose, what I am here to do? That question is asked more than I can count. Not just once, but several times in one persons life even. To paraphrase Denise Linn, it is time to stop seeking and be the one who finds!
If you are tired of searching and want some powerful guidance about your life purpose then hand analysis may well be what you are looking for.
I say YOU ARE IT, in your life, many spiritual teachings talk about YOU HAVING ALL THAT YOU NEED, well if that is true, just maybe it is more in your hands then you think ;-)
Much love,
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Sarupa's Space
But that was yesterday and today is another day. And what a day. In the morning I went to look at venue for a special New Year event I am creating, and the venue was gorgeous. There is a sneaky picture of it below, so you can see. It is a 16th Century building with original features....and although I am bursting to tell you more you just have to wait!
There is more I want to share, but I am going to keep this short and sweet as I am preparing the eZine for all those people who have subscribed to my list and are ripe for life transformation and living in bliss. If you are one of those people and you haven't subscribed then there is a box on your right to sign up right away!
So until the next time... (Don't you think that venue looks so magical...?)
Much love,
Monday, 19 October 2009
Cosmic Bugle...
It seems as if energetically and cosmically things are building up and getting potent. At the same time veils seem thin, so cosmic connections feel strong as does manifestation. I get the sense that a NEW COSMIC GIFT shop has been set up and opportunities for magnetizing things to help you embody your life purpose are available. It is okay to put your order in as they are still taking orders, particularly welcome are orders about life purpose and living your dream and spiritual and divine development. I do not get the feeling that the gift shop is so concerned with material matters in the old paradigm sense, so if you want a car, a new house or so on think about what actions you can take to make this so and how this is aligned (or not) to your life purpose so you can put an order in that matches the frequency and vibration of this current gift shop!
In this intense period we find ourselves in I also think that there is physical shift happening. This can be seen in people moving, changing and leaving jobs, careers, partners and so on and for some it is a leaving of this earthly plane too. Almost feels like there is a re-ordering going on and if you feel this then embrace it.
There is going to be energy building up and there will be a push that many of us are going to feel to open up in even further and just get on with what we are here to do. If you have been feeling that you are being called to do something more or different to what you are doing then this the time to discover what it is and do it. Energies are in your favour and they will match your actions in infinite ways. So think wisely about where you decide to put your energy, because as ever you hold the keys and what you do and how you do it and the intention that you hold for it and during it decides the outcome. You hold the keys to your destiny and this has never changed!
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Sarupa's Space
On Tuesday last week, I made the idea a reality. But the challenge was I was running the class on Thursday. So as you can imagine, it was a flurry of activity getting the emails out to the people on my list as I wanted as many people as possible to take up this offer. It was totally free after all, expect for the cost of the call! Well, as it happens the class took place and there were technical glitches that meant people could hear on and off or not at all and the recording was equally as poor! I was nearly thinking Darn when I realised this but then I realised this was just an opportunity to do the class again on Sunday...which I am! The best bit is more people have signed up too! I wonder if this was spirit's way of making sure those that needed to got on this call, as the information I am sharing is in-depth and powerful stuff. It does make you wonder, but either way I am doing the Light Body Class again this Sunday at 9pm (UK time) and even if you cannot make it but want (remember you pay for the call, and dial in from wherever you are in the world) then as long as you sign up you will get a recording of the call. A download to keep forever. How cool?
Sunday 17th is also an important day as it is the Indian New Year...and there is a saying that what you do on New Years Day you get more of, so choose wisely. In essence this was about setting the intention for the year. From a young age my mum would tell me this and it stayed with me as I always felt I should choose to do things that I wanted to have more of. Now this was when I was young and didn't even know about intentions and manifesting, obviously I just knew it on a deep unconscious level. Being someone who has always leaned towards the spiritual and the ritual, I can think of nothing better than to be running this class tomorrow and talking and teaching about the light body! What a powerful intention I am setting for the year?
There are two things I would like to invite you to do..
1. Sign up for the Light Body Class, if you haven't is a class you really do not want to miss. Visit
2. Set some intentions tomorrow (Sunday) as the energy is ripe for that...what is it YOU want to do and be? How do you want to feel and experience life...? Then just start being it. Once you have claimed it you own it!!!
Well...Happy Diwali for today and see you on the call tomorrow.
Much love,
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
FREE Teleclass Learn About the Light Body
- Do you know what a light body is?
- How do you know you have a light body?
- Do you know what a light body is for?
- Why would you want to expand your light body?
- Why is it important for a light worker, or someone who sees themself as one? Maybe you are a spirit-minded healer, artist, channeller, lover of life, spiritual seeker...?
If you have any questions like the ones above in your mind and heart, then you are in the right place to get the answers. I have been learning and working with the light body since 1999. Like many people I didn't know what a' light body' was when I was first starting out. And even today, it still suprises me that people are still confused by what it is and what it is for! I had to learn the hard way, through sitting in meditation and talking with my spirit guides and although I am grateful, I wish someone had told me what I knew now sooner!
If you see your self as spirit minded and working or wishing to be a healer, artist, channeller, lover of life, spiritual seeker (sounds like you I am sure ) and you are not aware of your light body and its benefits, or if you have no idea as to why you would want to know about it or expand it, let me enlighten you on this FREE call. For someone who is here to open up to their spiritual gifts and embody their true soul purpose in the world, in my view not having an in-depth knowledge and expanded light body is pretty much the same as someone wanting to be a medical practioner with no study! When someone decides to be a medical practioner, there is study involved, there is a clear pathway and for me the Light Body is the pathway for the spiritual seeker!
I have been teaching people how to activate their light body for a number of years now and they have been experiencing the joys and benefits that come as a result.
Would you like to learn about the light body and know why it is so important right now for you expand it?
Well the joy of joys is that you can...and it is totally free! I'm giving this to you for free because I think this is one of the most important concepts for someone who wants open up to their spirituality and fulfil their spiritual promise to the world.
This is one of my number one spiritual tools and it can give your life the powerful definition you are searching for. It is from where your intent can become reality! By that I mean it is where you really can become the true and authentic you, the person who is living their dream and not just trying to discover what it is. Already I am giving you clues about what your light body is and how it can transform your life, if you want to find out more just sign up for the free class. All you need to do is type in your details in the box below. And don't worry even if you cannot make the class, simply by registering you will get a link to download the call and can listen to it and keep it forever!
A teleclass is where you dial in to a special number using your telephone, you can listen and if asked even join in! It is such a fantastic way to get spiritual development delivered to you!
The teleclass takes place:
Thursday 15th October 2009Time: 9pm UK, 1pm Pacific, 2pm Mountain, 3pm Central, 4pm Eastern
~It will last about: 60-70 minutes approx~
All you need to do is sign up below now and be there on the can read more by clicking here.
(As soon as you sign up all the call details are sent to you by email, it's so simple, sign up and be on the call to grow and transform!)
Make sure you join us as this call will be very enlightening!
See you on the call, on Thursday,
Saturday, 10 October 2009
October Meditation - Energy and Expansion
Much love,
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Sarupa's Space
Well, now I am home. Although I was very sad to leave Arizona, I am so happy to be back home. I have so many things in the pipeline and can't wait for each of them to come to fruition. The energy of Arizona has definitely juiced me up. It was so powerful and supportive.
I am busy preparing for the talk I am giving at the Natural Living Show on Sunday in Cheltenham and hope if you are able to come and join me. You will learn more about the Merkabah.
I am going to keep this blog, short and sweet...but watch out for the FREE meditation in the next day or two and some pictures from Arizona.
As ever much love,
Saturday, 3 October 2009
October Channelling - Mother Earth Speaks
In this time of great change and transition, I wish to speak to you about creative passion. Creativity with fire energy, the intensity of fire is the passion element. Fire as you will know transmutes. To access this energy through and with creativity will bring for you a transformation, a change of direction.
As the energy of transformation within my being is activating and awakening, and the reconnection between these energy lines is complete, the journey I am now on is a potent one. The intricate sacred lines deep within my being are part of a great matrix again; the whole of the planet for you is now an energy portal. There are places where this will still be felt more intensely but many more of these will be encountered in locations not known for my energy. I have always been everywhere, for I am the planetary being but it has not always been possible to reveal my self, but that time is no more. The energy has shifted sufficiently for my activation to continue, as I am now the Divine Feminine, representing sacred Feminine energy as one.
The energy of transformation I hold is available to you and at this time, there is an opportunity to activate the same within you. A time to not only let go of what is no longer but also it’s and perhaps more importantly a time to activate and reveal a deeper essence of you into the world. It is time to embrace the new energies with passion, with excitement, with joy and with creativity.
Ask yourself, where is it that you hold back? Which part of your life could benefit from the energy of fire and the passion of creative transformation, in order for you to embody the true essence of you more profoundly?
For most it is the mindset, the in ability to let go and fully embody your spiritual power. Fear of not experiencing oneself as worthy of Divine Riches and Gifts. Fear of not knowing what you must do next. But my child, I ask how is that you can have a plan when within you there is still a belief however big or small that unless you are 100% guaranteed success you do not want to accept the plan? At all times an in all moments I am supporting you, loving you as are the Celestial ones but still we see that embracing ones potential and Divine Purpose remains out of reach and in many cases out of the mind. Masked within this illusion, is the sense that you are owed a Divine Heritage. Sweet children, it is not owed as much as it is waiting your claim. The joy and celebration deep in my heart when any being claims their Divine Inheritance is indescribable in words. Imagine a Mother watching her child’s first steps, long awaited in some cases but the joy of witnessing the growth of those you cherish and adore is beyond the describable. Like a child’s first steps are only so when the child makes them on her own, only you can claim your Divine Inheritance, only you can make it so!
It is as part of my love for you, that the opportunity to utilise my energy for your own transformation is being offered to you at this time.
The flow of fire within me is in balance once again. Within this has come the creation of the Golden Armies and the Dragons. The Dragons like the Angelic realms are organised for different purposes and have differing energies and purposes. For this time, call upon the Dragons of Creation and the Dragons of Power. Call on these beings as you engage wit transmutation and transformation.
Sit in attunement out in nature where you can connect to my power more readily and with ease. Open your heart to me and invite the fire and creative passion energy to surround you. Experience it and imagine you are sat within a flame of Gold. You are central within the flame, you are central to your transformation.
When you are ready allow the flame to be integrated within you through your solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. Igniting within them a creativity through which your connection to your Divine Self becomes stronger. A greater sense of who you are and what you must do will follow. Be strong, be purposeful and be creative. Allow the process to unfold. Allow the process to be yours.
For each of you the time to move forward has come. The time for new beginnings is here. What was is no longer and the possibilities of what can be are within you. I am holding the vision for your transformation in my heart, for each of you is my child, my beloved and for each of you my love is unconditional. It will not falter or change.
Allow this time to be about you, the energy is supporting your own transformation. It is time for you to ignite your creative passion. Life is an act of conscious creation in every moment and passion is simply a frequency of love. Creative passion is the same as a life of love.
I bless you and hold for each of you a spark, it is waiting and when you claim it you shall have it.
For now, go with my love and gratitude. Your love has healed me; your love has opened me. You are each my chosen child. For, I am the Divine Mother, the voice of the Divine Feminine.
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.
To reproduce as shown you must include the following words: "This work has been channlled through Sarupa Shah of Heavenly Spaces Ltd. To connect to more of her Divine work please visit . "
Your support in sharing this information is appreciated!
Sarupa's Space
Sedona is all that I knew it would be (well it is so far...). I am off out today to go and feel and experience the Vortexes and do some writing and channelling, so do check back soon for more details.
The Hand Analysis training was brilliant, Baeth is a very clever lady and and taught in such an accessible way. I just cannot wait to incorporate this 'new tool' into the work I am delivering. Can you imagine what it would be like to know what your hands say about your life purpose? Can you imagine how powerful that would be? What about knowing your life lesson? Imagine if you have the knowledge from the blueprints as imprinted for you by your soul into your fingers and hands and then revealed to you so you can use it to transform your life? I know the last 2.5 days training has transformed my life. It has given me the clarity and 'kick up the bum,' that I needed. And yes, we all need that from time to time so if you are sick and tired (literally or metaphorically) of playing small or going through life aimlessly and are seeking direction, then email me and let's see how I might be able to change that for you. You were born for a reason and not knowing it means you are not fulfilling it or living your life as blissfully as you could be. That is a travesty and a tragedy!!! Come on....this is your Divine Right!!
And talking of Divine Rights, I am off to have my spiritual adventure in Sedona so until the next time as ever...
Blissfully yours