Monday, 6 December 2010
I have moved....
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Cosmic Bugle
Friday, 11 June 2010
Hello readers..
Here are some testimonials that I want to share with you. If you want to find out how you can work with me so you can experience the transformation that these 3 gorgeous Goddess's are talking about then please email me.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Time for Physical Transformation?
A couple of weeks ago the anger bug got me and I felt like I was constantly needing to wiggle my finger at folks while telling them off, not everyone as usually you play out in front of the ones you love and trust and the ones who had volunteered to be part of your growth. I even found myself laughing while being like this because I almost felt like I was in a corner and couldn't stop and it then linked with me starting a big and much needed shift in my food intake. It was like I was being angry because I was full, full of 'stuff, ' from my past, my present and I am sure my future too. Being of such a powerful disposition I have to be careful and with the energy the way it is I have to be extra careful for anything I wish for because just a mere passing thought and the universe and my guides are conspiring to start something happening, before I had actually 100% signed up.
With this food thing, just as I voiced it as an idea to a friend on the phone later that evening old emotional stuff that I was clearly storing came up for release, followed by other physical stuff that was all about the clear out. And it continues.
I am gently introducing more juices to my diet, more soups and less of what I have been using to stuff myself up and block my creative flow. It was more that the food I have been turning to didn't make me feel good and I some how made myself believe I was helpless. And you know what that does, feeling helpless just makes you helpless! (LOL) We all do it, it is part of being human until we stop and learn that we can be more effective, brighter and cleaner in body, mind, spirit and emotion when we eat what is right for us. And by what is right for us I am not talking about being 100% raw or on juices permanently. I used to think that once but not now. Okay when you are doing a specific body detox but the general report back from team in Spirit is that it is about knowing and eating what your body needs for optimum functioning. Forcing yourself to be raw when it isn't right for you just puts you in the energy of sacrifice and that is a very old paradigm energy. And is why you are likely to fall of the wagon and be caught in a cycle of dieting fads. It is because you are listening to someone else over and above your own body, vibration and intuition.
I am not saying being raw is bad, all I am saying is that someones way isn't necessarily your way and being able to know yourself is the best way to understand what works for you. I do agree that a diet for the evolved is going to contain more raw food that is organic, ethical, seasonal and so on as the energy of what we eat is more than the food itself after all. So eating meat and fish may well be what your body needs but the question has to be what is the source and how ethical is it really?
The end point of what I am learning and creating for myself, is eating what is right for me in quantities that keep my body functioning healthily and enable me to continue to be the best Divine Channel I can. Sorry folks, this may not be welcomed but being overweight in anyway is an issue, I am not saying everyone needs to be a size zero because we all have a natural physique but you know (just like I do for my own self) when you are carrying extra pounds and in not being able to shed them is a sign that you are out of alignment with your physical body. This is about being in alignment to what size and shape you need to be to be the light worker you know you are capbable of being, not all being uniformly the same size.
How do you know if you are carrying extra pounds, well when you look in the mirror and think soon I will drop them, or when you put on clothes and wish you could hide the bulge. That is the tell tell sign that you are not in alignment with your physical body. The same applies when you are underweight because you are not allow your body to be at its optimum. Being aware is the starting point for bringing in change.
I used to tell myself God doesn't worry about a few extra pounds, and of course God doesn't worry full stop. What I was really saying was an excuse for not being able to deal with what was going on with my physical body and where I was not dealing with emotions and other people's stuff.
Having spoken with a few people about this subject recently it seems that as Light Workers we take responsibility for our physical body after everything else. We pursue the Light connections and almost forget the body, but what I am reminding you today is that without your body you could not be having the experiences that you are. This is where all this nonsense about ascension symptoms comes in (I never played into this...I mean come on folks!) , because as someone I know put it it is like using a 30 watt light bulb in a 100 watt lamp... you just blow the light at all times because you are trying to push more and more light through something that just isn't built for it. Funny how people got caught up in the romanticism of ascension symptoms and failed to recognise the gift that was being shown to them that there physical body needed some TLC!
2010 is a really significant year and it marks an end point and a new beginning point. It is this year that sows the seeds for your next evolution and the choices you make and the actions you take (or not take) have greater significance. By ignoring, avoiding or being stuck to any old paradigm ways you will take them forward as issues and blocks as you move into 2011, 2012 and beyond. With this is in mind it is really important to take a look at how you need to evolve your physical body. What is it that you are avoiding doing? Is it issues around your diet? Excess pounds? Lack of exercise? If you can feel twinges of recognition to these questions because you have been avoiding them, then why not do something about it? All I can say is that the energy at the moment is perfect for aligning your physical body with the light that you carry and the work that you do and are here to do. Do everything gently and before you know it you will have new ways embedded into your life and your physical body will be strengthened while ascending so it can support you as you become a more powerful light worker.
If you thinking well I am overweight and don't exercise and I am doing well, just think how much
Nurturing your physical body is as important and as necessary as nurturing your soul. You have and need both and more then ever now the call from your soul is to align your physical body with your essence of your soul and Divine Mission so that you can play out in full what you are here to do.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
The Article - 7 sure fire signs that you are a cosmic junky
- Do you plan to meditate everyday despite how you feel and feel bad when you don’t?
- When you attend workshops, listen to classes online or on the phone, or read channellings about energy, angels, ascension and other ‘new age’ topics do you get a momentary feeling of euphoria?
- Are you always trying to get to talk to celestial energies and unsure if they really hear you or answer, but simply feel that communication means they might hear you?
- Do you feel more comfortable and happier ‘up there’ in the higher realms, believing that this world is too harsh and dense?
- Do find yourself thinking (or saying) ‘it’s not up to me it’s up to them (God, Angels, Universe etc.)’ Or ‘It’s all about Divine Timing?’
- Despite everything that you try and do, try and follow and practice you still feel dissatisfied (however much or little) with life and you don’t have the love, the health, the relationships, the money or the bliss that you are reading about, waiting and longing for?
- Do you find that your spiritual practices and desires are separate from the rest of your life, i.e. your job, your way of life etc. because they are a means to an end and something you must endure in this world?
If you can answer yes to one or more of the questions above then there is a disconnect from your spiritual being, your inner being the one that connects to the Celestial Realms and your outer life. The life that you live day to day.
It is okay to realise that you may be addicted to energy, after all I too know how wonderful it is when you connect to the higher realms. But I also know how there can be a huge disconnect from your celestial connections and real life. The gulf is getting wider and wider and wider for many. This is going to continue this year as this is what 2010 brings with it. It has the promise of being the best year and the year that you can sow the seeds for the next phase of your evolution.
Let's take a little step back and remember how we got to where we are energetically this year. In 2006 the Heaven on Earth energy was anchored into Mother Earth, it was the beginning of massive planetary changes and saw a big focus on 2012 and a huge amount of channellings and writings on New Earth and the New Paradigm. Last year the energy changes were pretty much done, the New Earth, or as I like to call it True Earth energy was birthed and finding ways of expressing itself in a more potent way. if you were a healer or other kind of sensitive you would have been able to access this energy if you had attuned to it and now increasingly more and more people can access it. The energy is yet to get stronger, so even if you haven't yet consciously experienced the new frequencies, don't worry as it will happen, it is you that needs to make a shift but more on that later.
With all the energy complete for this phase, the real hard work begins. Last year people including my self spoke of the new paradigm, New Earth being here now. This is true it is, but only in energy. Heaven and Earth have converged. This is all about an ending of duality and separation, because we are all connected through being of the same source, of love and of light. With energetic changes completed for now, it has left many light workers confused and dare we mention it, feeling slightly cheated. What has exactly changed? How is your life different? Do you feel abundant? Do you feel like you are fulfilling your soul purpose and living as your True Self, or are you simply making do. Thinking that perhaps this isn't the life where you get to have it all, where all your dreams come true.
Firstly I want to say it is the life when you can have it all.
Secondly it is okay to feel as I described. It is perfect and let me tell you why. Without this awareness you will not realise that you are being given an amazing opportunity from the universe, your soul and your Divine Helpers. You are being shown that there is this disconnection from what you know is possible and what is really going on for you. You are when you are experiencing the energy highs being invited to live your life in that higher state at all times, not just when you meditate, go to a workshop, read an inspirational book. You are being invited to be authentic to your soul at all times.
The reason you can understand that there is this increasing disconnection from your inner and outer life is because you have the potential to bridge that gap. You have the power, the capability and the inner resource, a gift of being a conscious creator extraordinaire. There is no accident that you have chosen a path of spiritual and heart awakening, no mistake that you understand the energetic changes and deep down you know in some way you have already played an instrumental role in being part of the massive energetic planetary shift.
But the tables have turned now and we must manifest the changes in the material world. It is time to stop hiding in the celestial realms and in your heart and mind and it is time to be brave and make the changes in your life right NOW. This is your BIG Invitation from the universe, you are being asked to step up and join the spiritual and material revolution that is taking place. The convergence of Spirit and Matter is the true manifestation of Heaven on Earth. You are being invited and you are one of the ones who can hear the invite as this invitation goes out to everybody at all times. There are still many who are yet to wake up the the fact that they have a soul, a Divine Mission and that they are here to consciously create a change for good. The ones who respond first are the ones who are here to show others the way, the True Earth Leaders as I see them. Are you a leader or a follower?
In this invitation there is no promise of anything other than anything you desire to create. You choose how you join this party, you choose how you feel, what you do, hey even what you wear too ;-).
I know it can be hard to admit even to yourself that your outer life isn't how you dreamed it would be, it isn't quite how you expected. The cynic would say, 'that's life.' I say, 'what can you do to change it and align your outer life to your inner life, what do you need to do to live your dream and fulfill your potential and some?' What is happening is that Light workers are being asked to being their light into play in a different way, a way that many souls have not experienced. But never before have we experienced such amazing energy and opportunity for planetary evolution like now. The energy of sacrifice has gone, and the energy of bliss gets stronger.
In this year of great promise if you do not step up, it is fine because you have that free will and choice but you will be delaying getting your message out to the world. You will be delaying the abundance, in fact you will be delaying and denying your Divine Inheritance. It doesn't go away or expire it just waits for you to step up.
You have awareness....and now it is time for action. For each person who steps up there are many who follow. The spiritual revolution that is occurring can gather more momentum when you are on board. Stop hiding, stop wishing and dreaming and take action today. It really can be easy if you let it.
(c) Heavenly Spaces 2010
If you wish to use this article in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation. .
Friday, 30 April 2010
Cosmic Bugle - 29th April 2010
This is where I share with you what is going on energetically. This is based on my intuitive hits, experience and information from the celestial ones. Just a top up to the monthly channelings so you can keep abreast of what is going on cosmically and how and why you might be feeling the way you are....
The full moon in Scorpio this week was magnificent and really powerful. With it came a deepening and strengthening of True (New) Earth energy that is descending and being activated. Like any change and any growth a period of adjustment is needed. I know many are experiencing this adjustment as 'ickyness', or heaviness but it is just blending. Think of a new child in a new play room, wants to know everything, wants to bang that drum hard, drive that car across the room, kick that ball all at the same time. It needs to know what it wants and needs to do after it knows what is available. This is what the energy is doing at the moment. Okay, maybe not playing exactly like a child but it is finding its place as its expression has deepened and become more profound.
How is this manifesting for us in reality, after all that is what counts in the end. Well my team tell me and my intuition is showing me that feeling a little dull at the moment is not unusual as well as feeling extremely tired. Especially those high sensitive folk, it can all feel a little overwhelming and a good time to 'shut off' from the world. Have a break... well not a bad idea as long as it is not a break where you wallow in confusion, indecision, and generally other morose activity. What you need to reaffirm to yourself that you are not feeling disconnected from yourself in fact you are being upgraded, rewired so you can feel even more connected. The adjustments that are taking place are for your growth and your ability to serve the light in a more magnificent way.
As has been the theme for this year, action is the salvation. It is through action that you will find bliss. Conscious and deliberate action, the doing despite how you feel. If you feel like withdrawing or hiding from life, your business, the world then this is an even greater reason to show up as you intended. Anything else is letting your lower vibrational self take over and that is so old paradigm ;-)
My team assure me everything is good and as they had said (and many others) 2010 is a pivotal year for what follows. The turning point, moving us towards the powerful 2012 year. We need to ensure that we are sowing seeds that we wish to harvest in 2012. Focus on what you wish to be not on things like disconnection, or heaviness as if you do that stops your flow towards bliss.
Powerful and potent times my friends.... and I for one am going to enjoy taking action and creating my best year yet ...
Much love,
Monday, 19 April 2010
Celestial Heart Speaks - April 2010
Dear Beloveds,
It is I the celestial heart, the beating of the Divine heart and the source of Divine Love. It is
love that flows through my being; it is the sound of love that my heart makes with each beat.
What is the sound that your heart makes, what is the message that your heart sends to each other and to the universe and galaxies beyond?
This is your unique signature, the mystery of your soul. It is your foundation, the core essence of who you are. It is not a thing that you can manufacture or create it is just who you are in truth and in Divine quality. It contains within it your Divine Colour, your Divine sound combined together to create your Divine Flow. I am love, I am the heart that sounds love through the universes and through the galaxies far and beyond. I am the gateway to Divine Love. I love in essence and love in being.
To go deep deep into your soul, to the reservoir of your Divinity that is the invitation of the energy now. This is done through stillness and deep meditation. Going deeper and deeper into whom that you be, clearing the debris of what is not truth and getting to the place where you can discover the truth of you. Connecting and understanding your soul’s template is a gift of the energy of now. It will provide you with answers to what you have been searching for and take you to a new depth in understanding your connection to all that is. It is in answer to your search for meaning and for greater understanding. It is in response to your need to go deeper into your soul and to express this in reality in the life that you lead and create.
Think of yourself and each other as a frequency within a frequency. Like a note within an octave, each has a place and each when heard together and in pitch create a harmony that pleases and that creates an experience far greater than the experience of the individual note. See yourself as being part of an octave, a family of souls, a gathering, and a tribe.
Within my essence of love, there are so many manifestations and expressions and at each needed level there is a soul tribe, there is this octave. The question that you have been asking is how can you tune and be in harmony. The journey requires the depth of wisdom that your soul can reveal.
(This is where I was guided to stop and co-create the meditation that is below)
Enjoy folks!
Thursday, 15 April 2010
The Invitation
- Do you get a sense that there is something missing from your life, but you cannot connect to what it is?
- Does it sometimes feel like joy has walked out on you?
- Do you sometimes feel that you are not in peace?
- Do you find that the things you used to to, now don't motivate you...and it can make you feel guilty that you have lost interest in seeing friends, going to the gym, going to work etc?
- Do you feel generally unhealthy, aches and pains to more serious ailments lingering?
- Are relationships loosing their lustre and breaking down?
- Do you sometimes feel lost in your own life and simply going through the motions?
- Is your job boring and simply a means to an end?
- Do you have 'money issues, ' appear to have none and seem to always spend it faster than you can make it?
- Is you life full of drama, battles with your boss, with neighbours, with your family?
- Do you feel that you are putting unexplained weight on?
- Is your sleeping pattern changing, always tired but/and not sleeping well as if something is keeping you awake yet you are so tired?
- Do you find yourself reading inspirational stories and instead of feeling inspired you get into judgment?
- Are you bored with your life?
- Do you fantasize about a life that you wish you could have, where you were doing what you loved?
- Do you sometimes feel that you have fallen out of love with life, it has somehow lost it's magic?
- Do you sometimes find that you could cry and cry and cry with sadness for no particular reason just sadness for how life and the world is?
- Do you wish that you knew what your purpose was in life, why is it that your soul decided to incarnate at this time?
- Do you often wish your celestial connections where stronger and clearer, after all you believe so much and so so much but still it feels as if you just aren't getting it enough?
- Do you ever feel guilty that maybe you are not as spiritual as you think you are for feeling any of the above?
- Do you feel like you are here for an important reason, here to solve and contribute to resolving a BIG planetary and/or humanitarian problem? (If only you knew what it was....?)
What is The Invitation?
The Invitation is a magical thing, it is the universe calling you and giving you the clue that there is more to your life. The universe is inviting you to connect to your Bliss Centre, the place from where you create your own Heaven on Earth and the place from where you make the BIGGEST contribution to the shift in consciousness. Where you contribute to creating True Earth.
The thing is you are not wrong to feel any of the things above, there is no judgment in them they are simply The Invitation to step up and claim your blissful life. And YES, there is something far more blissful, far more aligned to your True Self. It is waiting for you to connect to it and then get on with living the life that you dream of.
Let's face it most people on a path of awakening start to get little impulses and nudges to do something different. To change how we think, act, feel and to change the values and beliefs we may have or at least review everything so that we are conscious in what we do and not asleep while living. These impulses come and go and mostly we ignore them. The impulse is a vibration from the universe to your soul, inviting you saying 'wake up, I am waiting to serve you and show you how you can do what you love to do. Your journey to bliss is lit up and waiting for you to step onto it...'
We ignore this inner call, we stifle the yearning and make ourselves busy busy doing the opposite and then we start to feel some of the things I have described above.
Sometimes we look at The Invitation and nearly say yes and then forget about it again. The stop start life as I call it, yes , no - the duality principle a remnant of the old paradigm.
Then you have what I call 'tinkering around the edges,' we think we are doing something but we are still delaying and denying the full extent of The Invitation. Unconsciously or consciously we think we can trick our soul and the universe by appearing to do something. We may go on a course, we may take on a new pursuit but our heart isn't in it totally and we are not aligned to the action wholly, no idea why we are really doing it and no idea what benefit or purpose it has because we haven't fully embraced and responded to The Invitation. This is perfectly normal, this is fear.
Stepping out from the ordinary to the extraordinary and then to the exceptional is scary. I call it terror in fact. The truth is from terror comes success. When we stop burying our head in the sand and face the terror what happens is success. The fear that once froze you rapidly becomes your greatest moment of growth. The nuggets in what we believe to be reasons why not and that make us scared to embrace our Divine Mission are just moments of growth that we put in the way so that we could take BIG LEAPS. We all want to make BIG and QUICK progress from time to time and the planet needs us to also.
Eventually this impulse turns into a constant hum. The call of The Invitation gets louder and stronger. This is when people talk of their spiritual crisis where things start to go wrong. How many people have recently been made redundant. Maybe you have. It is easy to say it is the recession but the truth is this is all part of The Invitation. Yes, that's right The Invitation's gone global. The Invitation doesn't discriminate and only pick people who have been on a path of spiritual development it picks everyone at all times, but only a few feel it or respond to it. Most ignore it, avoid it and block it out. The Invitation is never revoked it is always there waiting for you patiently and sometimes with urgency especially when you are an old soul who has a important purpose and contribution to make. And boy, there are many of us out there and even old souls can forget who their truth and become stuck in a rut.
Do you know how many people who have been made redundant go on to totally change the direction of their career and start doing what they truly love? More than you can imagine.
Can you not see how what is happening in the world at the moment is all part of the energy of The Invitation? Redundancy is just one way, for many it remains this impulse and things that you have answered above start to happen. From anything only good can come but we forget this as things start to happen. Maybe our health suffers, our relationships too and other things that make us feel like we are stuck in life. We start to forget the dream because that may or may not come later and in any case we have no idea how to go about it. If the universe was really serious it would make it easier, surely? Well how much easier do you want it?
The universe has sent you The Invitation and you are not responding wholly or at all.
You see I believe in you, I believe in the greatness that you are and in the contribution that you can make. You can make a difference in the world that is why you are here. That is why we are all here now. This isn't a grandiose idea it is simply the truth. You are being invited to have the life that you want, that you desire where you do the things you love. Where you are claiming your birthright of bliss and your Divine Mission. How this manifests will be your unique signature. Your unique expression. It will not be the same way as me, or as anyone else because the need is for your expression of your gifts to be shared in the world. You are here to do the work of your own soul and there is no competition for that. Your soul has the capacity to make this the best life ever. Doesn't mean yo don't have ups and downs but you have stronger will and more access to your Divine Powers to move through 'stuff,' and not wander off your path to bliss.
Like any Invitation you need to take action, you need to respond. You need to ask the Universe what do I need to do, how do I get to the party, what are my steps? The answers will come immediately to your soul. Then you need to let the process unfold. I can't promise you won't feel scared because the truth is you will but what I do promise is that you will move through those fears if you trust your process and do all it takes and seek the help and support of others, invest energy, time and resource to get to this Spiritual Party. No-one else can do it for you or make it happen for you but people can support you, teach you, guide you, mentor you help you read and decipher the codes and language of your soul. People can help you stay on your path to bliss. Of course you could ignore the angels the universe has sent you, you could ignore the inspiration and do the opposite or not ask for the right help. These will be choices that you make and every thought, action and choice you make has an impact on your life. You decide what you are experiencing and The Invitation, gives you the chance to do this more consciously.
This is not an individual Invitation for self enlightenment or ascension. This is The Invitation to connect because that is what we are: connected. We are part of the whole and each person is needed to bring their gifts to this Spiritual Party because no-one else can offer what you have and without you there will be an empty space. Without you others may not hear their call because what we do will inspire others, more than you can imagine. The energy when someone accepts The Invitation resonates thorough the ethers supporting others, encouraging them to awaken and say 'YES, I AM COMING TO THE PARTY TOO!'
There will always be space for you at the Spiritual Party. While you process this information and think about The Invitation know that there are so many of us waiting to welcome you. The Universe has laid on some special treats so the call to hurry up is not because time is running out it is just that you will not look back once you respond and trust.
The energy work continues but the power is in anchoring this in our material reality. Don't hide behind the energy work while the rest of your life appears in congruent. The Invitation is to transform your life and with it will come the Spiritual Connections, your Divine Flow all the Spiritual Success you desire but with it will come the Material Success to. The Invitation is to create your Heaven on Earth and merge the spiritual and material realities into one. Put the spiritual back into the material and put the material back into the spiritual.
Time to stop talking about it and thinking about it, time to RSVP and get moving.
I can assist your transformation, I am here to get you to this party so if you would like to have the VIP treatment as you get to this Spiritual Party then read on...You could have an intuitive and transformational soul reading, where I connect to your soul and translate on its behalf and teach you how you can do the same for yourself. We will create a plan that aligns you to your soul and Divine Mission, moving you from the ordinary to the extraordinary and to exceptional rapidly and with grace and ease. If you are ready to take your leap and shout YES to The Invitation then apply. I work with people like you and can show you how to put bliss back into all areas of your life. I am ready to show you how your contribution is needed in the world right now and how you can make a bigger impact through the work of your True Purpose. Let me untangle you from the nonsense and let's get you to the Spiritual Party! Email me now to get this moving:
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Cosmic Bugle - 24th March 2010
There has been a buzz amongst many people that the recent Equinox marked a turning point for the energy of 2010. Equinox and Solstice energy always marks something of significant so you could say no surprise that there has been focus on this time. However this being the case and the fact that there is much going on cosmically, I have tuned into get some insights for you.
You will have read from my recent Sarupa’s Space posts that I have been feeling like the energy although very supportive and conducive to conscious creative expression there has been a shift recently.
This shift has been happening at many levels and of course affects people differently because we are unique and at different evolutionary points I am being reminded to share. 2010 continues to have the promise of being the best year yet for many of us and is the year where the seeds for 2012 onwards are sown. A spiritual leap year in that it is the year for BIG change and not small steps.
What has recently been marked is a first wave, a first step, the first part of the leap energetically. It has resulted in a light feeling of things coming to a head and even old stuff popping up just to dismay us and make us think nothing has changed, I haven’t made any progress. If you have felt this or still are stop – that was just the energy shifting into its new phase. I will call it phase 2 but note that phase 1 had many different phases contained within it as this phase 2 will. The old stuff creeping back was just an echo of what had been because it has been so recent in most cases. The shift into phase 2 which had to be coincided with the Equinox, veils are thin and more of us engage in Light Activity which always helps these transitions, is a bit clunky. Think of it like the energy is playing tag, handing a baton to the next bit so in the switch there is a moment, such a small moment where the baton is slightly in the air, neither here or neither there. It is when this nano second occurred that it created a small but noticeable level of angst and discombobulation but those of you who have been doing your spiritual homework will have found it easy to get back on that spiritual surfboard and get going. If you haven’t then you need to do something about it, not because anything bad happens but why miss out on what is energetically the a year above all others. A year where you get to set the tone and expression of the rest of your life?
What is the energy now telling us? Well what I have been experiencing is almost like I am waiting for the BIG event. ‘Something is going to happen,’ type of energy, anticipation of something good. I do not think anything is, we are not going to see armies of angels descend and revolutionise how the world, because of course those angels are you. Who else did you think it would be? The anticipation I am connecting to is that the energy is blending more and more and able to express itself even more incredibly so the opportunities for self growth and contribution to the shift in consciousness are really out there for the takers. I say takers because I am constantly in my own life and through my intuitive hits and cosmic connections being reminded, ‘you were part of the dream, you had a role and now it is up to you to fulfil it. No-one else can do what you are here to do.’ This is true now more then it has ever been because everything is in such a delicate growing phase, think of it like a new seedling making its first shoots, strong but delicate, full of promise but vulnerable….it needs support, nurturing and protection. The mirror of this is of course you too are a new seedling in the new energy needing your own support, nurturing and protection to. Then and only then can you grow to your potential and beyond. Nothing is defined unless you decide it is. That is one of the many gifts of this new phase that we find ourselves in, it is all still hinging on conscious creation and waiting for us to step up. The more we do the more power the planetary shift has, the stronger the True (new) Earth energy can become. It is truly symbiotic and multi, multi dimensional as of course the reverse is also true, the stronger the energy gets the more the power the planetary shift has and more will wake up to their own spirituality and spiritual power. Take this start of phase 2 to work out which side of the mirror you are on, neither is bad or good as there is no judgment but it is your inner calling that will guide you. If you are in the mirror that is being encouraged to step up then maybe it is time to. Don’t stress as the energy is going to support you.
Until the next time I wish you much bliss,
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
March Channelling - Cosmic Heart Speaks
through Sarupa Shah
A collection of energy coming together that beats a pulse of love through the Cosmic Heart.
It is I who speaks at this time. For so long now we have been associated with the energy of love, from the cosmic sublime and divine to the romantic and joyous. It was thought that the love angels originated from me heart and that dear ones is true. But it is not a lesson in angels that I am here to give or to share about.
It is about what is occurring for you in your world right now. For my collective being is being connected to your earthly grid, and connecting with the Mother Earth frequency as there is a union occurring that has been unfolding for sometimes. It is what has been creating the new earth energy, the new frequencies which have encouraged and made possible many new connections and many new cosmic occurrences. It is that these new frequencies are travelling from a far allowing new and renewed connections to be formed, imagine it like a legion of angels, of cosmic beings, of masters of light and other assistants traversing down the beams of light that are breaking from the earth’s heart to me and from me to the earth heart. It is such a glorious sight to see and be witness to.
So it has been 3 months of this earthly year and much has been put into place. I assure you that everything is working to timetable, because you need to know and need to hear that there is nothing out of place and or as it shouldn’t be from a Divine perspective. The journey has been forging forward and it has been a powerful start to what you call so lovingly New Earth. I speak with the authority that is bestowed upon me, I speak with knowledge that you cannot yet see.
I come because I can and because I am here to reassure and guide you. There is enough of the new earth connection and energy for it to gather a momentum of its own. So if you have been feeling like you are steering a ship in high seas it is because that has what the Earth has been experiencing. She has been rebalancing, harmonising, adjusting. It has been a delicate operation that has been overseen by many including myself. You see the planet cannot topple or tipple, the balance has to be observed and maintained at all times. Even the tiniest imbalance, a fleck of dust be it even a cosmic fleck would not do. It is harmony above all other things.
The harmony became possible when the Earth had her heart opened, when her Golden Angels reappeared, when her grid lines were reconnected. A process many of you observed and participated in over the years that have been.
This dear ones has made my connection possible, because yes, I am the voice of the Celestial Heart. I am the energy of pure Divine Love, as Mother Earth is the energy of earth. I am here part as a collective to bring forth teaching and to act as overseer of planetary growth. You see heaven and earth have collided in the most beautiful way, there is no separation. The energy is set to expand and continue to unfold while enveloping each one of you that steps up. There is no question about that, no doubt in the frequency around you.
The struggle is over and that illusion has gone and that is my first teaching to you. Hear the words of joy dear ones, the time that you have been searching for over lifetimes, and most within this, has come. There are no caveats to this, no ifs and no musts. There are simply choices that only you can make, decisions that you can move into or move away from. It is a question of placing trust in the process, trust in your own feeling and sense of direction.
You see there are many more streams of energy that are going to be revealed each being an attunement of the Earth Mother, requiring the same focus on maintaining her harmony.
The time you see of the Earth Mother reflecting your action has evolved, she has become her own. She has been given the life that was hers as she has done her service and now it is time for her growth.
So how about you, what are you to do? We can hear that question over and over ringing through your being. Open your heart and then open your heart again. The disconnect from the heart to the lower energy centres has been repaired in the Earth Mother and you can experience the same. You see she can now lead you as a Mother would.
Simple ways are to create with love and for love. Do not create for fame, for money, for other accolade; create for love and with love. If you are not feeling the energy of love in all that you do, stop and make your adjustment and rebalance the activity to be in the name of love. Love you see has stood the test of time; it has not faltered or been hidden or forgotten. Misunderstood, yes. But the heart centre is where it is at; this is where you hold the keys to your own ascension and transformation. This is the path of bliss, the journey to love your gateway to your own heavenly transformation.
Love was the question and love was the answer. This is our mantra we share with you. When you feel lost, without direction, without purpose, when you are questioning your way forward, know that you were asking about love and the answer was love.
Here we have our first conscious connection and it has been an honour to love you at this time. There are beautiful occurrences on their way, being created like puffs of smoke mixed with cosmic infusions. Yes, it is the language of love, of mystery, of excitement, play, of freedom, liberation, joy and bliss that you walk towards.
This is the time of your heart initiation, the time for a remembrance of love and of the truth of you be. This is the time that the True Self can make a significant stride forward. Divine energy is abundant; your assistance is here open your heart and follow the path of love as it leads you to your growth. Uncharted territory, undiscovered joy, it is an adventure, the story of you.
Clear mind, clear heart, clear path, be that your motto until the next time we connect. I am the energy of love, the cosmic gateway to Divine Love; I bring together the flames of Divinity, the Mother and the Father, Mary and Jeshua, the feminine and male, all in the name of love and in memory of you.
I am beating my heart for you.
If you wish to use this channelling in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation. ."
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Your life Your Flow - Article
In 2006 I visited Hawaii to swim with dolphins – profound as that was in itself – I also went through a great personal transformation. What I found was that I was bored with what I was pursuing, it wasn't really connecting me to the truth of who I was. I was following a pattern set by others. I was fitting into an expectation that I thought existed. In the following 2 years I changed everything. How I work to how I eat to who I spend time with, what I watch on television, you name it I reviewed and changed it where necessary. I become more aware of my own personal needs and my own personal desire. Not something that I read in a book, or saw someone else do. I decided after Hawaii to live as I know to be true for me. It wasn't always easy as it meant and still does stepping out of the safety of what is seen as the norm. Even in spiritual circles there is a 'norm,' it is part of the human condition to want to follow it makes us feel safe but sadly it stops us actually living with authenticity and doing what we are really here to do which is live in bliss, with passion, joy and love. Living like this and the truth is, it comes natural sometimes and sometimes I have to be very conscious about what I am choosing to do, has made me more available to do what I love. The great twist is that I am doing what I love and I am doing it my way – I am living my truth and doing the work of my soul! I am following my own path not trying to keep up following someone else! Of course I am inspired by others but I cannot copy what they do as they are not me!
It is a hard thing to do – as I often think ‘hmmm if I do this, it will bring me more is the safe option….’ Deep down I know it will not bring me joy and it will not bring me closer to my dream and vision for my life. Ask yourself how many times have you made a decision because it seemed like the right thing to do even though your gut instinct, your inner wise being was urging you to follow a different path of action?It is such a brave step when you decide to live and act in alignment to who you are truly are. Living in alignment sometimes can mean that you appear to fall flat on your backside, but when you know you are in 'own flow' you realise that you haven't actually fallen you have made a great stride forward, because each action is bringing you closer to your 'True Self,' and each action is allowing you to reveal this out to the world in a much stronger way.
In 2007, for those of you who have been subscribing for a while may remember the '30-day to raw programme I had joined.' This was an in-depth programme where I went from 'non-raw' eater to 'raw food eater' in 30 days. It wasn't just about the food as you can imagine. For the first time I learned so much about my eating patterns and discovered that I was eating to a clock rather than to my bodies needs. Sounds silly but I ate because it was time to eat rather than because I was hungry. Just making that small adjustment meant I ate less and I ate when I was hungry and my body was ready to accept, digest, nourish and I started the food I was taking in. I cannot tell you how liberating it was to eat when hungry! This may seem obvious to you, or insignificant even but the lesson here is why follow a pattern that isn't your own? Why follow a pattern that doesn't serve you? In doing so all it creates in your life are blocks, challenges that prevent you from fully expressing your and living your Divine Mission. It keeps you feeling, half empty rather than half full.
As I started to embrace my own flow, my own truth in such a 'big' way, I found myself slipping in to guilt. Well and spiritual and life transformation is going to require that you shed patterns and behaviours that do not serve you and guilt is just one of those energies that needs to be released. I start thinking about things I should be doing that I am not, the things others around me were expecting. These 'others' were family, friends, and colleagues. In retrospect it was as much about them needing to get into their own flow as it was that they were present in my life and many still are to remind me to keep my eye on my flow, not the flow of others. But nonetheless the guilt, the procrastination cropped up (and it still can, I am human and on a journey of growth like you), and what I discovered what the main cause of this is 'self-judgment.' When you start to judge yourself, you are no longer acting in truth, you have slipped in to misalignment and confusion. You move away from the your 'own truth.'
Since working more in alignment to my 'own personal flow,' 2 hours of work can produce the same has a 10 hour day. It is almost like time bends and magic happens. This occurs when you are in total alignment and listening to your body, your soul, your spirit, your emotions and your mind. All these things are guiding you at all times, advising you, giving you answers, different
The magic that occurs when you are in your own flow is amazing. By being in your flow you are not sacrificing anything, being selfish, self-indulgent, irresponsible or any of those other things that you can believe. You are the master of your life and destiny and until you start to understand ‘you better’ you will not connect to your awesome power or gifts easily.
When I first embarked on this was of living, I felt new, it was like a rebirth and such a relief. I could do it my way, I could get to the truth and into the depth of what is right for me. While it continues to be a journey of self discovery, enlightenment and even ascension a process of refining and greater alignment with the 'truth,' I really wouldn't have it any other way.
I know you can experience this too, in fact I am going to be as bold as saying that I know you ache to feel this flow, to first connect to it, uncover it and then live in it. …. As my gift to you this month I have a special cosmic challenge (see below this article) for you so that you can start to get to know yourself better.
Think of this process as a way of getting to know you better, a way that enables you to transform your life and live in bliss.
Just as the final word – this article has been adapted from one I wrote in 2008, and given that the energy of now is for you to get on with what you know is your truth...finding your own flow will pay you great dividend in life.
If you wish to use this article in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation. Visit for more information.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Sarupa's Space 8th March 2010
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Sarupa's Space 4th March 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
Cosmic Bugle - 22nd February 2010
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Sarupa's Space 10th February 2010
Friday, 5 February 2010
February Channelling - Chief Seattle
The energy has been changing, it has been expanding. Ray of light upon ray of light. It may seem subtle to you and it may seem indifferent. But we can see the energy as it blends with yours. We can see the potential that stand ahead of you now. Everything occurs first in energy, even the thought in your mind which vibrates differently to the words that you speak were both born from energy first. There was energetic birthing, a wave of frequency from your creative spark out into the universe where the energy was birthed and attracted to it the right universal presence for manifestation into your physical world.
It is the spark that we are speaking of. The creative spark, your connection to the Divine, the higher frequencies is much stronger, clearer and defined. It is this foundation that is unfolding at this time, the energy of creation, the codes of your rebirth into more co-operative living, more community consciousness.
The frequency of creation is that of heaven and earth, of light and dark, of spiritual and physical, tangible and non tangible. It has no separation, it has no limit, no boundary no restriction, just power, peace, joy, love, freedom to name but a few of the qualities that are being boosted in this cycle that you are experiencing.
The momentum continues, the pace is steady and the time for your conscious and bolder connection to the energy of creation draws near. It is time for what the universe has been holding and magnetising to manifest in your reality, to have more physical presence. It becomes self fulfilling, that as you consciously connect to the energy of creation and act in co-operation and with love for your community that this becomes so.
Creation frequencies are powerful, malleable and adaptable. They do not interfere with your free will, they do not impose but the energy is ready, it is ripe and waiting for you. It is as if it has a will of its own when we explain in this way, but creation is a form of service. To create is to serve and to create with love is the highest service that you can do at this time.
To connect to this frequency, to blend with conscious awareness will be a profound experience for your soul. A remembrance of the promise made. A connection to your true path as a beacon of light, a warrior of truth, a messenger of change can be revealed and found when you connect to what is unfolding. The changes are driven by the desire in your heart. If you question the point and reason then I offer to you the simplest of questions.
What is it that you desire for you, your community, your country, your planet? What is that you have dreamt and carried in your soul for lifetimes?
Your confusion is just a sign of change; your disillusion is simply your incentive to step up into the light, for that is what you have desired for so long. The light has no confusion the growth has no ulterior motive, it is simply that now is your opportunity to connect to frequencies of light never experienced. It is your opportunity to allow these frequencies to become part of you and integrate with what you do and how you express your Divinity in the world. The illusion lies in the resistance to change, the fear that this may not be so. Break free from the shackles that hold you in this space and we invite you to connect to the energy of creation, allow it to blend more deeply with your soul energy, you I AM presence and begin to manifest a higher vibration in all you do.
We invite you and encourage you to sit and ask your celestial angels and masters to surround you. Invite the pyramid of the ascended light of consciousness to be placed over you. Breathe into this space. Feeling the energy centres opening and merging with the Ascended Light pyramid. Blending and becoming one as the codes within are activating your soul’s seeds of creation. Here the hum that the seeds create, experience the vibration within you becoming stronger and more refined. Feel the expansiveness, breathing in and out light, bliss, pure joy, love, peace, freedom and beauty.
Allow the crown to open and magnetising to you at this time is a stream of energy, the energy of creation. Pouring into you, every part of your being replenished by this frequency; healed and activated. Waves of energy pulsating rhythmically through you connect you to the energy of now and from your feet moving to the heart of the Mother of Creation, the Divine Feminine. This sweet one is your gift of anchoring the energy to the planet, from where the physical manifestation can occur and for you the gift is the gift of creation. The seeds are now within you, the codes unlocked, the space filled with creation. What occurs is up to you.
This is a story in creation, we guide and direct you but the action is yours to take. Our intention and desire is that of your highest intention and desire. Peace, love, joy, abundance, and bliss it is all within your reach. Know that each intention is amplified so nurture that which you will desire to claim.
When you are feeling a complete connection your celestial guides and angels will part and now for you the work begins in manifesting your new way. You hold the keys to creation.
It is with joy that we speak, it is with love that we connect. For I am Chief Seattle, the Guardian of the Ascended Light of Consciousness.