- Do you get a sense that there is something missing from your life, but you cannot connect to what it is?
- Does it sometimes feel like joy has walked out on you?
- Do you sometimes feel that you are not in peace?
- Do you find that the things you used to to, now don't motivate you...and it can make you feel guilty that you have lost interest in seeing friends, going to the gym, going to work etc?
- Do you feel generally unhealthy, aches and pains to more serious ailments lingering?
- Are relationships loosing their lustre and breaking down?
- Do you sometimes feel lost in your own life and simply going through the motions?
- Is your job boring and simply a means to an end?
- Do you have 'money issues, ' appear to have none and seem to always spend it faster than you can make it?
- Is you life full of drama, battles with your boss, with neighbours, with your family?
- Do you feel that you are putting unexplained weight on?
- Is your sleeping pattern changing, always tired but/and not sleeping well as if something is keeping you awake yet you are so tired?
- Do you find yourself reading inspirational stories and instead of feeling inspired you get into judgment?
- Are you bored with your life?
- Do you fantasize about a life that you wish you could have, where you were doing what you loved?
- Do you sometimes feel that you have fallen out of love with life, it has somehow lost it's magic?
- Do you sometimes find that you could cry and cry and cry with sadness for no particular reason just sadness for how life and the world is?
- Do you wish that you knew what your purpose was in life, why is it that your soul decided to incarnate at this time?
- Do you often wish your celestial connections where stronger and clearer, after all you believe so much and so so much but still it feels as if you just aren't getting it enough?
- Do you ever feel guilty that maybe you are not as spiritual as you think you are for feeling any of the above?
- Do you feel like you are here for an important reason, here to solve and contribute to resolving a BIG planetary and/or humanitarian problem? (If only you knew what it was....?)
What is The Invitation?
The Invitation is a magical thing, it is the universe calling you and giving you the clue that there is more to your life. The universe is inviting you to connect to your Bliss Centre, the place from where you create your own Heaven on Earth and the place from where you make the BIGGEST contribution to the shift in consciousness. Where you contribute to creating True Earth.
The thing is you are not wrong to feel any of the things above, there is no judgment in them they are simply The Invitation to step up and claim your blissful life. And YES, there is something far more blissful, far more aligned to your True Self. It is waiting for you to connect to it and then get on with living the life that you dream of.
Let's face it most people on a path of awakening start to get little impulses and nudges to do something different. To change how we think, act, feel and to change the values and beliefs we may have or at least review everything so that we are conscious in what we do and not asleep while living. These impulses come and go and mostly we ignore them. The impulse is a vibration from the universe to your soul, inviting you saying 'wake up, I am waiting to serve you and show you how you can do what you love to do. Your journey to bliss is lit up and waiting for you to step onto it...'
We ignore this inner call, we stifle the yearning and make ourselves busy busy doing the opposite and then we start to feel some of the things I have described above.
Sometimes we look at The Invitation and nearly say yes and then forget about it again. The stop start life as I call it, yes , no - the duality principle a remnant of the old paradigm.
Then you have what I call 'tinkering around the edges,' we think we are doing something but we are still delaying and denying the full extent of The Invitation. Unconsciously or consciously we think we can trick our soul and the universe by appearing to do something. We may go on a course, we may take on a new pursuit but our heart isn't in it totally and we are not aligned to the action wholly, no idea why we are really doing it and no idea what benefit or purpose it has because we haven't fully embraced and responded to The Invitation. This is perfectly normal, this is fear.
Stepping out from the ordinary to the extraordinary and then to the exceptional is scary. I call it terror in fact. The truth is from terror comes success. When we stop burying our head in the sand and face the terror what happens is success. The fear that once froze you rapidly becomes your greatest moment of growth. The nuggets in what we believe to be reasons why not and that make us scared to embrace our Divine Mission are just moments of growth that we put in the way so that we could take BIG LEAPS. We all want to make BIG and QUICK progress from time to time and the planet needs us to also.
Eventually this impulse turns into a constant hum. The call of The Invitation gets louder and stronger. This is when people talk of their spiritual crisis where things start to go wrong. How many people have recently been made redundant. Maybe you have. It is easy to say it is the recession but the truth is this is all part of The Invitation. Yes, that's right The Invitation's gone global. The Invitation doesn't discriminate and only pick people who have been on a path of spiritual development it picks everyone at all times, but only a few feel it or respond to it. Most ignore it, avoid it and block it out. The Invitation is never revoked it is always there waiting for you patiently and sometimes with urgency especially when you are an old soul who has a important purpose and contribution to make. And boy, there are many of us out there and even old souls can forget who their truth and become stuck in a rut.
Do you know how many people who have been made redundant go on to totally change the direction of their career and start doing what they truly love? More than you can imagine.
Can you not see how what is happening in the world at the moment is all part of the energy of The Invitation? Redundancy is just one way, for many it remains this impulse and things that you have answered above start to happen. From anything only good can come but we forget this as things start to happen. Maybe our health suffers, our relationships too and other things that make us feel like we are stuck in life. We start to forget the dream because that may or may not come later and in any case we have no idea how to go about it. If the universe was really serious it would make it easier, surely? Well how much easier do you want it?
The universe has sent you The Invitation and you are not responding wholly or at all.
You see I believe in you, I believe in the greatness that you are and in the contribution that you can make. You can make a difference in the world that is why you are here. That is why we are all here now. This isn't a grandiose idea it is simply the truth. You are being invited to have the life that you want, that you desire where you do the things you love. Where you are claiming your birthright of bliss and your Divine Mission. How this manifests will be your unique signature. Your unique expression. It will not be the same way as me, or as anyone else because the need is for your expression of your gifts to be shared in the world. You are here to do the work of your own soul and there is no competition for that. Your soul has the capacity to make this the best life ever. Doesn't mean yo don't have ups and downs but you have stronger will and more access to your Divine Powers to move through 'stuff,' and not wander off your path to bliss.
Like any Invitation you need to take action, you need to respond. You need to ask the Universe what do I need to do, how do I get to the party, what are my steps? The answers will come immediately to your soul. Then you need to let the process unfold. I can't promise you won't feel scared because the truth is you will but what I do promise is that you will move through those fears if you trust your process and do all it takes and seek the help and support of others, invest energy, time and resource to get to this Spiritual Party. No-one else can do it for you or make it happen for you but people can support you, teach you, guide you, mentor you help you read and decipher the codes and language of your soul. People can help you stay on your path to bliss. Of course you could ignore the angels the universe has sent you, you could ignore the inspiration and do the opposite or not ask for the right help. These will be choices that you make and every thought, action and choice you make has an impact on your life. You decide what you are experiencing and The Invitation, gives you the chance to do this more consciously.
This is not an individual Invitation for self enlightenment or ascension. This is The Invitation to connect because that is what we are: connected. We are part of the whole and each person is needed to bring their gifts to this Spiritual Party because no-one else can offer what you have and without you there will be an empty space. Without you others may not hear their call because what we do will inspire others, more than you can imagine. The energy when someone accepts The Invitation resonates thorough the ethers supporting others, encouraging them to awaken and say 'YES, I AM COMING TO THE PARTY TOO!'
There will always be space for you at the Spiritual Party. While you process this information and think about The Invitation know that there are so many of us waiting to welcome you. The Universe has laid on some special treats so the call to hurry up is not because time is running out it is just that you will not look back once you respond and trust.
The energy work continues but the power is in anchoring this in our material reality. Don't hide behind the energy work while the rest of your life appears in congruent. The Invitation is to transform your life and with it will come the Spiritual Connections, your Divine Flow all the Spiritual Success you desire but with it will come the Material Success to. The Invitation is to create your Heaven on Earth and merge the spiritual and material realities into one. Put the spiritual back into the material and put the material back into the spiritual.
Time to stop talking about it and thinking about it, time to RSVP and get moving.
I can assist your transformation, I am here to get you to this party so if you would like to have the VIP treatment as you get to this Spiritual Party then read on...You could have an intuitive and transformational soul reading, where I connect to your soul and translate on its behalf and teach you how you can do the same for yourself. We will create a plan that aligns you to your soul and Divine Mission, moving you from the ordinary to the extraordinary and to exceptional rapidly and with grace and ease. If you are ready to take your leap and shout YES to The Invitation then apply. I work with people like you and can show you how to put bliss back into all areas of your life. I am ready to show you how your contribution is needed in the world right now and how you can make a bigger impact through the work of your True Purpose. Let me untangle you from the nonsense and let's get you to the Spiritual Party! Email me now to get this moving: sarupa@heavenlyspaces.co.uk
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