Wednesday 10 February 2010

Sarupa's Space 10th February 2010

What a day it has been today. I am working on a new **sshhh** project, my biggest ever which had a deadline (well 3 today) and of course my book. So I was calmly juggling balls in the air so to speak today. Having achieved what I set out to, I felt great. I knew it was because I was being efficient with my time and had made a plan. Making a plan is like setting an intention, making it so energetically.

I also finished the last bonus class for the New Earth, New Year, New You programme this week. A lot of what we were talking about was manifestation. It is a hot topic for this year. Energetically speaking this is the year you can manifest the rest of your life. By that I mean it is the year to have life transformation like you have never had before. No pain, no trauma, unless you want it of course. I choose pure blissful transformation myself.
Choosing it isn't enough of course I have to do something about it. The taking action part. What I have been focusing on other than my two BIG projects (my book, and my new **sshhh** , go on I will tell your BIG SPIRITUAL LEAP programme...but that is all I will tell you for now!) is raising standards.

It has been something that has been lurking around for a while, and don't get me wrong just because I want to raise them doesn't mean there is a problem, it is just I want to get more in alignment. There is always room for improvement after all. It has been slowly happening, because I have a habit of simply wishing something or having it as a passing thought and the universe makes it so and I go for it, sometimes with caution and sometimes with gusto, often with a combination of both!

A funny thing then happened, where the universe decides it is time to get you to speed up because there is something else on your horizon it wants to reveal to you and this is where I find that you get the signs and symbols. I found myself reading someones eZine where they were talking about raising standards, and someone else's Facebook update talked about this too. It is then I have to go, 'okay, I get it universe I will get a move on.'

I am sure your mind must be working over time thinking about what standards I am raising. Nothing to do with morals in that sense I assure you ;-)

The standards I have been raising are about my alignment with my Divine Mission (my collection of Life Purposes, and you have a mission too!)

I have re-evaluated how I am living my life, particularly my spare time. Is it in alignment? I will tell you sometimes I found it wasn't because I could get sucked into watching TV and delaying my writing for example. No you may say, 'Chill Out, Sarupa,' and you could be right in another situation but not in this one.

The raising of ones own standard is down to what feels right to you and your Divine Mission. I knew some of my TV viewing, which I have to say is very small anyway was just an excuse to take time out, put something off. Not a good energy or alignment. It was in assessing and acknowledging this that I can then change it....and of course I can still choose to watch TV but with a little more conscious awareness. I know what I choose and that is the things that I am deeply passionate about and sorry TV mostly falls outside of this category!

Other areas I have been raising my standards in, i.e upping my game, in how and what I eat. I am not necessarily a bad eater, but like most of us I could eat better.

Within this, I have been looking at what I think, how I react, what I say no to, who I say no to and those kind of things. I have looked at all of these things before but when you want to get to that place where you are reaching for , you next BIG SPIRITUAL LEAP, you do need to look inwards, tidy up, tighten or loosen those boundaries, reassess a number of things as part of the preparation.

Coming back to this year, the year of transformation you didn't think possible, the type you dream of...well it is for most, if not all going to be a BIG LEAP across all parts of their lives. I guess all this raising of my standards is a precursor to my BIG SPIRITUAL LEAP, and know more watch this space!

I would like to challenge you to find at least one area of your like where you can raise your standard, up your game. Maybe it is like me to not turn to the TV as an avoidance tactic for fulfilling your Divine Mission, perhaps it is around developing a more regular spiritual practise and not thinking about it? Maybe it is something even bigger like trusting that the universe does provide and unplugging from the poverty consciousness...?

Find your own area and share it here if you like....have fun and trust me in doing this work only good can come out if it...

Wishing you much bliss,

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