Things have been quite busy and creative recently. I say creative because when I haven't been doing I have been feeling really heavy and weighed down.It has felt like the energy is a very potent and the only way to not feel consumed is to be kept busy. What I have experienced is not busy for the sake of it either as doing the wrong thing, you know just for the sake of it is as good as doing nothing at the moment. It is all part of the energy of sowing the right seeds, as that is what 2010 is about. A foundation year for the rest of your life and once you have made a commitment energetically the energy just steps up to hold you to account.
And talking of being held to account I have started my own planning for what support I will need from April onwards. In some strange way it feels like April is going to be a start of a new year. It has that feeling about it. Of course in the UK it is when the financial year starts but it is more than that, a new phase no doubt of this wonderful New (True) Earth energy. I have just put dates until the end of the year for my own coaching sessions because I am clear what I want to achieve and what support I need to have (and want to have) in place. This is year is fast becoming a year of creativity and collaboration. Increasingly you realise that none of it can be done alone, being human is about coming together, sharing, blending and exchanging energy. Simple ideas of collectiveness, with massive implications for evolution me thinks.
Well on that note, I shall end today, a quick update to say yes, I am still working towards this being my best year so far and I have to say I feel very satisfied that I am doing all I can to make it so, I hope you are too...
Much love,
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