Here's YOUR good news.... you do not have to experience energy and spiritual awakening and ascension on your own anymore! I am going to post my Cosmic Bugle (would love to know if you think the name fits - or if you have any other suggestions) regularly so you can understand a bit more of what is happening and why....
So here goes, Coming to Ahead!
We are just a week away from the Autumn Equinox and the energy feels quite powerful at the moment. Almost as if it is clapping its hands and saying, 'chop, chop, let's get on!' Well, it would be saying that if it had a voice! It is trying to get you to move for sure and get you to sort out things - things that have been hanging around either deep in your conscious or simply those things that you have been putting off (yes, we all have those things...)
The way I am experiencing it and understanding what is happening now is the more tired you feel (even after a mammoth 12 hour sleep.....yes, I know that feeling) the more you have to get on with. You are not tired because you are tired in the normal sense even though it feels like it. It is because energetically you are blocked - weighed down...cluttered? So it is time for a detox, deal with things you need to, finish the things you have started, or put an end to them. Don't keep things hanging on. We are moving to a powerful Equinox which is a significant date in this marking of a new phase that we are half in and half out. The more you release patterns that haven't really served you and and things that have just hung around the quicker you can move forward to your next step.
Because the energy now is pushing you it is going to feel like things are coming to ahead - it has to in order for you to move forward. The magic of energy that is being gifted to us cosmically - is not to fight it and go against it as that just causes turbulence and disharmony in your life - but use it as your support. Take this opportunity to get ahead in your life - tidy up areas that need to, do your filing, return those calls, finish that project, book that holiday, look for that new job - move from thinking or half doing to completion.
And...yes, you guessed it, it is going to be tough - the energy is being pushy and bolshie - but it is as always acting out of love - just trust that, you wouldn't be experiencing this if you were not ready to move forward!
Till next time....have fun!!!
Much love,
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