Wednesday 15 August 2007

the holiday post

Well, hello again....I cannot believe that it has almost been one month since I last posted. My plans of sharing posts throughout my holiday were not to be realised. There were and are Internet connections in Kenya...even in the Maasai Mara (can you believe that?) but they were slow and very unreliable. I am back though, having had what feels like a month off. The holiday although great, felt like it was a detraction from what I have been working on. It was really strange, almost like a blip. I was removed from my path for the few weeks and now I am back on it. It is hard to describe but, I was not so connected whilst away. The big family wedding was a strange experience, something that I found hard to connect to at times. Families often create the most interesting experiences and for me question my ability to hold light at all times. At times it was very hard, people slip back into old roles, old wounds are opened up, and from the older ones these wounds are now surfacing in the younger ones. It seems that people are still struggling to move away from ancestral karma and finding the light to stand in their own truth.

Would I do it again? Unlikely to. Once you have moved away from a way of living to be taken back to it, is just not congruent with the new you. All too often spiritual seekers or teachers are expected to be perfect beings. It is as if, any storm is able to be sailed through. Without defining perfect, which is of course subjective, this is such a flawed way of thinking.

Firstly why would you, unless you were a danger or thrill seeker put yourself in a storm of anykind, this is not the act of self love. Secondly, the strive for perfection is what stops people from moving forward, nurturing their gifts or even changing their life. It is like we need everything to be in the image of our mind, our logic rather than the natural state. I was asked while away, surely to teach some of the things I do, I need to have found inner peace..? My answer was no! I teach this at all workshops I run, all things we seek are on a continuum, and to use the illusion of not having found them as a reason to not move towards them, or as a reason to not work with a particular teacher is a red herring. As I teach , I am learning too. This notion of perfect, or having already achieved perfection is interesting. Surely it is what we are seeking to be, to live in a divine way, even if at one level it is achieved it is always the next level that we are seeking this so called perfection. (Think of the onion, we get to one layer (level) and then there is something else for us to peel, a never ending process!) If it is like that, then we will always be imperfect in someones eyes. There will always be someone who wants to judge you and say that you are not good enough, you are not who you say you are. If this is something you experience, I say smile, and simply disagree without emotion. For no-one can know you as you know yourself. If you want to get to know yourself better then find some workshop, therapist, book etc. that helps you to connect to you much deeper. (check out some of the offerings at , especially the Conscious Creator email programme)

From a spiritual perspective things are much more complicated as you will know and probably have experienced. Often what we think we are seeing in someone is not what is the truth, as we are choosing to experience something in a certain way. During my recent holiday I found that more often than not, people were playing out karmic patterns in order to clear things and close certain chapters. To the many people involved in these dramaramas and situations it felt like they were so important and earthly behaviours of pride and injustice kicked in. None of it was important, yet it was. Spiritual living is complex and simple. There is no right or wrong, there is no good or bad, things simply are the way that they are.

What have I learnt...? Well, to always follow my instinct and intuition. Is this something that you do..? I am sure you know when you haven't as things are not smooth. My intuition and instinctual feeling had been to not go on this trip, but I went against it. Okay, the trip was not good and nor was it bad, but it was something that was not part of my spiritual path. Being brave and being able to stand up for your own spiritual knowing is something that I will work on over the next few months...I will share exercises and meditations through this blog and my newsletters (click on to sign up for the free newsletter).

It is really good to be back and being back on a path of service....if you have things to share about this post, or want to describe your own experiences then feel free to comment. The way we learn is through sharing...You, each of you is part of my family. Being born into a family is a limiting deal as each of us is connected, this moves us beyond and into the realms of brotherhood. So if you feel disconnected or saddened by what you see going on in your earthly family, look outside of it and see that there are so many of us that are also connected to you. Sometimes we just need to see the bigger picture!!!!

Until the next time take much care,

Sarupa XXXX

PS - I will be posting a meditation very soon.....

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