Friday 31 August 2007

the lunar eclipse of monday...28th August

well..although not visible from the UK, the energies were ever present. It was and is until the new moon a very significant lunar experience. I was inspired to carry out a lunar ritual, which involved releasing lots of things that are not serving me and things that I have been personally working on. I immediately felt much lighter and brighter. I think I shall repeat the ritual over the next 2 weeks until the new moon.

This is a time to reclaim our own truth and stand back in the power of who we really are. If there are things that you are putting off because of fear (it is amazing how we fear our power and our true spirit) then this is the time to start to take those steps. Slow steps will soon become big shifts. Expect magic and joy and that is what you will get.

I am soon to send out my newsletter with a channelling in it and a very amazing offer, so if you want to sign up visit my web address ( you can sign up to receive it.

I wish for each of you a magical experience in this opening which is most superb.

Sending you lunar love and cosmic kisses,


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