Wednesday 11 July 2007

raw food journey...

Hi folks,

Hope you are all well...if you haven't yet enjoyed the 7-7-7 meditation from Metatron....see the previous post and give it a go....I have been working with this for over a week now and have to say that the transformation has been amazing. I really feel like there has been a huge shift, which has not yet stopped. Lots of people from all over the planet got together on 7-7-7 to do this meditation - and Mother Earth is beaming.

Talking of beaming, I am too....! I have been working with a raw food coach on a 30-day group programme (see the advert on the right hand side...) Those of you who get my newsletters will know that I started getting serious about conscious food - live food - raw food (call it what you will) around March this year. I have been on and off the raw food wagon - and decided that I really wanted to kick start my summer with a more conscious approach to life.

For me, eating raw conscious food impacts on all areas of my life. I feel like I am more in alignment with my life purpose, I feel I have oodles and oodles of energy so can conquer everything I set to do. I seem to have loads more inspiration for new projects and energy to seize opportunities! There is so much more that is positive, my skin looks clearer and brighter and the weight loss.....Although I am not doing it for weight loss - seeing that you move away from bread based products, and dairy, and processed and refined foods your body starts to loose some of the gunk...I am sure the weight loss will not continue till I am size zero, as I know I was not made to be that way but releasing a few pounds of what can best be described as emotional weight is a really good thing.

I am a third of the way through the programme, and the first week I spent being angry - no doubt detoxing my liver (the anger centre!) and having the most amazing 'aha' moments.

As you clean up what you eat, you also have to clean up other areas of your life - and I don't mean your home - although of course that happens too. I have found that I have changed my TV watching habits - I cannot sustain higher energy food within me by watching some of the mind numbing nonsense of old. I am at a hard point where, my social scene and some relationships are inevitable passed their sell-by date and I need to make those changes. I have learnt that I can't continue hot-stepping between a higher cosmic world and another which is totally incongruent, almost worlds apart. Scared yes...but still beaming as we all know that it is when we create the space that the universe will fill it with things that are more aligned to who we are and the vision we have constructed for ourself... Mixed in with the energies of now, and the planetary openings that exist and will do so for some time to come, it really is a golden opportunity.

I cannot recommend it enough, it is a great learning experience.

Will I be 100% raw at the end of the 30 days for ever...? Who knows, it is not about the goal for me any more, it is about the journey. I know I will be a conscious eater for the rest of my life. Eating with awareness and not using food to cover up emotions that I am not dealing with, and if being 100% raw is what that is about then that is where I will be.

I will update you on how the programme goes for me...but don't just read what I have said have look on the web and see what other people say. If something inside of you is connecting to this, click on the advert on the right and see for yourself...

Much love to you all....until the next time, stay healthy and stay sweet,


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