Friday 6 July 2007

The Golden Gate 7-7-7

Hi all...

As promised here is the latest channel including a very powerful meditation. I have been doing the meditation today and it has been amazing. I would love to hear from you - about what your experience is like. Just for interest too, there is a remote group who are going to go through the process on 7.7.7 at 7.00am and then again at 7.00pm. If you can join at either or both time then please - just use the clock wherever you are! The channel previous to this one can be found at the Heavenly Spaces website.

Just to give you something to look forward to....

I have started a 30 day raw food coaching programme..(see links on right for more information about who I am doing this week...). I have so much to share about this - this whole journey is so exciting and revealing!

Much love and joy to each of you.


The Golden Gate – Words of Metatron Channelled through Sarupa Shah

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. (

There is a most joyous occasion to occur for your planet. She has never experienced such power and transformation and for each of you dear ones, the experience will be of untold magnificence. This day that you now have full awareness of, is of course the 7.7.7. As we have said in previous communications this is the day of celebration.

It is the day when the golden gate opens, and the golden energy, the next octave of the Christ consciousness, shall reach depths that it has never managed to before. It will connect straight to the heart of Mother Earth; it will be gathered and activated through the portals we spoke of in previous communications.

It will be a time of great transformation, spiritual advancement and growth. It is no longer to be said that the veils are thin, for they are to be removed. In the place of the veils that have shrouded the planet and in turn each of you, there will be new planes opening, planes of gold. During the initial stages it may not be possible for you comprehend, or connect to the changes that will occur. They are beyond comprehension for now and there is much still locked in illusion. What will occur and how and when it will exactly manifest for humanity is unknown - that is the true beauty of creation. As advancements in your evolution occur, we can be sure that this golden energy will move closer and closer, until it permeates through each of your hearts.

There is much said and spoken about the pathway that lies ahead, but do not move away from the truth that there is much to be done and much yet to unfold. There is still energy of the past, the memory within your DNA that is to be shed. This with the activation of the golden energy and further conscious awakenings will occur in time.

For now we would say celebrate. Allow the energies that will transmit to the planet to also be transmitted to you. Do this with celebration, joy and simplicity. We do not ask that you sit sacred.Those of you who have prepared energetically will be part of the magnetizing of the new golden era and the new golden rays. You do not need to know consciously or understand how this happens as we are working through your essence; we are working through a high or deep level depending on your perspective.

We would like to offer you a meditation to use for this new birthing. Use it as often as you like and are guided to. The more you are able to use it the greater your transformation will be. The transformation of you will support the transformation of many.

“As you sit quietly, undisturbed bring your focus to your breathing. Allow the golden energy to be inhaled and exhaled through you. As you inhale the energy is entering into your cells and your DNA structure. It is entering into your heart. Feel your heart centre opening, feel the strength that is contained within it.

This feeling of strength can be felt throughout your physical body. A higher vibration, solid and strong, perhaps you will feel like you are growing. It is the shift in your energy, as you are expanding in order to connect and carry the golden light.Feel the energy of the golden ray, deep within your core. Feel it like a sun radiating out from your heart. For you are now beginning to birth the golden era. When you anchor it within you, when you magnetise it towards you, you ground it and allow it to be birthed. As you walk with this energy activated within, you share it with those around you and you share it with the planet. You perform a service for Mother Earth. See this golden sun within your heart centre getting bigger and bigger until you are within this sun. You are now the central point of this golden sun. At this point you are in the act of creation and you have been created in the golden light.

When you are feeling ready to do so, bring your awareness back to your body and bring your awareness back to that place where you are. You are now the creator and the created in the light of gold.”

We offer this simple yet powerful process for you to use over the next few months as you wish and as you are guided.

You will find that your ability to hold more of the golden ray gets stronger and stronger. What appears at first like mere drops within your energy system will soon become part of your energy signature. It is a time of great transformation and change. There is no panic or fear for we here can see that so many of you are ready to carry this frequency. Nurture it within you, invite to reside within you. Fear not either what changes the new paradigm will bring, seek the counsel of your golden heart and know that what once was, is now to change.

For I am Metatron the keeper of the Golden Flame. Until such time we can connect again, we send you our love, we send you our blessings.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sarupa,
As we all sat this morning in a triangle I said a prayer & invited Metatron to overlight all 3 of us. I felt the Golden Ray Essence as particles/fog glowing and breathing in and out with my body. Next I saw all 3 of our higher Angelic selves stretch our arms to a central point above our heads, aware we were all unified as one. Then a swirling golden tornado of energy going clockwise really fast around us as we stayed unified as one in the center. There was a central Golden Flame emerging like a Phoenix birthing forth new life and joy. It looked like a golden geyser. I saw energy like fireworks exploding from the center and then I became aware of hearts all overe the world birthing the fireworks and heard activation complete. Thank you for sharing your Metatron channeling with us. Many Blessings, Judy Cali

Heavenly Spaces, Raw Food Raw Bliss Blog said...

Judy thank you for your post. I had been myself working with this meditation for a couple of days and on7.7.7 - I experienced such bliss. I sat anchoring energies for about 12 minutes, and then I just sat looking at Mother Earth, (I was outside, by a power spot near my home.) - I then went for a walk as I was being guided to make connection with the planetary being. It was amazing, calm, bright sun, almost like their had been some extra sparkle added to what I could see!
It seems we are all playing our part in this birthing and what a wonderful path of service to be on!
Thanks again for sharing

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sarupa
There were 3 of us - my friend, Judy (she has posted above), her little dog, Karma, and myself. Interesting fact - Judy and I sat across from one another and Karma was seated at the point - so we formed a pyramid - quite unintentionally mind you - it just happened that way. At 7:07am Phoenix, Arizona, time we started our meditation - we did ours verbally - and we asked all of heaven to join us as we brought in the golden flame through our breath and fill our hearts. The golden flame encircled us in a fog like etheric essence and grew with each breath. The golden flame went out through our hearts to all hearts around Mother Earth. The hearts started small and grew larger and larger with the golden breath. We then brought the flame to the core of Mother Earth and the flame spread out from her core like star bursts out to the Universe. We called in Father Sun to overlight Mother Earth with his golden flame and the Divine Creator overlighted all. We then experienced the Phoenix rising as the golden rays were encircling the earth and golden hearts were lighting up on the wings of love. The heat running through my body was incredible as the meditation went on and then it cooled immediately when it was done.

There were many, many of us today around the world who participated in anchoring the golden ray and Mother Earth thanks us all for assisting her to manifest heaven on earth.

Thank you once again for reconfirming that we are all ONE and are being guided as ONE to do our work here on this beautiful planet - Earth.

Peace and joy to you, Wanda

Anonymous said...

Though I have not met you in the physical, I strongly resonate with your intention and love, and I salute you.

You offered the opportunity to share our experiences with the meditation you sent. Thank you!~
As I was reading the meditation, and doing as it suggested, I felt my energy field, [which has been thrumming like an engine that is being accelerated too fast (tachometer in the red zone) and for a couple of days has felt like fear, but without a mental component to attach itself to] suddenly smooth out. The rev became much finer, and the apprehension which accompanied it (it was especially noticeable upon awakening) has departed.

I had been hoping I would be able to accommodate and transmit the higher vibrations coming at us, and even though I had a mental/spiritual/emotional commitment to allow/facilitate/implement it, the meditation you have transmitted from Metatron has effortlessly raised me to a level of comfort and enhanced awareness of what we are doing.