Friday 29 June 2007

Once in a blue moon

It has been a while since my last post because I have been away! Went to Italy for some sunshine and am glad as it seems that England has been in the midst of a heavy downpour for most of my time away.

I swam in the sea (Adriatic Sea), while back in England people where generally wet and rained upon. A synchronicity perhaps? The theme of water seems to have been around a lot recently and shamanically speaking water represents emotions. Also the moon is linked to water and as you will know this Saturday there is the 2nd full moon of June. The blue moon.

I think there is definitely something going on...something we are all being given the opportunity to clear and grow from. My intuition is that we need to clear away the old. What emotions are we carrying around that prevent us from living life fully and with passion? Old hurts, old pain...what exactly does it serve when we are carrying that energetic weight around? Basically it literally clogs you up, it makes your energy foggy, it makes it become stuck and it does not support you in moving forward. This like all things is an on-going journey and we need to build in rituals and practices to help clear our energy so that we can truly become 'lighter beings.'

Starting this Saturday you could try this:

Take 2 pieces of paper and one the 1st one write down all the things that you remember that have emotionally affected you. It is not that you have to remember everything, just let the things that are on your mind and within your psyche be put down on the paper. Try not to judge and edit. Even as I am writing this I am recalling a time when my mum gave my sister more apple than me and when I complained my mum cut my apple in half to make me think I was getting 2 pieces. I knew it was the same amount as I had before! Sounds funny and it makes me laugh but it sticks in my mind. I share this because it is not that everything that we are carrying has to be 'BIG!' Of course, I have had my share of heart break and there are some things that are springing to mind that are to personal to share in this blog, but I will be sure to write them down on my first piece of paper on Saturday.

When you are done and you will know as you will come to a natural stop. Take this paper. If you can I would suggest setting fire to it, or just as powerful rip it into tiny shreds and put it in the bin. (If you burn it be safe!) Take a deep breath, breathe in more light and feel yourself lighter. You are shedding those things that do not serve you...yippee and well done.

Now take the next piece of paper and write down your dreams your vision. Think big and at the end make you write "so it is this or better." We do not want to be limiting. by our own sometimes limited vision we have for ourselves. Then, take this paper and fold it up. If you have a garden go outside and bury it somewhere. Let that paper become the seed for your future vision. If you don't have a garden you can maybe do this in a park if you feel it is the right thing, or use an indoor plant pot. The end result will be the same. You can on Saturday plant your new seeds.

The energy of the blue moon is very magical and allow yourself to use this magic on yourself. It is also linked to transformation and journeys. Let this day be when you start your new journey, the journey to the new you!

I will be doing this myself on Saturday - will share my results with you after that.

Take care and enjoy creating a 'lighter version' of yourself,


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