There has been a buzz amongst many people that the recent Equinox marked a turning point for the energy of 2010. Equinox and Solstice energy always marks something of significant so you could say no surprise that there has been focus on this time. However this being the case and the fact that there is much going on cosmically, I have tuned into get some insights for you.
You will have read from my recent Sarupa’s Space posts that I have been feeling like the energy although very supportive and conducive to conscious creative expression there has been a shift recently.
This shift has been happening at many levels and of course affects people differently because we are unique and at different evolutionary points I am being reminded to share. 2010 continues to have the promise of being the best year yet for many of us and is the year where the seeds for 2012 onwards are sown. A spiritual leap year in that it is the year for BIG change and not small steps.
What has recently been marked is a first wave, a first step, the first part of the leap energetically. It has resulted in a light feeling of things coming to a head and even old stuff popping up just to dismay us and make us think nothing has changed, I haven’t made any progress. If you have felt this or still are stop – that was just the energy shifting into its new phase. I will call it phase 2 but note that phase 1 had many different phases contained within it as this phase 2 will. The old stuff creeping back was just an echo of what had been because it has been so recent in most cases. The shift into phase 2 which had to be coincided with the Equinox, veils are thin and more of us engage in Light Activity which always helps these transitions, is a bit clunky. Think of it like the energy is playing tag, handing a baton to the next bit so in the switch there is a moment, such a small moment where the baton is slightly in the air, neither here or neither there. It is when this nano second occurred that it created a small but noticeable level of angst and discombobulation but those of you who have been doing your spiritual homework will have found it easy to get back on that spiritual surfboard and get going. If you haven’t then you need to do something about it, not because anything bad happens but why miss out on what is energetically the a year above all others. A year where you get to set the tone and expression of the rest of your life?
What is the energy now telling us? Well what I have been experiencing is almost like I am waiting for the BIG event. ‘Something is going to happen,’ type of energy, anticipation of something good. I do not think anything is, we are not going to see armies of angels descend and revolutionise how the world, because of course those angels are you. Who else did you think it would be? The anticipation I am connecting to is that the energy is blending more and more and able to express itself even more incredibly so the opportunities for self growth and contribution to the shift in consciousness are really out there for the takers. I say takers because I am constantly in my own life and through my intuitive hits and cosmic connections being reminded, ‘you were part of the dream, you had a role and now it is up to you to fulfil it. No-one else can do what you are here to do.’ This is true now more then it has ever been because everything is in such a delicate growing phase, think of it like a new seedling making its first shoots, strong but delicate, full of promise but vulnerable….it needs support, nurturing and protection. The mirror of this is of course you too are a new seedling in the new energy needing your own support, nurturing and protection to. Then and only then can you grow to your potential and beyond. Nothing is defined unless you decide it is. That is one of the many gifts of this new phase that we find ourselves in, it is all still hinging on conscious creation and waiting for us to step up. The more we do the more power the planetary shift has, the stronger the True (new) Earth energy can become. It is truly symbiotic and multi, multi dimensional as of course the reverse is also true, the stronger the energy gets the more the power the planetary shift has and more will wake up to their own spirituality and spiritual power. Take this start of phase 2 to work out which side of the mirror you are on, neither is bad or good as there is no judgment but it is your inner calling that will guide you. If you are in the mirror that is being encouraged to step up then maybe it is time to. Don’t stress as the energy is going to support you.
Until the next time I wish you much bliss,