Wednesday 2 May 2007

standing still

Hello. I have recently returned from Cheltenham where the Isbourne Foundation's Open Day took place. I was giving readings and supposed to give a talk. I say supposed to, because I never got round to giving my talk. The evening before I had fallen over (the perils of wearing your best friend's shoes!) and hurt my ankle. In fact the night before the Isbourne's Open Day I was sleeping and dreaming very strangely. It was like I was being told that my foot injury was in fact a gift from the heavens, a little push (well a non-push) to stand still. A message to stop and get on with the things that I was avoiding, putting off and well just resisting. When I woke on the Saturday, I was determined to get to the Isbourne Foundation, I hobbled out of my friends house, hobbled to my car and called a taxi. While waiting for a taxi, a very nice passer-by offered me a lift, he could see I was struggling. That made me feel so happy, the faith I continue to have in each of us is not misguided. We are all inherently good people. I declined graciously as I had called my taxi.

Well at the Isbourne I was lucky enough to receive healing, sit opposite the most wonderful crystal stall and generally be surrounded by such wonderful energy. I thoroughly enjoyed the readings I gave, it made me realise how much I enjoy giving face to face readings. I had purchased some of Doreen Virtue's new Ascended Master Cards, and boy they are the best yet. It seems something significant is happening with Ascended Masters, there energy is much easier for us to access and they are lined up and ready to work with those who are ready. Well more on that another time.

Sadly in the end I had to leave the Isbourne Open day half way through and spend the rest of the sunny afternoon in A&E. Thankfully my foot is not broken but sprained, bruised and swollen. I have described the pain as if there is a small person digging for diamonds in my foot. It hurts, but I do have a very low pain threshold too!

So, as I slow my life down again...I wonder what is in store over the next few weeks. The next workshop, Spiritual Connections is full, which is fantastic. So many more people want to open up to their spiritual gifts and I feel so honoured to be part of that activation and transformation. I suspect I will download that workshop this week and start work on the all important Angel's Summer Retreat. If I get a chance I will rest and put my feet up!

Well until the next time stay shining,

Much love,


PS You can visit the Isbourne Foundation's website at

For information on workshops and one to one sessions visit

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