Monday 7 May 2007

Bank Holiday Blues has been a very mellow bank holiday weekend for me. My foot although much better has needed the rest. I have spent much time sleeping, watching Scrubs and using my lap top from bed. I did have a bar-b-q on Saturday with my brother and sister and co, I think that is what finished me off, running around after 3 young kids, each of whom want to run in different directions, fun - yes, tiring - absolutely!

I have gone through the whole, 'what I am doing in bed! I should be getting on with work, or at least be enjoying the sunshine etc.' Well should I really? I needed this rest, and guilt is a funny thing as it just makes you unable to take any action because you just feel more and more drained by it.

So the spiritual Spring has officially started, and I am feeling like a recluse. What does that mean? Well I am going to think about it over a long hot soak in the bath, and ponder on whether I am resisting or resting. This is an issue which we have touched on in the last newsletter (to sign up visit and there is a lot more to be said on this subject. The more important something is the bigger the resistance. Think of the times when you had exams or tests at school, what reasons would you create as to why you couldn't revise? My favourite were my room was not clean and I had not yet written out my colour coded revision timetable!

Well until the next time, rest and break through resistance. There are very special reasons as to why each of us here at this time. Each of us is contributing to something bigger than us, we are part of a system that is progressing humanity and the planet forward. We do create that change and yes you are important. So if you are resisting something that you should be doing why don't you let your self do it for 5 minutes. See how satisfied it makes you feel, see how easy it really was.

There are 3 aspects here, resisting, resting and integrating. All 3 real aspects of being and the art is to know where you are and to know that resistance is the only one we should overcome. The only way I can know where I am is when I tune into my self - actually go into a meditative state and check in, ask my self how I am doing, what is going on, what is my body saying to me etc.

With that in mind, I must get into my bath. Sending you all much love and light,


PS to sign up for a free online programme looking at resistance you can visit

For information on workshops and one to one sessions please visit

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