Friday 12 October 2007

Oh My Goodness

I cannot believe that I have been neglecting this blog...well I have to say in one way I have believed I was writing it. I have been having the most vivid dreams and having to try and decipher fact from fiction. Slightly odd - but it keeps me on my toes. As ever things are moving fast and I feel that yesterday marked the down turn point for this year. What this means in real terms is that we are now going to start to feel the energy of 2008. No need to say Happy New Year just quite yet however! It is slow process that builds up momentum and more or less completes on New Years Day - it is not always perfectly aligned to our man made calendar! So whichever hemisphere you live in, whichever season you are in - it is still the time of releasing the old and bringing in the new - as one year makes way for another.

To mark this, I have embarked on new projects - they may well come to fruition in 2008, but they need to be birthed now. These are things I have been sitting on, avoiding and generally kept away from. I kept thinking the time will come and I will know. I almost expected that the starts would twinkle, the heavens would sing to me and I would just know it is time. Well, to quote a friend 'Pif, Paf, Poof.' I create my own magic and I create my own opportunities, the heavens and the universe just follow my instruction. So - however hesitant I am feeling - however much I am wanting to drag my heels and not move forward..I am just slowly getting on. I know that very soon my own new momentum will take over and I will wonder why I didn't birth these projects a long time ago. But as the spiritual mind knows, all in good time!

So go on, I hope you are able to take a leap today...however small just go do it!

Much love,


PS Don't forget to vote in this month's poll...

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