What's been happening cosmically...? So many people have been asking me this recently and I have been seeing so many people falling into the trap of the cosmic alignment that is taking place, I thought I would tune in and offer some deeper insights.
Basically people are feeling trapped, trapped by all sorts of things, from perceived success in one area of life to perceived failure in another, from unresolved emotions, tears to anger. Some of you I know are experiencing a full on combo which is making you feel quite isolated and alone....and angry, misunderstood.... sounds familiar I am sure. (Even if you don't want to admit it just yet!) All of these are stripped away and come back to being about love.... that is the big thing, we are clearing love karma, we are clearing our blocks to love and not just the romantic kind but about the love we feel for ourselves and the love we transmit back out to the world.
What is occurring energetically is a realignment, it happens more and more frequently and as people get more sensitive it affects them and of course the energy gets stronger. These realignments need to happen as more and more of the new wave of love consciousness is able to ground and anchor, so another word for the alignment could be integration.
And no point patting yourself on the back for being sensitive in this case if you have been feeling the muddle of emotion and the pain of anger, if you have just sat back and done nothing. No prizes for being sensitive, they tell me. There are of course no prizes at all in the real sense, just growth, evolution and higher vibrational living. So being sensitive is a bit of a so what when you become self indulgent and take no conscious responsibility for your own growth.
And don't get me wrong because of course having a gift of sensitivity is wonderful, but it is all being scrambled at the moment. You are being invited to the next level that is available for you, but in order to do that you have to let go...you have to let go of what doesn't serve you, you have to let go of what you think is right so that you can feel right and vindicated. It is giving up control as that just gives you the illusion of power. When you give up the illusion of power, guess what happens?
Yes, you guessed it, you step into power.
Not ego power, or personality power (which in my view are the same thing) but true soul and higher self power. Divine Power!
So this alignment that is taking place is about evolving the personality, it is about shedding things that are not serving us. Behaviours, traits, values, fears, emotions and so on that do not serve us.
Be kind to yourself as this is happening, but do not bury your head in the sand as you will just get a mouth full of sand ;-) Become aware, do something to not let you become a slave to what you are feeling, step out of comfort zones, do good things despite how you feel (and it is amazing how that creates a juicy feeling back in your life,), don't live by stories of the past, live as you wish life to be, not how you wish it hadn't been. Affirm through thought, action, belief and value what you desire to create.
The energy is getting stronger there is no doubt and as we build to 2013 and beyond it has to get stronger and what was isn't an indication of what will be, what will be is down to your intent and intention. In the past people have talked about people being left behind as we move into new earth and the new paradigm, it is not true of course all mankind goes together. But what is and can happen is that people (and remember conscious spiritual growth is not the same as reading channellings and meditating, this is not about being a cosmic junky) and thinking you are good to go!) will feel affected by 'stuff' more and more in their life. What you choose to not address comes back to bite you and stick around until you work on it.
That's the take on what is going on cosmically folks, and August is around the corner and that is a good time for integration, so a few more days to do the icky personality evolving and a smoother August to follow....well if you choose to let it be smooth of course ;-)