Saturday, 31 January 2009
The teleseminar last week was awesome - we had some great questions and there was so much information to share! It really is an important subject - we were touching on how emotion and money are linked. All too often people forget to do the personal work they need to do in order to be the true conscious creators they are potential able to be!
As a little teaser - I wand to say to you - did you know your financial well-being is a reflection of your ability to sustain happiness? This a powerful and insightful statement - I suggest you meditate on it and see what your soul can teach you!I will be making the teleseminar available to purchase soon - so watch this space if you want to learn more - then you will soon be a click away - and it will of course be a reasonable price - just to make you happy and more financial well off too!
Much love,
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Money and Emotions - FREE Teleseminar
This year Heavenly Spaces events are going to focus even more on YOU... The first live event for 2009 is a F.R.E.E teleseminar. (A teleseminar is whenyou ring in using your own phone line from anywhere in the world, to aspecial dedicated number. This number is a conference line which enables agroup to be on the same call together, so you can hear each other andparticipate, ask questions and listen. It cuts down on travel time and means you can get access to what I have to offer by simply dialing a telephonenumber. It is a simple, effective and low cost method to take responsibility for your blissful journey...)
- Are you in fear that all this talk of economic down turn, news of redundancies, messages telling us to tighten our belts is a block to your abundance manifestation?
- Are you worried that putting your attention to material matters, even day to day survival is about turning your back or turning down your connection to matters which are more divine in nature?
- Do you feel tired with all the spiritual transformation and now just don't know how to connect back to abundance....and I mean real abundance not just the idea of it but the REAL manifestation of it?
I know many of you are seeking to find ways that you can change your relationship with money, manifesting and abundance in general. It really is a very important subject and although in principle the idea of manifesting sounds simple, the practice of it isn't because so many variables can affect our ability to manifest. A tiny negative thought will carry that much weight to it that it can over shadow what you are seeking to manifest, making it almost impossible in the timescales that you desire. While I always say theuniverse is working for us, the big question is: are you working on your behalf also? By this I do not mean 'work' work, but are you doing all you can from a more divine point of view to make this your best life ever?
The F.R.E.E teleseminar is going to be all about money...and how you can start to change and evolve your relationship with money through mastering your emotions. Emotions and money are linked and have what I call a symbiotic relationship. I.e. they are both interdependent....and in mostof the people I have worked closely with on this subject it is the emotions that block the path to money abundance! You could say emotional freedom enables money to come to you!
This teleseminar takes place on Thursday January 29th 2009 at 7pm UK time. (After you sign up, you will receive details of how you can work out what time it is where you are, so you ring in at the correct time!). It will last for approximately 75 minutes. There is so much I want to share with you on this subject so I say approximately as it might run over time a little.
If you want to sign up to this F.R.E.E seminar then you will need to email me by January 26th. I will then send you out all the dial in details.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER YOUR INTEREST IN BEING PART OF THIS CALL. Remember you can call in from anywhere in the world, there are specialinternational dial in numbers and you can get discount phone cards etc. to make the call even more economical for you!
What I will cover in this call...
- You get 75 minutes of my time F.R.E.E during the call and I will share with you, top tips, tools and techniques that will help you on your path of money abundance. These are things that I have learned and things that I use. This way you get to FAST TRACK yourself to a greater understanding.
- You will have a great insight into how emotions and abundance, in particular money is linked.
- You will hear about my 7 steps to emotional and abundance freedom. This is a grounded and easy to use process, to keep you focused on emotional freedom and material abundance.
- You will get an exclusive on my**new** 8 week abundance programme. And by exclusive I don't just mean information, you will be offered an amazing deal to join this **new** programme.
This is what one of my previous callers said about a previous teleseminar I ran last year:
Thank you for the class all about money. It really opened my eyes to my inner struggle with money. The insight into my emotions and beliefs was staggering and allowed me to see my patterns. I have tried techniques with money before that haven’t worked you were so clear and what you saidgot me to the heart of my problem and I saw it for what it is. By connecting with my inner struggle I found that abundance is there around me and I was blocking it’s flow into my life. You talked about the poverty consciousness and I know I have been walking that road, but not anymore! By working on becoming aware of my relationship with money I have started to move towards seeing money flow in and out of my life instead of holding on to what I have out of fear. Once I recognized that fear was telling me I wasn’t good enough or worthy, I was able with the exercises and processes you shared to start changing my story! Sharing your own story
allowed me to see that in myself.The journey is on-going but I know I will reach the end and have true abundance in my life thanks to you pointing me in the right direction. Sarah Tyler-Walters,
Remember just because this teleseminar is F.R.E.E, it doesn't mean it isnot of value. I am going to share things that will be of value to you immediately_and insights that could transform your life straight away. You are part of a growing group who is ready to step up and be a beacon of light, so consider this F.R.E.E teleseminar as part of that training. Asthe world moves to talk about recession, you can shine the light for abundance....because remember like attracts like. This is why this teleseminar is even more important at this time! The universe has not changed, it is still abundant and it is still working in the same way foreach of us!
All to often we think we have to follow a well-trodden path when it comes to spiritual development, and the great thing is you don't! It is possible to FAST TRACK, it is possible to start where others have ended, as in the end light workers are all working for the same side, so someone else's progress makes your progress even greater! I am really excited about you Sarupa, joining this call so email and register now! Make the statement through action to the universe that you are ready and willing to take responsibility for creating money abundance in your life!
If you cannot make the call...
Don't worry, as long as you have registered you will get a link to the recording of the call. This link will stay live for a week after the call,so you will have to ensure you have time to listen to the full call.Obviously you will get the most out of being present during the call, but Iknow how life can sometimes interrupt. Send out the intention that you wantto be present, because I would love to have you on this first live andF.R.E.E event of 2009!
Any questions...? Just email me and I will answer them ASAP!
Remember you can share this with your friends and family too, get them to register for this amazing F.R.E.E opportunity too.