Sunday, 2 May 2010

The Article - 7 sure fire signs that you are a cosmic junky

The Article - 7 sure fire signs that you are a cosmic junky
  1. Do you plan to meditate everyday despite how you feel and feel bad when you don’t?
  2. When you attend workshops, listen to classes online or on the phone, or read channellings about energy, angels, ascension and other ‘new age’ topics do you get a momentary feeling of euphoria?
  3. Are you always trying to get to talk to celestial energies and unsure if they really hear you or answer, but simply feel that communication means they might hear you?
  4. Do you feel more comfortable and happier ‘up there’ in the higher realms, believing that this world is too harsh and dense?
  5. Do find yourself thinking (or saying) ‘it’s not up to me it’s up to them (God, Angels, Universe etc.)’ Or ‘It’s all about Divine Timing?’
  6. Despite everything that you try and do, try and follow and practice you still feel dissatisfied (however much or little) with life and you don’t have the love, the health, the relationships, the money or the bliss that you are reading about, waiting and longing for?
  7. Do you find that your spiritual practices and desires are separate from the rest of your life, i.e. your job, your way of life etc. because they are a means to an end and something you must endure in this world?


If you can answer yes to one or more of the questions above then there is a disconnect from your spiritual being, your inner being the one that connects to the Celestial Realms and your outer life. The life that you live day to day.

It is okay to realise that you may be addicted to energy, after all I too know how wonderful it is when you connect to the higher realms. But I also know how there can be a huge disconnect from your celestial connections and real life. The gulf is getting wider and wider and wider for many. This is going to continue this year as this is what 2010 brings with it. It has the promise of being the best year and the year that you can sow the seeds for the next phase of your evolution.

Let's take a little step back and remember how we got to where we are energetically this year. In 2006 the Heaven on Earth energy was anchored into Mother Earth, it was the beginning of massive planetary changes and saw a big focus on 2012 and a huge amount of channellings and writings on New Earth and the New Paradigm. Last year the energy changes were pretty much done, the New Earth, or as I like to call it True Earth energy was birthed and finding ways of expressing itself in a more potent way. if you were a healer or other kind of sensitive you would have been able to access this energy if you had attuned to it and now increasingly more and more people can access it. The energy is yet to get stronger, so even if you haven't yet consciously experienced the new frequencies, don't worry as it will happen, it is you that needs to make a shift but more on that later.

With all the energy complete for this phase, the real hard work begins. Last year people including my self spoke of the new paradigm, New Earth being here now. This is true it is, but only in energy. Heaven and Earth have converged. This is all about an ending of duality and separation, because we are all connected through being of the same source, of love and of light. With energetic changes completed for now, it has left many light workers confused and dare we mention it, feeling slightly cheated. What has exactly changed? How is your life different? Do you feel abundant? Do you feel like you are fulfilling your soul purpose and living as your True Self, or are you simply making do. Thinking that perhaps this isn't the life where you get to have it all, where all your dreams come true.

Firstly I want to say it is the life when you can have it all.

Secondly it is okay to feel as I described. It is perfect and let me tell you why. Without this awareness you will not realise that you are being given an amazing opportunity from the universe, your soul and your Divine Helpers. You are being shown that there is this disconnection from what you know is possible and what is really going on for you. You are when you are experiencing the energy highs being invited to live your life in that higher state at all times, not just when you meditate, go to a workshop, read an inspirational book. You are being invited to be authentic to your soul at all times.

The reason you can understand that there is this increasing disconnection from your inner and outer life is because you have the potential to bridge that gap. You have the power, the capability and the inner resource, a gift of being a conscious creator extraordinaire. There is no accident that you have chosen a path of spiritual and heart awakening, no mistake that you understand the energetic changes and deep down you know in some way you have already played an instrumental role in being part of the massive energetic planetary shift.

But the tables have turned now and we must manifest the changes in the material world. It is time to stop hiding in the celestial realms and in your heart and mind and it is time to be brave and make the changes in your life right NOW. This is your BIG Invitation from the universe, you are being asked to step up and join the spiritual and material revolution that is taking place. The convergence of Spirit and Matter is the true manifestation of Heaven on Earth. You are being invited and you are one of the ones who can hear the invite as this invitation goes out to everybody at all times. There are still many who are yet to wake up the the fact that they have a soul, a Divine Mission and that they are here to consciously create a change for good. The ones who respond first are the ones who are here to show others the way, the True Earth Leaders as I see them. Are you a leader or a follower?

In this invitation there is no promise of anything other than anything you desire to create. You choose how you join this party, you choose how you feel, what you do, hey even what you wear too ;-).

I know it can be hard to admit even to yourself that your outer life isn't how you dreamed it would be, it isn't quite how you expected. The cynic would say, 'that's life.' I say, 'what can you do to change it and align your outer life to your inner life, what do you need to do to live your dream and fulfill your potential and some?' What is happening is that Light workers are being asked to being their light into play in a different way, a way that many souls have not experienced. But never before have we experienced such amazing energy and opportunity for planetary evolution like now. The energy of sacrifice has gone, and the energy of bliss gets stronger.

In this year of great promise if you do not step up, it is fine because you have that free will and choice but you will be delaying getting your message out to the world. You will be delaying the abundance, in fact you will be delaying and denying your Divine Inheritance. It doesn't go away or expire it just waits for you to step up.

You have awareness....and now it is time for action. For each person who steps up there are many who follow. The spiritual revolution that is occurring can gather more momentum when you are on board. Stop hiding, stop wishing and dreaming and take action today. It really can be easy if you let it.

(c) Heavenly Spaces 2010

If you wish to use this article in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation. .

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