Friday 30 April 2010

Cosmic Bugle - 29th April 2010

Cosmic Bugle 29th April 2010

This is where I share with you what is going on energetically. This is based on my intuitive hits, experience and information from the celestial ones. Just a top up to the monthly channelings so you can keep abreast of what is going on cosmically and how and why you might be feeling the way you are....

The full moon in Scorpio this week was magnificent and really powerful. With it came a deepening and strengthening of True (New) Earth energy that is descending and being activated. Like any change and any growth a period of adjustment is needed. I know many are experiencing this adjustment as 'ickyness', or heaviness but it is just blending. Think of a new child in a new play room, wants to know everything, wants to bang that drum hard, drive that car across the room, kick that ball all at the same time. It needs to know what it wants and needs to do after it knows what is available. This is what the energy is doing at the moment. Okay, maybe not playing exactly like a child but it is finding its place as its expression has deepened and become more profound.

How is this manifesting for us in reality, after all that is what counts in the end. Well my team tell me and my
intuition is showing me that feeling a little dull at the moment is not unusual as well as feeling extremely tired. Especially those high sensitive folk, it can all feel a little overwhelming and a good time to 'shut off' from the world. Have a break... well not a bad idea as long as it is not a break where you wallow in confusion, indecision, and generally other morose activity. What you need to reaffirm to yourself that you are not feeling disconnected from yourself in fact you are being upgraded, rewired so you can feel even more connected. The adjustments that are taking place are for your growth and your ability to serve the light in a more magnificent way.

As has been the theme for this year, action is the salvation. It is through action that you will find bliss. Conscious and deliberate action, the doing despite how you feel. If you feel like withdrawing or hiding from life, your business, the world then this is an even greater reason to show up as you intended. Anything else is letting your lower vibrational self take over and that is so old paradigm ;-)

My team assure me everything is good and as they had said (and many others) 2010 is a pivotal year for what follows. The turning point, mo
ving us towards the powerful 2012 year. We need to ensure that we are sowing seeds that we wish to harvest in 2012. Focus on what you wish to be not on things like disconnection, or heaviness as if you do that stops your flow towards bliss.

Powerful and potent times my friends.... and I for one am going to enjoy taking action and creating my best year yet ...

Much love,

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