Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Cosmic Bugle - Creative Flows

Hello! At the moment this section remains with this name. The Cosmic Bugle, is simply a post which shares planetary news with you - what is happening cosmically, what that could mean for you etc. All too often I find that people who are on a path of spiritual awakening - whatever level reached, have one thing in common: To a lesser or more degree they are open to experiencing energy both consciously and unconsciously. This means we are all often having similar type of experiences and thoughts, but sadly we do not often find ways to verify them, or connect to others just to check in and know that we haven't lost our minds ;-)

Here's YOUR good news.... you do not have to experience energy and spiritual awakening and ascension on your own anymore! I am going to post my Cosmic Bugle (would love to know if you think the name fits - or if you have any other suggestions) regularly so you can understand a bit more of what is happening, why and what it could mean for you!

It seems as if the power that I described in energy just before the September Equinox remains. It feels different in that it has settled down and found constant and more creative hum. This is a really good time to get creative and active. You might already be feeling inspired to write, paint, draw etc. and if you are not feeling it I would say choose your chosen expression and just go for it.

The active part that I get from the energy is all about physical activity. It is time to push through and release the turbulence that has been and all the 'stuff' that you were sorting out and clear out anything that has stuck from that little episode. Dancing, hiking, or any other physical activity will be perfect in releasing what doesn't need to be for your highest good!

The intensity of the last few weeks has shifted to something that we can use and nurture but in order for this new energy to anchor within us we have to show up first and connect to it. The New Earth energy feels very pure and it is not the same as old paradigm energy. Although we are all and will continue to be affected by it, to be able to use it and anchor it into our lives we have to step up to meet it for now!

All in all the next few weeks are all about creative power and what you do now will be powerful and very important in your journey of spiritual awakening. My final words to you are, simply go for it, have fun and be witness to your spiritual growth ;-)

As ever stay in bliss,

Monday, 28 September 2009

Sarupa's Space - Arizona Part 1

In this blog post I share with you what has been happening in my world! Inspiration, fun and connection!

I want to share with you something that happened on Sunday night here in Arizona. I have ended up by no design, i.e. no planning other than looking in someone's guide book at Breakfast on Sunday in a B&B in a forest in a Canyon. As it happened 40 or so Gloabal Chanters were here having a workshop just before we arrived. Can you imagine how awesome that is? No accident that I ended up here me thinks (and of course I know!).

It feels like I am in the wilderness here and pretty much I am. Surrounded by Mountains, forest and wild animals. As it happened there was an outdoor Jaccuzzi and outdoor solar shower to use. So after dinner on Sunday off we went to the outdoor spa. It felt like it was middnight but in fact it was onyl about 8pm. However it was dark, the night sky was shimmering with stars and the moon was lighting up the sky! At first I felt a little eerie, all the talk of rattle snakes had me a little spooked and nature isn't a natural leap for me. Being a city dweller I always need time to acclimatise!

Here I was surrounded by the Dragoon mountains, which I know are related to Dragon energy. Not simply because the name is so similar, but it is a bit of a give away...but since being in Arizona Dragons have been popping up everywhere! Looks like my earth work is opening up to Dragons! Funny how what I resist is what persists! It wasn't that I avoided the energy of Dragons but I just presumed that this wasn't my expression of the Divine. Thinking about it now, it is no surprise really as the work I do with Mother Earth and the connection I have with her, is the portal for the Dragon energy to be reentering our ethers!

But back to the stars and the moon. Looking up at the sky and all around once I was relaxed (and it didn't take long) was like having a 'light,' 'healing,' 'upgrade,' and 'divine download' bath. I could feel much Sirian energy pulsating through the portals that were open. Definitely some sign of non-Terra Firma activity but it was not the focus of the evening. Because I am in a Canyon surrounded by mountains, it felt like I was in a healing dome, no horizon to see. It really was truly magical!

It really was my heaven on earth moment of the day and I know part of the preparation of what else is to come! It has also reminded me more than ever for self care for indulgence. (Note, indulgence is not a bad thing!) More often than not we are guided for healing, massages and so on when we are in need i.e. out of balance, when it becomes a must. Doing this kind of thing for indulgence is a real act of self love. Imagining doing things because you love you? I cannot think of a better reason.

I promise to try figure out how to upload some pictures from my phone so you can see the slice of heaven I am in ;-)

Until the next time....much love,


PS I start my hand analysis training on Wednesday and I can't wait!

Friday, 25 September 2009


(This was sent out in my eZine a few weeks ago - if you like it and want to receive your own eZine, then sign up in the box on your right!)

Power! What do you think when you read this word? Are you one of those people who thinks - 'here we go again - spiritual talk about power, yawn yawn!', or are you one of those people who thinks, 'aargh - why go on about power, power is not good, look at the world ruined by a few who have power.' Or are you one of those people who feels nothing, no connection at all....or are you in my final category - 'feeling sad - because you know you are not standing in your power, you know that because you are not living your Divine Mission is almost just a dream!'

Which ever description suited you, or was most like your first response/feeling is roughly where you stand with this issue of power - and to cut to the chase I am going to tell you that none of those categories give you the truth about power. The best category is when you are comfortable with your power, and not afraid of it, and always seeking ways to enhance it and expand it!

Power like abundance is an often talked about and like the concept of abundance there is so much to power. It has such a depth and excuse me for saying this but so much of its own power (power begets power!) that you need to understand it and start experiencing it in order to increase it and make it more available to you in your life.

Think of power in the universal sense, it makes things happen - the power of an engine on a car or plane for example will differentiate it from a plane or car with less power. The amount of power a sports person has will more often than not differentiate him/her from one with less power. A power of a light bulb for example will denote how bright it shines...or not. Notice that I am not saying that more power is better or worse, I am just saying it is different. However, you could say that more power gives you the potential to be better, stronger, faster, brighter etc. in the examples I have just given. This of course is the potential of power - but in reality a powerful engine is no better if the skill of putting it together was poor, a powerful sports person is no better off if they are not skilled at their sport, i.e. if they have not learned how to apply the power properly.

Already now, I have drawn your attention to 2 aspects of power - one about having power and the second about using power - they go hand in hand. Referring back to one of my favourite and probably one of the most powerful (!) spiritual laws, like attracts like - so you have power and apply it the more you become powerful and the more you are able to use and so on!

By now I am sure many of you are thinking, 'surely the more powerful I become the more I will abuse it, because being powerful means that others have to be powerless - how else can I demonstrate my own power...?' - If you are thinking along those lines then you are going to be feeling uncomfortable reading about this topic. (Trust me - keep reading and you will see that you can further your understanding and let the truth about power emerge for you so you can start to understand it better, connect to it and claim it for your life transformation. Power is an ally, not an enemy!)

Let's go back a step, earlier I said power is like abundance. I think there are few of you out there who would argue that the universe isn't abundant - even though you may deep down think that you are just unfortunate in not being able to experience it - (this is such a negative think to attract - and for more assistance on this read my article on Abundance by clicking here). Bearing that in mind, power is also abundant. In being powerful you are not taking anything away from others or forcing others to be powerless.

The power that I am getting into talking about isn't about the external power you have or not - it is about the power of being you! The power you have in knowing who you are, why you are here and so on. It isn't about the number of clients you have, or the number of people you can attract to your workshops, or the amount of abundance you can manifest. Of course, when you are 'standing in your power,' these things happen - you will find that you are attracting more people to work with, you are able to manifest more - it goes with the nature of power. You are powerful and others can feel this energetically and therefore you are more attractive to them as someone who can serve them - their soul can see that you have the potential to be a great teacher and inspiration to them.

Just as much as the power I am referring to in this article is about the power you have in your own life, - this power cannot be found outside of you either. Others (and not all of the people who claim to be able to do this can - so chose wisely) can assist you in reclaiming your power and using your power as an ally for blissful life transformation - but no-one can actually give you power as you have to reclaim it, find it, activate it and experience it for your self.

Why nurture your power?
  1. Power is a force, a strength and in nurturing this force you are giving yourself strength. You are making yourself strong - and within this strength comes your ability to know who you are, to trust your intuition, to have a greater awareness of your life purpose. You see when you are not connected to the power of who you are, you can find yourself not being able to make decisions very easily. You know that feeling when you are constantly hot stepping from one choice to another: "should I do this, no maybe I'll do this, but then again...." You know that feeling.
  2. Another problem that can arise when you are not connected to the power of who you are, is that you can get what I call 'spiritual depression.' This is different to clinical depression - because it is about your disconnection from you and your life purpose - not some organic imbalance.
  3. If you are feeling so 'powerless,' in your life you are likely to make decisions (eventually) that are going to perpetuate the feelings of helplessness - you will start to attract people into your life who appear to have a lot of power - but no substance - but I have seen it (and experienced it personally) time and time again. You can start getting caught in the illusion of their power - the bright lights side - the wow factor - a bit like the false idol syndrome. Really these people are people you have attracted into your life, your soul has helped create the scene and the choice is yours. What do you do?
  4. Another common symptom of not connecting to the power of who you are, is that you are constantly seeking the approval of others, or their advice. Now seeking advice is certainly not a bad thing and nor is being able to talk things through with people. What I am talking about here is people who are constantly needing to ask everyone they know about a decision they need to make, or referring to the angel or other divination cards at a drop of a hat. (And if you are one of those people - no shame in it - claim it and then you can do something about it - don't you find that the cards confuse you? They are only reflecting back to you the discombobulation that you are feeling - if you are in such a pickle and almost paralyzed from moving forward for fear of getting it wrong, or fear of loosing everything because you are so unsure about what to do - it is not the cards that you should be turning to for assistance!)
  5. My final reason to share here, is that when you are avoiding and not seeing power as your ally - what I have seen both in my life and in the lives of my clients is that when you start to do the things that are part of your life purpose, they almost do not have the impact that you deep down expected or felt they would - there is a feeling of deflation or a lack of satisfaction. This is because without the power - your force, your strength you are not at your full potential. Without your full power you are not fully present in what you are doing - so the benefit, the result, the emotion and the experience will reflect that.
There are of course many more reasons to nurture and reclaim your power - it is about you being able to live blissfully and make this the best life ever, so the next time you think power is anything other than a good thing - stop and cancel and delete that thought!

Don't forget if you enjoyed this article, you can get articles like this and other Divine Goodies, by signing up to receive your own copy of Divine Intervention - an eZine delivered to your Inbox for free!


The Merkabah

Energy in the spiritual world is really what it is all about. Whether you are healing, channelling or connecting to your guides, or meditating, visioning etc. it is all done in an energetic sense. It has to be backed and supported by action otherwise the energy cannot manifest into something that we would find useful or meaningful. But….energy is the key! All the talk of Ascension, 2012 and the New Earth, points to an energetic change, a shift and transformation even. What this means in simple terms is that the way we access the Divine realms, the Celestial ones also changes. How we interact with each other and our relationship with the planet also changes. The good news is the change is positive (and happening now), the other news (it isn’t bad!) is that it requires us to change too. The best bit is that there are some short cuts available and the Merkabah is one of them.

The Merkabah is part of your light body; your energy (spiritual) system. Previously it took discipline and years of hard work to activate it, now all you need is discipline. By that I mean the will and desire to learn about it and activate it.

The good thing is that unlike in the old paradigm world when activating something of such spiritual significance and power would take many years of study and dedication, not to mention cost, the new earth energy I have been working with is about short cuts! Short cuts to get you to where you need to be so you can start your real work. The short cut is possible because the energy is changing and there needs to be more people connecting to the New Energy, so blissful changes can manifest even faster.

The system I have channelled from Mechisadec and Metatron to teach Merkabah Activation is simple and effective. It takes place over 5 weeks and I do not know anyone else who teaches it in this way. (It is delivered as a teleclass using the telephone so you can dial in from anywhere in the world and the Internet!) I am calling this 5-week programme my signature system. During the 5 weeks I will show you and guide you to experience the joys of activating your Merkabah. This will mean you can anchor to the New Earth energy more profoundly which means you can start to express it in all that you do....can you imagine?

The next 5 week programme starts on October 19th and runs for the next 4 Mondays there after. Mark these dates in your diary and remember even if you miss the calls you will get a link to the recording so you can listen and download and keep forever. (Remember this is a truly international programme and it is delivered to you, so you can dial in from anywhere in the world!)

Just think for a moment and imagine what it would feel like to know that you are:

  • Expanding your light body, (with the Merkabah you carry more light, and as you know light attracts more light…the potential is unlimited!)
  • Expanding your light body, (with the Merkabah you carry more light, and as you know light attracts more light…the potential is unlimited!)
  • Increasing your manifestation and creation abilities.
  • Increasing the visibility of your divine gifts.
  • Taking conscious responsibility for your ascension and evolution.
  • Stepping into your true spiritual power and seeing your whole life transform as you activate your heavenly presence in a more profound way.

I know what this still means to me! I promise that those who commit to joining this programme will not be disappointed. The Merkabah really is my number 1 Ascension tool and I want to show you how it can be yours!

For information visit www.heavenlyspaces.co.uk/Merkabah.htm and if you know immediately this programme is exactly what you need now and what you have been looking for, then email me at sarupa@heavenlyspaces.co.uk for payment details!

I can't wait to welcome you onto this programme!


Sarupa's Space - Potential

I am off to Arizona today (and that picture BTW is of Sedona)! Feeling full of cold, but then I knew that would happen. I could if choose to think this way, say I willed it to happen, but I know I that's not true. It had to happen because a cold generally speaking is a clearing. All the stuff that comes out of your nose is a detox, if your temperature spikes a little you sweat and that is a detox too. I know that Arizona is going to be a BIG spiritual adventure for me and I am going to do some earth work....exactly what I am not sure but in order to do what I am going to do I need to be physically prepared, well prepared in general! That is the thing really isn't it? The question is how prepared are you for what is on your horizon?

Often when I am working with people and just meeting people, friends, family or even perfect strangers alike, I can see a vision for them. I always see the highest vision for them, the potential at that time. It is never gloomy, because potential by its own design is divine in my view and can only be full of stuff that dreams are made of! This used to happen to me when I was young and I had no real understanding of what was going on what was meant by what I was experiencing. In some way when I was younger it was almost like a cross to bear because seeing the potential in someone you can see what could be. Being so open in my heart and sentimental it made me cling on to people and be devastated when friendship, plans etc didn't work. I could never understand why then. Now I know more of course! Or I should say I know better now.

The reason people do not realise their vision, even if they have it is because they are not prepared for it. This happens on so many levels. The Universe never stops giving, it can feel like it is giving the wrong experiences but that is down to our individual manifesting and intention. But perhaps more importantly when the Universe is supporting us through offering us the chance to prepare, whether it is through pushing us to grow, learn, expand or so on it often seems that people turn their back on this. It might be fear, it might be just not being connected to the vision enough or even a combination of both. It sometimes is the fact that the focus is so much on the vision that you simply ignore or bypass the preparation stage. This is of course to the detriment of the vision being realised. When I know, create or connect to a vision for me, I then immediately let it go. I do not 'throw it away, ' but I let it brew away and I simply start to set about moving towards it. In this case this has meant a few sticky moments with my partner and a heavy cold and no doubt several other things over the last few years. It was 2000 that I first put it out there that I wanted to spend some time in Arizona, I knew I would because I knew I could make it happen! This for some reason required my top be spiritual, mentally, emotionally and physically in a specific place before it could manifest, but it did manifest as does everything!

I remember at University when I first hear this saying, proper preparation prevents poor performance. How true that is.

If you have an inkling of your vision like I do about my trip to Arizona, or if you are creating a vision for yourself in any area of your life, then don't just think it stops there. Think about the preparation you may have to do. What do you have to overcome. Okay, you might say I had to over come a cold, it is hardly a big event....well there was a fair bit more too. I have had to clear out a lot of rubbish in my relationship over the last few days. The build up to the equinox was rather fraught, but I knew this was something that needed to happen for me.

Now I am just ready to sit on a plane and be pampered and then hit the desert sun! Part of the reason I am going is to attend a 3-day Hand Analyst Training with Baeth Davies and the rest of it is part of a spiritual adventure, holiday, working retreat....My work in progress folder is coming with me as that isn't going to stop. My exciting programme is in the pipeline and although I am still keeping it under wraps , just think: new year - new earth - new you! So although Heavenly Spaces HQ will be having a rest from me, I will not be having a rest from Heavenly Spaces. Stay tuned to this blog and follow my adventures on Twitter - www.twitter.com/cosmicoach .

Until the next time,

Blissfully yours,

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Sarupa's Space - Autumn Equinox

Today is a special day - the Autumn Equinox - a time when there is an equal amount of light and day - a day of balance perhaps? I have to say that I feel slightly out of balance today - not much but just a bit. It was one of those days that I woke up tired and had to set off early to a meeting. I had been to this particular venue a few times but I managed to get lost. It was like everything was unfamiliar. I do recall this morning having really hurt ankles and feeling the need to ground myself while asleep (well snoozing in fact!) It made me want to hibernate….but isn't that what Autumn is about? In all honesty I think this is connected to the energy that I wrote about in the last Cosmic Bugle - and is all about the closing down of certain things. As we are energetically being pushed through a gateway. I have really been feeling this push and I just need a rest. The rest comes tomorrow and then in a much bigger way on Friday as it is then I am off to Arizona. I just cannot wait! My big spiritual adventure. Hmmm wonder if that is why I feel so tired as I am getting ready for something truly amazing...?

I am also tired because I just finished celebrating my cousin's wedding too! A week long celebration, culminating in an Indian wedding ceremony yesterday. I have to say despite it making me look demure, wearing a Saree all day is hard work. I don’t know how people do it but I wish I could do it more often. There is nothing better than dressing up in clothes that make you feel feminine and goddess like.

Well until my rest officially starts (and don’t worry the blogging will continue) I have kept up my tiding up loose ends work - and finally am about to sign on the dotted line for a venue for my biggest project to date! (All I will reveal is that it is where Harry Potter the movie was filmed - can you imagine?) (Oh and I have to add it is where lay lines meet and the energy is amazing, powerful and very new earth!) Just writing about it is filling me with such excitement. I cannot wait to finalise the details and share them with you. But that is not the only thing I have in the pipeline. Seems like I haven't only been tidying loose ends hey!

I hope you have had a good Equinox day today and remember, tomorrow wherever you are in the world, really is the marking of something new. Invite that new in and allow yourself to feel and experience something different!

Until the next time stay in bliss.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Sarupa's Space

This is something that normally was confined to my eZine - but given that the energy has all been about sorting things out, making changes, tidying up and so on - I have decided to implement some of the things I have been carrying around as ideas for a while!

I have been super busy getting my systems in order with my business partner Michael and to add to this, my cousin is getting married on Monday! For those who do not know about Indian weddings let me tell you they are spread over a number of days, it's a good ol' excuse to get the extended family together - to laugh, to play and to eat!

I even had 'henna' put on my hands, the woman who did it was totally awesome being so quick and the design so intricate and beautiful. It is like mystical art - a form of sacred geometry. Since getting it done last night I feel so much more feminine. I really do feel like it is activating something very divine in me, it might be the hours I have spent staring at my hands and getting lost in the sacred patterns! I feel like my hands are utilising the sacred shapes to connect deeply to cosmic energy - so anyone for healing....? ;-)

As for Heavenly Spaces, like I said things are moving at break neck speed! Everything is being transformed, but I knew it would after the Heaven on Earth retreat and I knew it would be September. Partly because I had a business retreat day with my coach Karen Knowler, but also because I had an inkling something in September was going to shift... I am just so excited about what is emerging. I have a fantastic event that I want to invite you to in December - to coincide with New Year - New Earth - New You! Imagine being able to be with a group of people, who I can only call a tribe, a family of like minded souls experiencing initiations and growth together in a supportive and loving setting.... Well watch this space as something is brewing! This time last week I had no idea this was even on the cards, so it just shows how strong the celestial heart is beating at the moment. If you are feeling inspired to do something and you feel excited at the prospect of it, however extraordinary it may be - I think this is will be the weekend to simply go for it! Do something that steps you out of the ordinary...I will be!

Until the next time as ever... I wish you much bliss.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The Cosmic Bugle - 'Coming to ahead'

As I am in the process redesigning my BLOG and will be revamping it and relaunching it soon - I thought I would share with you something new that I am going to add as a feature for you - The Cosmic Bugle. I am still playing with names - but the essence is I am going to share planetary news with you - what is happening cosmically, what that could mean for you etc. All too often I find that people who are on a path of spiritual awakening - whatever level reached, have one thing in common: To a lesser or more degree they are open to experiencing energy both consciously and unconsciously. This means we are all often having similar type of experiences and thoughts, but sadly we do not often find ways to verify them, or connect to others just to check in and know that we haven't lost our minds ;-)

Here's YOUR good news.... you do not have to experience energy and spiritual awakening and ascension on your own anymore! I am going to post my Cosmic Bugle (would love to know if you think the name fits - or if you have any other suggestions) regularly so you can understand a bit more of what is happening and why....

So here goes, Coming to Ahead!

We are just a week away from the Autumn Equinox and the energy feels quite powerful at the moment. Almost as if it is clapping its hands and saying, 'chop, chop, let's get on!' Well, it would be saying that if it had a voice! It is trying to get you to move for sure and get you to sort out things - things that have been hanging around either deep in your conscious or simply those things that you have been putting off (yes, we all have those things...)

The way I am experiencing it and understanding what is happening now is the more tired you feel (even after a mammoth 12 hour sleep.....yes, I know that feeling) the more you have to get on with. You are not tired because you are tired in the normal sense even though it feels like it. It is because energetically you are blocked - weighed down...cluttered? So it is time for a detox, deal with things you need to, finish the things you have started, or put an end to them. Don't keep things hanging on. We are moving to a powerful Equinox which is a significant date in this marking of a new phase that we are half in and half out. The more you release patterns that haven't really served you and and things that have just hung around the quicker you can move forward to your next step.

Because the energy now is pushing you it is going to feel like things are coming to ahead - it has to in order for you to move forward. The magic of energy that is being gifted to us cosmically - is not to fight it and go against it as that just causes turbulence and disharmony in your life - but use it as your support. Take this opportunity to get ahead in your life - tidy up areas that need to, do your filing, return those calls, finish that project, book that holiday, look for that new job - move from thinking or half doing to completion.

And...yes, you guessed it, it is going to be tough - the energy is being pushy and bolshie - but it is as always acting out of love - just trust that, you wouldn't be experiencing this if you were not ready to move forward!

Till next time....have fun!!!

Much love,

Monday, 7 September 2009

9:9:9 The Divine Feminine Portal

The Divine Feminine Speaks - through Sarupa Shah, 26th August 2009.

I am the Mother – the planetary being. I am stronger and my power is restoring. Many of you for so long have stood in support of me – and I am so grateful – for it has been the love and support from each of you that has created my birthing.

Many of you will know that I have spoken before of the merging of the divine feminine and I am part of that. I am the Divine Mother – it is what you would call an archetype – part of my essence. It is also part of each of your essence.

As we are in the midst of an ending cycle and a new birth has happened – part of this new birth is the divine feminine spark that has been anchored and activated in so many who walk the planet at this time. Each of you who has worked to be conscious to your own divine feminine spark – which is in itself part of your Creator Spark – a deeper dimension, a higher octave, a different expression – but nonetheless part of the same spark of creation that is within each of you – has in each of their own way supported the merging of the sacred feminine archetypes – the sacred and divine feminine.

Coming together - in divine communion enables the divine feminine energy to become stronger, to have more impact on the lives of those we guide and support. It is no different to the spirit of community that we have been fostering for you – the sense of support and connection. While my energy is connected to all that is divine and feminine once more – and we are one voice – speaking from the celestial heart – we maintain our individual identity. For it is not the divine plan to become one, it is simply to live as one – in unity, in co-operation, in peace, in love. Beloveds, this is on the way – this is here now in the realms of the sacred and the law of Divinity is such that as we evolve and move so to do you. You are not to be left behind – for in some many ways we already live as one – and we know that so many of you understand this and live as one with us in return. It is through this understanding that so many of you are able to undertake work on our behalf now and bring forward the wisdom and inspiration for others.

It is such a joy to be connected again – and feel the direct connection and to experience the bliss of divinity in this way. As you read this I have imprinted an image and experience for this feeling – for it is within you to experience the boundless power of the sacred feminine.

The separation was conscious and it was part of our support and service to bring your souls and spirit back into alignment – as the journey of the divine masculine was being traversed. The imbalance that resulted was not something that could be foretold – for still as it has always been the freedom and the choice in being conscious or not – in choosing something or something else has rested in the hands of each of you. The journey had to be taken in this way – and now the journey has come to an end in one cycle as another is birthed.

The birthing of new cycles is not an easy feat and has been choreographed by many – the midwives of the new paradigm – and in some way each of you has had a role.

As the new energy has risen from my heart and met with celestial heart energy and the divine feminine has been birthed as a collective – we wish to thank you and send you our beam of love.

And as you enter towards the portal of 9:9 – know that it will be a point of completion. It is a point of pause. Like the Divine Mother that I am but now as the Divine Feminine encompassing all sacred feminine archetypes – it is time during the pause of the 9:9 Divine Feminine Portal to express your Goddess Spark. It matters not whether you are man or woman in body – for this has always been part of your expression not the whole representation. It is the merging of all that is you – in the same way that we have merged all that was Divine Feminine, that we ask you to honour your Goddess Spark.

The Goddess energy is about love through play, it is about nurturing with love, it is about creation with love, it is about abandoning the confines of the mind and merging the mind and heart. The Goddess energy that we emit is light – and bonds with you like sparks of light. Each spark expanding you and supporting the creation of the new you! For it is not just those who are in light who are renewed – each of you has undergone the experience of a re-birthing. The shift in moving forward – and for those who still feel their movement has been prevented or distracted – just understand that you are still moving forward and that the purpose in delay has been the choice of your soul. It is now time to speak to your soul through your heart, with love and bring it forward to be part of this new earth.

As the Divine Feminine energy completes a phase of its cycle during the gateway of 9:9 – we ask that you do not sit in meditation for that work was done during the portal of 8:8 – but instead dance or sing. This way you can enliven your Goddess spark. The law of the universe has not changed – the more you enliven this the more it is drawn to you – and the more we can reflect it back – so the cycle can continue progressing as we move to the next phase of blissful being.

This is not frivolous and there is a point to the play of 9:9 – as it is through this the divine feminine energy can create a stronger connection in your life – activate through higher levels of resonance – so this movement of dance, the sound of song – is a sacred invitation to us. We will respond to all who call – we will connect deeply and with love to support you as you move forward. We will welcome your connection with our new expression.

The work has not stopped, it has changed – it has reached a point where the new can emerge with conviction and strength.

Celebrate and be in bliss – for this is heaven on earth. This is the beginning of the new paradigm – it is now!

I send you my love and than you for all that you have done, and know that my support for you is unhindered and pure and never ending.

I live as one with you! I live in gratitude to you.

I am Mother Earth – I am the Divine Feminine.