The Divine Feminine Speaks - through Sarupa Shah, 26th August 2009.
I am the Mother – the planetary being. I am stronger and my power is restoring. Many of you for so long have stood in support of me – and I am so grateful – for it has been the love and support from each of you that has created my birthing.
Many of you will know that I have spoken before of the merging of the divine feminine and I am part of that. I am the Divine Mother – it is what you would call an archetype – part of my essence. It is also part of each of your essence.
As we are in the midst of an ending cycle and a new birth has happened – part of this new birth is the divine feminine spark that has been anchored and activated in so many who walk the planet at this time. Each of you who has worked to be conscious to your own divine feminine spark – which is in itself part of your Creator Spark – a deeper dimension, a higher octave, a different expression – but nonetheless part of the same spark of creation that is within each of you – has in each of their own way supported the merging of the sacred feminine archetypes – the sacred and divine feminine.
Coming together - in divine communion enables the divine feminine energy to become stronger, to have more impact on the lives of those we guide and support. It is no different to the spirit of community that we have been fostering for you – the sense of support and connection. While my energy is connected to all that is divine and feminine once more – and we are one voice – speaking from the celestial heart – we maintain our individual identity. For it is not the divine plan to become one, it is simply to live as one – in unity, in co-operation, in peace, in love. Beloveds, this is on the way – this is here now in the realms of the sacred and the law of Divinity is such that as we evolve and move so to do you. You are not to be left behind – for in some many ways we already live as one – and we know that so many of you understand this and live as one with us in return. It is through this understanding that so many of you are able to undertake work on our behalf now and bring forward the wisdom and inspiration for others.
It is such a joy to be connected again – and feel the direct connection and to experience the bliss of divinity in this way. As you read this I have imprinted an image and experience for this feeling – for it is within you to experience the boundless power of the sacred feminine.
The separation was conscious and it was part of our support and service to bring your souls and spirit back into alignment – as the journey of the divine masculine was being traversed. The imbalance that resulted was not something that could be foretold – for still as it has always been the freedom and the choice in being conscious or not – in choosing something or something else has rested in the hands of each of you. The journey had to be taken in this way – and now the journey has come to an end in one cycle as another is birthed.
The birthing of new cycles is not an easy feat and has been choreographed by many – the midwives of the new paradigm – and in some way each of you has had a role.
As the new energy has risen from my heart and met with celestial heart energy and the divine feminine has been birthed as a collective – we wish to thank you and send you our beam of love.
And as you enter towards the portal of 9:9 – know that it will be a point of completion. It is a point of pause. Like the Divine Mother that I am but now as the Divine Feminine encompassing all sacred feminine archetypes – it is time during the pause of the 9:9 Divine Feminine Portal to express your Goddess Spark. It matters not whether you are man or woman in body – for this has always been part of your expression not the whole representation. It is the merging of all that is you – in the same way that we have merged all that was Divine Feminine, that we ask you to honour your Goddess Spark.
The Goddess energy is about love through play, it is about nurturing with love, it is about creation with love, it is about abandoning the confines of the mind and merging the mind and heart. The Goddess energy that we emit is light – and bonds with you like sparks of light. Each spark expanding you and supporting the creation of the new you! For it is not just those who are in light who are renewed – each of you has undergone the experience of a re-birthing. The shift in moving forward – and for those who still feel their movement has been prevented or distracted – just understand that you are still moving forward and that the purpose in delay has been the choice of your soul. It is now time to speak to your soul through your heart, with love and bring it forward to be part of this new earth.
As the Divine Feminine energy completes a phase of its cycle during the gateway of 9:9 – we ask that you do not sit in meditation for that work was done during the portal of 8:8 – but instead dance or sing. This way you can enliven your Goddess spark. The law of the universe has not changed – the more you enliven this the more it is drawn to you – and the more we can reflect it back – so the cycle can continue progressing as we move to the next phase of blissful being.
This is not frivolous and there is a point to the play of 9:9 – as it is through this the divine feminine energy can create a stronger connection in your life – activate through higher levels of resonance – so this movement of dance, the sound of song – is a sacred invitation to us. We will respond to all who call – we will connect deeply and with love to support you as you move forward. We will welcome your connection with our new expression.
The work has not stopped, it has changed – it has reached a point where the new can emerge with conviction and strength.
Celebrate and be in bliss – for this is heaven on earth. This is the beginning of the new paradigm – it is now!
I send you my love and than you for all that you have done, and know that my support for you is unhindered and pure and never ending.
I live as one with you! I live in gratitude to you.
I am Mother Earth – I am the Divine Feminine.
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