A couple of weeks ago the anger bug got me and I felt like I was constantly needing to wiggle my finger at folks while telling them off, not everyone as usually you play out in front of the ones you love and trust and the ones who had volunteered to be part of your growth. I even found myself laughing while being like this because I almost felt like I was in a corner and couldn't stop and it then linked with me starting a big and much needed shift in my food intake. It was like I was being angry because I was full, full of 'stuff, ' from my past, my present and I am sure my future too. Being of such a powerful disposition I have to be careful and with the energy the way it is I have to be extra careful for anything I wish for because just a mere passing thought and the universe and my guides are conspiring to start something happening, before I had actually 100% signed up.
With this food thing, just as I voiced it as an idea to a friend on the phone later that evening old emotional stuff that I was clearly storing came up for release, followed by other physical stuff that was all about the clear out. And it continues.
I am gently introducing more juices to my diet, more soups and less of what I have been using to stuff myself up and block my creative flow. It was more that the food I have been turning to didn't make me feel good and I some how made myself believe I was helpless. And you know what that does, feeling helpless just makes you helpless! (LOL) We all do it, it is part of being human until we stop and learn that we can be more effective, brighter and cleaner in body, mind, spirit and emotion when we eat what is right for us. And by what is right for us I am not talking about being 100% raw or on juices permanently. I used to think that once but not now. Okay when you are doing a specific body detox but the general report back from team in Spirit is that it is about knowing and eating what your body needs for optimum functioning. Forcing yourself to be raw when it isn't right for you just puts you in the energy of sacrifice and that is a very old paradigm energy. And is why you are likely to fall of the wagon and be caught in a cycle of dieting fads. It is because you are listening to someone else over and above your own body, vibration and intuition.
I am not saying being raw is bad, all I am saying is that someones way isn't necessarily your way and being able to know yourself is the best way to understand what works for you. I do agree that a diet for the evolved is going to contain more raw food that is organic, ethical, seasonal and so on as the energy of what we eat is more than the food itself after all. So eating meat and fish may well be what your body needs but the question has to be what is the source and how ethical is it really?
The end point of what I am learning and creating for myself, is eating what is right for me in quantities that keep my body functioning healthily and enable me to continue to be the best Divine Channel I can. Sorry folks, this may not be welcomed but being overweight in anyway is an issue, I am not saying everyone needs to be a size zero because we all have a natural physique but you know (just like I do for my own self) when you are carrying extra pounds and in not being able to shed them is a sign that you are out of alignment with your physical body. This is about being in alignment to what size and shape you need to be to be the light worker you know you are capbable of being, not all being uniformly the same size.
How do you know if you are carrying extra pounds, well when you look in the mirror and think soon I will drop them, or when you put on clothes and wish you could hide the bulge. That is the tell tell sign that you are not in alignment with your physical body. The same applies when you are underweight because you are not allow your body to be at its optimum. Being aware is the starting point for bringing in change.
I used to tell myself God doesn't worry about a few extra pounds, and of course God doesn't worry full stop. What I was really saying was an excuse for not being able to deal with what was going on with my physical body and where I was not dealing with emotions and other people's stuff.
Having spoken with a few people about this subject recently it seems that as Light Workers we take responsibility for our physical body after everything else. We pursue the Light connections and almost forget the body, but what I am reminding you today is that without your body you could not be having the experiences that you are. This is where all this nonsense about ascension symptoms comes in (I never played into this...I mean come on folks!) , because as someone I know put it it is like using a 30 watt light bulb in a 100 watt lamp... you just blow the light at all times because you are trying to push more and more light through something that just isn't built for it. Funny how people got caught up in the romanticism of ascension symptoms and failed to recognise the gift that was being shown to them that there physical body needed some TLC!
2010 is a really significant year and it marks an end point and a new beginning point. It is this year that sows the seeds for your next evolution and the choices you make and the actions you take (or not take) have greater significance. By ignoring, avoiding or being stuck to any old paradigm ways you will take them forward as issues and blocks as you move into 2011, 2012 and beyond. With this is in mind it is really important to take a look at how you need to evolve your physical body. What is it that you are avoiding doing? Is it issues around your diet? Excess pounds? Lack of exercise? If you can feel twinges of recognition to these questions because you have been avoiding them, then why not do something about it? All I can say is that the energy at the moment is perfect for aligning your physical body with the light that you carry and the work that you do and are here to do. Do everything gently and before you know it you will have new ways embedded into your life and your physical body will be strengthened while ascending so it can support you as you become a more powerful light worker.
If you thinking well I am overweight and don't exercise and I am doing well, just think how much

Nurturing your physical body is as important and as necessary as nurturing your soul. You have and need both and more then ever now the call from your soul is to align your physical body with your essence of your soul and Divine Mission so that you can play out in full what you are here to do.