Friday, 29 January 2010

The Manifestation Mindset

The Manifestation Mindset

I created this for my New Earth, New Year, New You programme...and it felt so powerful I have decided to share it here....

  1. Trust that you create everything in your life, no exception, your destiny is in your heart and in your hands.

  2. You are the only one responsible for your own life, as others are for their own life too, so you decide what is going to happen.

  3. Abundance is your birthright, claim it or loose it.

  4. Spend time daily nurturing your dream, the one in your heart, this is your passion.

  5. You plan and take action to make your dream so.

  6. You do not perceive something as a success or failure, you see instead as all part of pursuing your dream.

  7. You communicate your dream but you do not seek approval for your dream.

  8. Once you have the dream, you give it energy but you stop tinkering with it and surrender it to Divine Will and act as if it has already happened (or even better has happened).

  9. You enjoy the journey as the destination has been sorted out already!

  10. You celebrate success in your life and in the life of others.

  11. You are prepared to get help and inspiration from a teacher who can help unlock your manifestation abilities.

You Cosmic Coach challenge

Every day for the next 11 days read through this Manifestation Mindset. Each day, if one stands out to you write about it in your journal. It will be your opportunity to grow and move through the illusions and blocks that stop you manifesting the Best Life Ever. If you find none of them stand out to you, then pick one at random and write about it the same. Remember manifestation like any spiritual practice can always be taken to the next level. The choice is always yours, stay where you are or rev it up a gear!

Have fun!

Monday, 25 January 2010

Sarupa's Space 25th January 2010

Well my space over the last couple of weeks has been extremely busy and so productive. I feel like I have been going through a period of growth and adjustment and so many things are dropping in place. These things have been my on-going aha moments.

Just this weekend I was listening to a teleclass on Hand Analysis and updating some of my skills so I can support people who want to uncover the information from their hand prints (and why wouldn't you) and I as ever got my own BIG insight. I realised that my dream, my deepest desire that I know, I never really communicate fully to anyone. I share bits and pieces of it but I keep it a secret mostly. Now, don't get me wrong there is always a need to keep things to oneself, especially when things are brewing and being formulated, as you wouldn't want to be premature about it. However, I realised in keeping the BIG dream in its entirety a secret even from the ones I love was not fueling me or fueling my dream....and what message was I sending out to the Universe? Of course I have rectified this by sharing my dream with someone...and no they didn't laugh...or think I had may be finally gone too far! I have to say I felt so empowered afterward, it was like a power boost. Almost like a big sigh of relief from my True Self as to quote my best phrase for 2010 - claim it or lose it! I claimed my dream even more in sharing it in a bigger way then ever before, making it real and giving it detail and clarity so that someone else could 'get it.'

This may sound really obvious to you, but actually when I see most people's hands you realise that they are probably not even clear on their dream and they are probably communicating the wrong things about it. If it wasn't the case we would all be living our higher purpose 100% of the time.

Everything about enlightening ones life is a constant moment of growth, have said this before and that is just what I have been experiencing this month. An opportunity to re-evaluate, re-focus, re-design, shed, clear and detox. It feels a little scary because I am having to step in to a new way of being, thinking, acting. A place that feels more true for me but the old fears of what will others think, will I fail, creep up but luckily I can unplug from them and turn that fear into excitement and joy...but it doesn't mean I don't feel it and get a small case of self-doubt.

So BIG CHANGE is in the air and in a few days I will update the Cosmic Bugle and share insights about what is going on energetically as it feels really good. I hope you are getting your chance to grow and be challenged to grow too (challenging growth is a good growth, don't see it as anything else!) .

Remember if you haven't already, do sign up for the Heavenly Spaces eZine, (box on right) as you are not going to want to miss my next eZine...I have created a fantastic Manifestation Tool for you with a great Cosmic out it will be in your Inbox later this week....

Till the next time...much love,

Friday, 15 January 2010

Sarupa's Space - 15th January 2010

Well, what has been happening in my Space....quite a lot really. I have had a massive journey this all started on Monday when I was working with a coach in America to help me express what I am here to do. I have it all within me but wanted to work through the framing of it with someone. As ever, my M.O. is to resist what I need and I wasn't too in love with this idea on Monday....but as I started the coaching call, it was like WOW, WOW, WOW! I finally consecrated (and it has to be that word!) my True Spirit message, the message of my soul that reflects me and what I am all about....will share soon but at the moment I am just loving it by myself ;-)

That was followed by another coaching session with my business mentor, the amazing Karen Knowler - the Raw Food Coach. Karen gave me one of those gentle kick up the bums, well not literally but the type that you get over the phone. It was one of those messages that was delivered at exactly the right time as it was all about stuff I have been thinking about for a year, and moving at snails pace towards. Lifestyle changes, upping my game and so on. Yes, we all have a bar that we can raise.

This was followed by my writing coach (yes, a week for me to be coached!) giving me the same message, delivered differently but still the same essence. Now what did that tell me, perhaps the Universe was giving me a nudge to tell me I am ready to support you and assist you in manifesting your life's work, so get on with it! Well absolutely, it was loud and clear, how much louder could it get?

As the pattern goes, the next day which was yesterday I crashed emotionally, cannot say why but it happened. Everything just imploded, including me. Today...well I feel a little shaky and I realised I needed to write and as soon as I did the shakiness stopped. I figure the Universe's message is getting louder.
I end this week feeling a little more serious than usual, (thankfully warmer however) and it serves as a remainder that I want to share with you. There is a time and place for fun and meandering along in life, but you know what, if you want to go for something, and by that I mean really want to make waves in the world, if that is what you dream of. Or maybe you want to transform your life beyond current recognition, then you are going to have to get serious about doing it. The plan I made at the start of this New Year has already expired, but that is good I have out grown it already so I am back to the drawing board with that. This weekend I will make a new plan and then the fun can recommence!

If you are finding that you keep hearing certain messages from people around you, just think for a second do you think the Universe is trying to contact you and by Universe I mean Celestial ones, your Guides, your Angels, - the cosmic consciousness of love? Well, you know it is highly likely they are trying to get your attention and say, 'oi...we are waiting, you asked so let's go...' I have said it before and I say it again, this isn't the year to play it small and I have had my short and sharp lesson yesterday, don't do what you know you don't want to. Don't give energy to anything unless it is what you want to grow and nurture, everything else is a distraction from your life path and your true self. Everything else is the illusion. The signs, the little nudges are real. Still time to step up on to the making this the best life ever train, if you want to. I am on it and I can't wait to meet you along the way too...

Until the next time,

Much love,

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Metatron speaks: True Earth, True You (Jan 2010)

Metatron Speaks, through Sarupa Shah

True Earth, True You

January 2010

I am Archangel Metatron, Keeper of the Golden Flame, and the Ascended Light of Humanity. In this time we have come to speak to you about your journey and the experiences that are occurring for so many.

There has been a significant change in the frequency around the planet, there is a lightness as the clearing of dense lower vibrational energy has been on-going for some time. The planetary being has regained a different voice, one that is closer to her true self. The alignment of the Divine Feminine was expedited over the last few years, supporting the balance of divine male and divine female.

All of this comes together now to enable a new era to occur, with vigour and love. The talk of New Earth is no longer the dream or the goal but the energy is now as it always has been. These are indeed unprecedented times in the history of humanity, because the now is ‘true Earth. The talk of New Earth is shifting as there was nothing new in the True Earth, but the energies remained hidden, lost, and inaccessible for eons as humanity needed to make a journey. The collective of you have made enough of a leap towards your own true self and this has helped magnetise the True Earth energies, which in turn have made further opportunities for you to express and be the true you.

This is a form of manifestation, as one begets the other. A beautiful prophecy, once only dreamt of and written about but now being experienced.

The journey to the true you is what this has been all about and it has always been about this. For the true you, the divine blue print that you carry within you is where your real divine plan and mission details exist. Think of the world you are in, where each person is fulfilling their role, their part in the divine story. Lessons learnt, understanding deepened, compassion increased, love unconditional. It is Heaven on Earth that I describe. The grounding complete and now is the time for action.

The call to act has always been constant and now the call to action is louder. Like the drum of a beating heart, listen to your call. Take that time to find the rhythm to your action. Follow that sound. In doing so you are following the path to your true self. Without the true self expression you are not in your full power, you are not in your potential.

This is it, the call is out there for each soul, as it always has been but now these are the part of the frequencies that are being beamed across the planet. This is the year, the year of the true self seed where you start on the next level of the journey. It is happening now, it is happening for all unconsciously, but the call we make here is to those who are consciously connected to the journey of the planet, to the journey of mankind.

The journey is occurring for all regardless of where you may be in the process of spiritual awakening. The birthing of new energy once completed, does not discriminate against who can benefit and who can grow. It is not the number of years, or the dedication of the past, it is always the intention you hold now that matters. What has been, has brought you to where you are, but you know sweet ones, that what occurs is now, what matters is now.

What is the intention you hold for the journey to your true self? What commitment do you bring to this journey? What action do you take to move in each moment closer to your true self?

Yes, indeed setting intentions and visions is a ritual we encourage as many of you have done already as you started this New Year. But we encourage you to take this even further and ask yourself every day for this year, what is my intention for my journey to my true self today? And then make it so. You hold the keys, you hold the power, and you decide to move towards your true self. It rests in your hands now more than ever.

The energy is ripe; it is a year of doorways and gateways. They are aplenty. Waiting for you to choose which one you are stepping through in order to move closer to your true self.

Sweet ones, for now we ask that you find time in each day, to ponder and meditate and ask your true self for guidance and assistance. Invite this presence to shine through; dispersing what blocks it, what has prevented it from being accessed and being you. Shedding the layers and moving through the lessons swiftly. As the energy continues to get stronger and the Ascended Light of Consciousness becomes part of your consciousness it is that time to set in motion the change that you wish to be.

A year of growth as ever but the change you have made is that the growth can be experienced on levels never before experienced. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma, shattering and discombobulation of the old now shifted. And where you know you are ready to shift and needing to, then make that leap into the true and new energies as in doing so you will awaken to your power, you being the responsible one as you travel to your true self.

It is through your actions, you will lead others. Your actions towards your true self will create a wave of light, a ripple of heaven on earth across the planet. Vibrating and enhancing the call to action for others. So as you often sit and wonder, what you are doing and how you can help others in showing them the way to heaven on earth, now that in being true to your journey and becoming your true self is by far the greatest work you can do. Never think you are not contributing to the change, you are awakened and you are ready for the words we have shared. Your heart, your soul, your desire has called for this now and your power, tenacity, commitment and direction has made it so.

True Earth leads to true you. We embrace you with our love, we guide you with passion, unfaltering joy. This is your time, this is your invitation.

Until our next time we connect, we bid you welcome, for I am Metatron the keeper of the Golden Flame, the Ascended Light of Christ and Humanity. Walk with our love and walk in love for others.

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This work by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

If you wish to use this Channelling in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: "Sarupa Shah is your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation. REGISTER and SIGN UP now at"

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Cosmic Bugle: 7th January 2010

Well this is the first Cosmic Bugle of 2010. And what a start it has been to the year so many of you are going to be able to call the year that changed your life....the year that was the best and all the rest got better.

(This is where I share what I perceive through my own inner guidance and sometimes through my celestial team as to what is happening energetically. Just to help further your insights and let you know that what you may be experiencing is part shared with others and is all part of your own Divine Plan....)

That is how I am feeling already about this year, something feels kind of different about it. More settled. I cannot put my finger on what, because my rational, logical self asks me, 'what exactly has changed?

I still live in the same way and place, I do the same things. And when I start thinking about that I can think about the things I want to and wish to change and wah wah wah. But when I take a breath, it all disappears because what has changed is the energy - the frequency around us. It has become more settled. It has a more constant (and getting louder) hum. Stop and listen out for it. The energy fluxes that we have experienced over the last few years have stabilised, stopped and the new energies that have been streaming are getting stronger. Now my guidance and cosmic contacts tell me that this ain't nothing, just wait for it to get further and further into more people's consciousness and awareness. They know that many of you are still experiencing lows and disappointments, but hang on in there every one is on their own timing. If you feel resistance and bitterness, they suggest you let it go. Easy words, I know, but find an outlet to sort things out because years like this are a gift. Don't let a minute go where you are stuck in old patterns.

One way is to keep calling light to you. Do this through breathing and opening your energy. Simple technique yet extremely important and effective.

We have the next few weeks to get to a place where we wish to be both within ourselves, how we are in our own journey, in terms of our plans and sense of direction towards our true self. What happens next, well nothing bad, more that you will have started to set the energy intentions for the next year. 2010 the best year ever....? Your choice. Remember what you sow now you reap in the years to come.

So, if you feel like celebrating, then go do it and if you don't then go do it as while you are celebrating and honouring who you are you will be letting go of the old self and bringing in the true you....

Energetically there are openings and opportunities at the moment but see them as doors/gateways that you have to move through, they are there for you but they are not going to come and find you. That is not what this year is about. It is about you doing what you know you need to do.

And on that note, I am signing off to get on with some more celebrating...

Always in support,

Saturday, 2 January 2010

2010 - New Beginnings

Hello! I can't believe it has been over a month since I last blogged. I was needing to take a little break as things were hotting up in other areas and I believe in balance and letting things go every now and then, but a month! Well, I am back now. Feeling slightly larger than I was last year ;-) - but seeing friends and family and eating (and sometimes drinking) has been a tradition during this Christmas holiday time.

Interestingly for me this year there was a lot of sleeping and not going out too. It surprised me in some way as it goes against my sociable personality. When I tuned in I realised it was just the energy shifts that were taking place and my role in experiencing and carrying the new codes. It helped to know as I was beginning to feel a little sense of guilt, for not doing some of the things that I had hoped to do. Writing, channelling, blogging, it was as if something about the timing wasn't right. I guess I just needed to absorb the new energies and be in this new space!!!

And wow, what a lovely space I am in. It feels like the last few weeks, despite being awesome, magical and busy and very blissfully have also been about being held in statis. Now it feels like a layer, or perhaps a shield has been dissolved and it is not just the year that has changed I have too. It feels like I have been away somewhere for a while and have returned....and as I am even writing those words I get a big celestial smile. And why not? For those working with us n the Celestial Realms there is always a smile when one of their lights back on earth (and we are all their lights) connects to what has been occurring.

Things feel re-newed rather than new, I feel strong and clearer and have a deep sense of direction, but where this direction is taking me is mostly unknown, well the detail is but what I do know is that this is the year that I, like so many of you in your own way get closer to your true self. After all, this is what the journey of life is all about. Becoming the true you, so you can get on with what you are really here to do which for want of a better description is to create heaven on earth!

Talking of creation, I do have my New Earth, New Year, New You teleclass programme starting on January 11th and if you want me to show you how you can connect to the energy of now, and claim it as your own like I have then this is the programme for you. I do hope that you will join me and be part of the new earth revolution! (for details.)

Until the next blog (and I promise it will be soon....!) Much love,