Metatron Speaks, through Sarupa Shah
True Earth, True You
January 2010
I am Archangel Metatron, Keeper of the Golden Flame, and the Ascended Light of Humanity. In this time we have come to speak to you about your journey and the experiences that are occurring for so many.
There has been a significant change in the frequency around the planet, there is a lightness as the clearing of dense lower vibrational energy has been on-going for some time. The planetary being has regained a different voice, one that is closer to her true self. The alignment of the Divine Feminine was expedited over the last few years, supporting the balance of divine male and divine female.
All of this comes together now to enable a new era to occur, with vigour and love. The talk of New Earth is no longer the dream or the goal but the energy is now as it always has been. These are indeed unprecedented times in the history of humanity, because the now is ‘true Earth. The talk of New Earth is shifting as there was nothing new in the True Earth, but the energies remained hidden, lost, and inaccessible for eons as humanity needed to make a journey. The collective of you have made enough of a leap towards your own true self and this has helped magnetise the True Earth energies, which in turn have made further opportunities for you to express and be the true you.
This is a form of manifestation, as one begets the other. A beautiful prophecy, once only dreamt of and written about but now being experienced.
The journey to the true you is what this has been all about

and it has always been about this. For the true you, the divine blue print that you carry within you is where your real divine plan and mission details exist. Think of the world you are in, where each person is fulfilling their role, their part in the divine story. Lessons learnt, understanding deepened, compassion increased, love unconditional. It is Heaven on Earth that I describe. The grounding complete and now is the time for action.
The call to act has always been constant and now the call to action is louder. Like the drum of a beating heart, listen to your call. Take that time to find the rhythm to your action. Follow that sound. In doing so you are following the path to your true self. Without the true self expression you are not in your full power, you are not in your potential.
This is it, the call is out there for each soul, as it always has been but now these are the part of the frequencies that are being beamed across the planet. This is the year, the year of the true self seed where you start on the next level of the journey. It is happening now, it is happening for all unconsciously, but the call we make here is to those who are consciously connected to the journey of the planet, to the journey of mankind.
The journey is occurring for all regardless of where you may be in the process of spiritual awakening. The birthing of new energy once completed, does not discriminate against who can benefit and who can grow. It is not the number of years, or the dedication of the past, it is always the intention you hold now that matters. What has been, has brought you to where you are, but you know sweet ones, that what occurs is now, what matters is now.
What is the intention you hold for the journey to your true self? What commitment do you bring to this journey? What action do you take to move in each moment closer to your true self?
Yes, indeed setting intentions and visions is a ritual we encourage as many of you have done already as you started this New Year. But we encourage you to take this even further and ask yourself every day for this year, what is my intention for my journey to my true self today? And then make it so. You hold the keys, you hold the power, and you decide to move towards your true self. It rests in your hands now more than ever.
The energy is ripe; it is a year of doorways and gateways. They are aplenty. Waiting for you to choose which one you are stepping through in order to move closer to your true self.
Sweet ones, for now we ask that you find time in each day, to ponder and meditate and ask your true self for guidance and assistance. Invite this presence to shine through; dispersing what blocks it, what has prevented it from being accessed and being you. Shedding the layers and moving through the lessons swiftly. As the energy continues to get stronger and the Ascended Light of Consciousness becomes part of your consciousness it is that time to set in motion the change that you wish to be.
A year of growth as ever but the change you have made is that the growth can be experienced on levels never before experienced. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma, shattering and discombobulation of the old now shifted. And where you know you are ready to shift and needing to, then make that leap into the true and new energies as in doing so you will awaken to your power, you being the responsible one as you travel to your true self.
It is through your actions, you will lead others. Your actions towards your true self will create a wave of light, a ripple of heaven on earth across the planet. Vibrating and enhancing the call to action for others. So as you often sit and wonder, what you are doing and how you can help others in showing them the way to heaven on earth, now that in being true to your journey and becoming your true self is by far the greatest work you can do. Never think you are not contributing to the change, you are awakened and you are ready for the words we have shared. Your heart, your soul, your desire has called for this now and your power, tenacity, commitment and direction has made it so.
True Earth leads to true you. We embrace you with our love, we guide you with passion, unfaltering joy. This is your time, this is your invitation.
Until our next time we connect, we bid you welcome, for I am Metatron the keeper of the Golden Flame, the Ascended Light of Christ and Humanity. Walk with our love and walk in love for others.

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