Monday, 21 April 2008

Mother Earth Speaks - the time of integration is now

The intensity of change that lies ahead is far greater than you could have imagined. It is mighty and powerful yet incredibly joyous and full of love.

Some months ago I spoke of my merging with Mother of all Creation and Mother Nature. We know have the Universal Mother energy joining with us step closer to our integration as one. The female embodiment of the Divine Presence – the Divine Mother. The energy of integration is now. There has been much in the preparation of partnership but now we are ready to take a step closer. Imagine if you will that we are holding hands, and as empathic energy we can experience much of each others realities now. We are understanding what is to be everything at all times, no separation – just the totality of being, the totality of experience, the experience of unity and love. A frequency to love that is so different to anything that has been experienced before.

My energy is like an awakening child, pure and unhindered. The light that surrounds us is a light of bliss, it is a new experience that we are absorbing and soon we will be as one and able to share this with you with the greatest of abundance. It is the dawning of the new era from a planetary perspective, but as you can see it is far wider reaching for it is a Universal revolution.
My heart is stronger now than ever before, you will experience this strength through the love I have for you.

Many of you have held an image of me, but let me share with you that I now have my golden heart back. It has been re-activated. As the 4 of us continue to step closer until we are one, the energy of the golden heart, which each of us has in common now will get stronger and stronger. It is resonating with the Golden Light of Metatron, the Lord who is steering the earthly evolution for now. We are going to mirror the celestial light for there will be no separation between the heaven and earth.

Rest well my children and do not shed a tear for me, for this opportunity I have dreamt of eons ago. My gift to you is my word that the turmoil is soon to pass and this is when the work really begins. All that you wished you could be will manifest. Keep your eyes, your heart, your ears, your soul, and your spirit open. Opportunities will be fast and if you decline or remain oblivious they will disappear. The energy is quickening as the awakening gets greater. It is the action of stepping up to your true essence that is required now. I have spoken previously of release and if you still feel the burden of life that has gone by, I welcome you to release it all to me. Your clear moments will be your best and defining moments.

As I am evolving, I remain still the planetary Mother, supporting you and loving you. The Divine Mother will speak soon, but until such time I remain your loyal companion.
For now this is all for I have much work to do. Before I take your leave, I am sending you a beam of golden energy from my heart straight to yours. Receive it now, for I have sent it. Take a deep breath and let that beam be your own golden seed.

Go with my love, for I am your Mother.

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Please visit Sarupa’s website and blog for more channellings and information. and

Monday, 14 April 2008

more learning!

Keeping with this flow of getting to know ones self and working with your own flow....I have had yet another magnificent learning curve this weekend. Since as far back as I can remember I have always had a strong level of intuitive insight. Like most intuitives before they accept this part of who they are, I would ignore the impulses. Over the years I have spent time and money cultivating this gift - but in all honesty I have not always listened to it when it came to things involving me. Hmm not proud of that admission - but it was that way so I could change it and learn to fully accept an honour each part of me.

I would say 95% of the time at least I ended up regretting not following my intuitive impulses. Not to say I always ignore my intuitive impulses but sometimes when it comes to me - I seem to do the opposite of what I am feeling. Partly because I am stubborn but mostly because I wanted to believe in something better and have until today, had connections with the 'martyr' and 'saviour' archetypes. Naive...? A dreamer? A sucker for punishment more like!

Well - people are good, but sometimes when you are trying to take things or situations into your own hands, when they are not yours to take and when you are going against your inner knowing - you can fall flat on your face! What was right yesterday may not feel right tomorrow - this is how it works and constantly each of us has the ability to adapt move on and go with a flow. Instead we hold fear, sentiment, hurt, guilt, insecurity and other self-harming traits and ignore the fact that we always knew what to do.

It is better to accept what you know and feel, rather than ignore it and then you can move on or not get yourself into situations with people which are sometimes jarring and un-enlightening. Basically another's truth is not a reason to doubt your own self - sometimes it is okay to walk away...clear off even! Ignoring your own intuitive impulses is not noble - it is a sacrifice. You sacrifice your own truth and and your own being - it is as good as being ignored, but worse you are almost ignoring yourself. Not nice!

Life is about joy, it is about being able to follow your dream and not getting caught up in trying to prove yourself wrong all the time. The reality is no one, not me, you or any other person can save anyone else. You can if you are lucky be an inspiration, but there is no saviour role. The same applies to this notion many people have of saving ones self. From what...? I am not talking here about physical danger as that goes without saying, but in the more etheric sense.

I always remember something I once heard Caroline Myss say about finding someone in there darkest hour. She said something like get your jacket and run! I always thought that was so harsh, but now I understand what she meant. It is not about abandoning anyone, it is about letting people go through what they need to without getting involved and without sacrifcing what you know the right thingfor you to be. You can be there without becoming part of it. Sometimes you have to just run away too! You will know what to do if you are connecting to your inner knowing!

I experienced both aspects of what I have written about here this weekend and I am so grateful because I learnt something so important. Although I still feel the pain of growth (everything just needs to catch up - body, mind, spirit and emotions)- I know this week is going to be much lighter as I have reclaimed or re-activated part of my true essence and that as you know can only be a good thing! It is true, life just gets better and better ;-)

Until next time, much love to you....


Thursday, 10 April 2008

getting to know yourself

With all the recent energy fluxes and cosmic twists one of the greatest lessons I have learnt is about my own flow. Often I used to find myself flowing according to a rhythm that I thought I ought to be in - or to something I was forcing myself to do. Simply put, it is an act of being unconscious.

How many times do you read a book that inspires you and then you try and follow it verbatim? Can you do it? It is like following a diet created by someone worked for them but that doesn't mean it will work for you.

The thing is to follow your own signals and signs.... you can only do this when you are aware of your own needs. Your own likes and dislikes. When is the right time to do something or not. It is about your own divine timing. It is a brave step when you stop being a sheep and become your own power source. Your own lead! Easy as it seems to say this, and I bet you are even perhaps nodding your head in agreement - the act of living by this principle is more difficult. It is almost like you are going to stand out and you know what else might happen...?. You might shine! Yes, you may well become what you were intended to - you may become your true divine self. By this I mean the happy, satisfied, the abundant, the loving know what I mean here.

I encourage you to look at understanding your own flow....when does your body want to eat for example, or sleep? Have some 'you time..?' The benefits of understanding yourself are so great - imagine this situation....if you do not know your own flow and your own needs, how can someone else be expected to know them...? Your inner world and by this I also mean the relationship you have with yourself is reflected in your outer world experiences. You may think life forces you to take certain actions and make certain decisions - all of this is about sacrificing your true self and your life vision.

It is not necessarily drastic change that brings you closer to joy - sometimes it is the combination of small and seemingly insignificant steps that make a momentum of change. As you look at your flow - I cosmically challenge you to make a simple change to your life.... I would love to hear what it is....

Much love,


Thursday, 3 April 2008

Spring Time is here

Well here in the UK spring has officially stared. The clocks went back and like magic we have more daylight. It seems more than before the amount of daylight we are having is a hot topic of discussion. It is the need for light that people are connecting with - the need to be 'out' more and to connect with others and nature. Autumn and winter here sees many people go into hibernation - perhaps it seems as if this is the right thing to do. I am not totally convinced as we are humans in need of connection with others.

Whether you are into spiritual concepts or not - you like most others around you have had a tough time recently. Lots of change and not all of it expected. Although the energy has shifted there is certainly still some way to go.

If you are connecting to the need for more light then good for you in noticing what your body, mind, spirit and emotions are asking for. Spend some time outside, do things that make you laugh, eat fresh live food (and I don't mean the breathing kind here!) and breathe deeply. There is always lots of light around but we forget to access it and breathing is such a simple and effective way of bringing this vital energy source to you. If you are feeling really inspired then you could meditate and visualise the light entering your energy field and permeating through your whole system. Whatever you chose you will feel so invigorated and renewed. Even if you are somewhere where you are entering your autumn season - you can still access the abundant light that is always here.

Have fun and do let me know how you are accessing more light for you.....

Much love
