Monday, 16 July 2007

raw food journey...2

Hey there,

I hope that you are doing well and are being inspired by my 'raw food journey.' The saying 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' springs to mind. The way I look at it, the past 3 weeks is giving me so much more insight into how I eat and why I eat. I touched on it on the last post when I talked about loosing weight - which was really old emotional baggage.

I saw me falling off the raw food wagon last weekend. There are 2 interesting points to this, firstly I was eating to please and fit in - to numb my own desires and wishes. That made me eat more, it was almost like after one dinner, someone would say more and I would say 'oh yes please!" Well, that is what I thought, I was really trying to numb myself to prevent a transformation- we all do this to a certain agree. Fight against that which we have desired - the universe often has to really fight us to give us what we have been asking, praying and sometimes even begging for! (I'll save that for another blog post!)

The second point was, I was not angry or annoyed with myself afterwards. The next day, in the past my pattern would have been to be really annoyed and helpless - so the 'unhealthy' eating would continue (by unhealthy I mean, white bread, chocolate, chips (fries), cheesy and fatty comfort foods!) Instead, the next day I reflected and just jumped back on the wagon without the recriminations.

I find point 2 most interesting as the past few weeks have given me much insight into how and why I have developed and sustained eating habits till now. However, to find that peace has meant that I don't go backwards. I don't have to start again, I continue upwards and forward. I continue on this journey which is really about self- love. It is about honouring what MY body needs in order for me to function and continue in the service that is unfolding.

I cannot say where my raw food journey will take me, I know what I would like to aim for, but keeping in with mystery I will remain attuned to my body. Listening to its needs, checking in to understand whether it is for emotional appeasement I choose a food or nourishment. If I eat with that level of awareness then I can only be doing my body good, as it is nourishment that will sustain me.

If you are erring wanting to find out more then just click through on the right, you never know you may sign up for the next 30day programme and find that you are writing your own blog about it!

Till the next time, I wish you much love and joy,


Wednesday, 11 July 2007

raw food journey...

Hi folks,

Hope you are all well...if you haven't yet enjoyed the 7-7-7 meditation from Metatron....see the previous post and give it a go....I have been working with this for over a week now and have to say that the transformation has been amazing. I really feel like there has been a huge shift, which has not yet stopped. Lots of people from all over the planet got together on 7-7-7 to do this meditation - and Mother Earth is beaming.

Talking of beaming, I am too....! I have been working with a raw food coach on a 30-day group programme (see the advert on the right hand side...) Those of you who get my newsletters will know that I started getting serious about conscious food - live food - raw food (call it what you will) around March this year. I have been on and off the raw food wagon - and decided that I really wanted to kick start my summer with a more conscious approach to life.

For me, eating raw conscious food impacts on all areas of my life. I feel like I am more in alignment with my life purpose, I feel I have oodles and oodles of energy so can conquer everything I set to do. I seem to have loads more inspiration for new projects and energy to seize opportunities! There is so much more that is positive, my skin looks clearer and brighter and the weight loss.....Although I am not doing it for weight loss - seeing that you move away from bread based products, and dairy, and processed and refined foods your body starts to loose some of the gunk...I am sure the weight loss will not continue till I am size zero, as I know I was not made to be that way but releasing a few pounds of what can best be described as emotional weight is a really good thing.

I am a third of the way through the programme, and the first week I spent being angry - no doubt detoxing my liver (the anger centre!) and having the most amazing 'aha' moments.

As you clean up what you eat, you also have to clean up other areas of your life - and I don't mean your home - although of course that happens too. I have found that I have changed my TV watching habits - I cannot sustain higher energy food within me by watching some of the mind numbing nonsense of old. I am at a hard point where, my social scene and some relationships are inevitable passed their sell-by date and I need to make those changes. I have learnt that I can't continue hot-stepping between a higher cosmic world and another which is totally incongruent, almost worlds apart. Scared yes...but still beaming as we all know that it is when we create the space that the universe will fill it with things that are more aligned to who we are and the vision we have constructed for ourself... Mixed in with the energies of now, and the planetary openings that exist and will do so for some time to come, it really is a golden opportunity.

I cannot recommend it enough, it is a great learning experience.

Will I be 100% raw at the end of the 30 days for ever...? Who knows, it is not about the goal for me any more, it is about the journey. I know I will be a conscious eater for the rest of my life. Eating with awareness and not using food to cover up emotions that I am not dealing with, and if being 100% raw is what that is about then that is where I will be.

I will update you on how the programme goes for me...but don't just read what I have said have look on the web and see what other people say. If something inside of you is connecting to this, click on the advert on the right and see for yourself...

Much love to you all....until the next time, stay healthy and stay sweet,


Friday, 6 July 2007

The Golden Gate 7-7-7

Hi all...

As promised here is the latest channel including a very powerful meditation. I have been doing the meditation today and it has been amazing. I would love to hear from you - about what your experience is like. Just for interest too, there is a remote group who are going to go through the process on 7.7.7 at 7.00am and then again at 7.00pm. If you can join at either or both time then please - just use the clock wherever you are! The channel previous to this one can be found at the Heavenly Spaces website.

Just to give you something to look forward to....

I have started a 30 day raw food coaching programme..(see links on right for more information about who I am doing this week...). I have so much to share about this - this whole journey is so exciting and revealing!

Much love and joy to each of you.


The Golden Gate – Words of Metatron Channelled through Sarupa Shah

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. (

There is a most joyous occasion to occur for your planet. She has never experienced such power and transformation and for each of you dear ones, the experience will be of untold magnificence. This day that you now have full awareness of, is of course the 7.7.7. As we have said in previous communications this is the day of celebration.

It is the day when the golden gate opens, and the golden energy, the next octave of the Christ consciousness, shall reach depths that it has never managed to before. It will connect straight to the heart of Mother Earth; it will be gathered and activated through the portals we spoke of in previous communications.

It will be a time of great transformation, spiritual advancement and growth. It is no longer to be said that the veils are thin, for they are to be removed. In the place of the veils that have shrouded the planet and in turn each of you, there will be new planes opening, planes of gold. During the initial stages it may not be possible for you comprehend, or connect to the changes that will occur. They are beyond comprehension for now and there is much still locked in illusion. What will occur and how and when it will exactly manifest for humanity is unknown - that is the true beauty of creation. As advancements in your evolution occur, we can be sure that this golden energy will move closer and closer, until it permeates through each of your hearts.

There is much said and spoken about the pathway that lies ahead, but do not move away from the truth that there is much to be done and much yet to unfold. There is still energy of the past, the memory within your DNA that is to be shed. This with the activation of the golden energy and further conscious awakenings will occur in time.

For now we would say celebrate. Allow the energies that will transmit to the planet to also be transmitted to you. Do this with celebration, joy and simplicity. We do not ask that you sit sacred.Those of you who have prepared energetically will be part of the magnetizing of the new golden era and the new golden rays. You do not need to know consciously or understand how this happens as we are working through your essence; we are working through a high or deep level depending on your perspective.

We would like to offer you a meditation to use for this new birthing. Use it as often as you like and are guided to. The more you are able to use it the greater your transformation will be. The transformation of you will support the transformation of many.

“As you sit quietly, undisturbed bring your focus to your breathing. Allow the golden energy to be inhaled and exhaled through you. As you inhale the energy is entering into your cells and your DNA structure. It is entering into your heart. Feel your heart centre opening, feel the strength that is contained within it.

This feeling of strength can be felt throughout your physical body. A higher vibration, solid and strong, perhaps you will feel like you are growing. It is the shift in your energy, as you are expanding in order to connect and carry the golden light.Feel the energy of the golden ray, deep within your core. Feel it like a sun radiating out from your heart. For you are now beginning to birth the golden era. When you anchor it within you, when you magnetise it towards you, you ground it and allow it to be birthed. As you walk with this energy activated within, you share it with those around you and you share it with the planet. You perform a service for Mother Earth. See this golden sun within your heart centre getting bigger and bigger until you are within this sun. You are now the central point of this golden sun. At this point you are in the act of creation and you have been created in the golden light.

When you are feeling ready to do so, bring your awareness back to your body and bring your awareness back to that place where you are. You are now the creator and the created in the light of gold.”

We offer this simple yet powerful process for you to use over the next few months as you wish and as you are guided.

You will find that your ability to hold more of the golden ray gets stronger and stronger. What appears at first like mere drops within your energy system will soon become part of your energy signature. It is a time of great transformation and change. There is no panic or fear for we here can see that so many of you are ready to carry this frequency. Nurture it within you, invite to reside within you. Fear not either what changes the new paradigm will bring, seek the counsel of your golden heart and know that what once was, is now to change.

For I am Metatron the keeper of the Golden Flame. Until such time we can connect again, we send you our love, we send you our blessings.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Ascension, what does it all mean? By Archangel Metatron

Hi all... here is channelling no 2 in the Ascemsion Series...don't forget if you want to receive the channellings to your inbox before they are published on the web, you can sign up for a free newsletter at the Heavenly Spaces website.

As ever, wishing you all much joy and abundance...


"Ascension, what does it all mean? By Archangel Metatron"

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. (

When people think of ascension they always think (well mostly they do) of a linear pathway. A pathway that leads to the stars, and eventually to God, or the Divine, the Father, you can call it as you choose. This is not actually the pathway, as you are always with this Divine Source, it is always within you and it is not that pathway that you are seeking. You need to reactivate the memories of your God-self and God connection. Yes; however this is not the essence or the purpose of ascension, it is simply part of ascension.

Ascending is about going up, but in this case it is not in the literal sense, it is about being able to ascend through opening your heart, connecting your heart to your soul, to your higher-self and to your spirit. It is about clearing debris from old lives, from this life and from future lives. So many of you do not know that you have debris from the future, because you are not yet aware of how multi-dimensional you truly are. You think the present moment is the only one that matters and exists, well in a way yes, but all moments that ever existed, exist in this present moment, the past, the future and the present. That is why all situations can always be healed. Energy sent with the right intent can be healing whatever reality you are sending to. So to clear your own time line, your personal time line is one path to ascension. Clarity of soul, higher-self and spirit through the heart is our meaning of an ascended one. The great masters whom you refer to, the higher angels, the Elohim and Gods of Creation all have ascended through this principle.

Now this may seem impossible, it may even at this point seem incomprehensible. What does it all mean? How can I achieve this? These are questions that are right and we shall turn by turn take time to answer them so that you can begin to start to consciously ascend. For it is the conscious that ascend there are no accidental ascensions. Reading about the planetary ascension is not sufficient to create your pathway, knowledge and to know what to do is the only pathway. Ascension symptoms people refer to are in the main symptoms that are only present because you, each individual, have not taken his or her responsibility for their ascension pathway. Look back at the stories of the masters, they did not suffer with these symptoms, they perhaps suffered in material form for they stood out against the forces of the shadow, but they did not, when they merged through their heart, at anytime feel anything other than joy. It is a new illusion that is being created, why is not important, for it just feeds that which is not joy. Think now about the joy of being in alignment with the Divine Will, with the will of love and with the will of your "I Am Presence." There can only be joy, and when you are at this realisation, the searching ends and the love begins. The reconnection, the new journey and a new pathway of service will show itself, where you are a brighter light, dear one. The illusion is broken; the road to joy has been opened.

So to the first question: What does this all mean?

In essence your true path of service is the service that you are providing to yourself and to your soul. The journey that you choose will inevitably end in the same place. It is the earthly time you decide upon and the number of lessons you choose to learn, or in some cases choose to not learn for several attempts. The service that you can do for yourself is when your heart is fully merged with your soul and higher-self; this is when you will be shining through in your fullest glory. This is your God like self and through your own recognition, your acts, deeds and thoughts will change which will in turn help your vibration to transcend. As this process continues you eventually reach states which can be called ascended. Not all ascended beings are destined to work as the masters do and even if they are they are not all destined to work with the earth plane. Through passing through the levels of ascension you will learn about which level you will work from, and what your soul is aligned to do. You will through the process alleviate ego concerns which often mar even the work of the most profound light being. To have ego is a human and physical state, but to transcend this fully is part of the journey of ascension. Think therefore in your life that your path of service to yourself is the truest path. That which you reflect to you will be mirrored out in the world, so in effect you are, through serving yourself, serving the whole of humanity. Forget not that the universal law of attraction is as much about what you put in and not what you just put out.

Second question: How can I achieve this?

Well this is an interesting question, a question that has no simple or straightforward answer. You need to make a conscious choice and undergo processes (of which there are many available) in which you are able to shed light on all aspects of you. The daily activation of your Merkaba as described by Melchisadec in the previous message through this channel, is one way. As you sit within the light of your Merkaba you have the resources to access your higher-self and soul and through their merging with the whole of you, you can seek assistance on those issues in your life that you know need illumination.

Through living life consciously you will become more intuitive and aligned to the universal forces where you will make conscious and seemingly natural changes to your life. A career change perhaps, a change in the way that you support good causes, a change in the way that you live side by side with all, who share your world. It is, for want of another better word, infectious. Once you open your consciousness to the light of your true essence, the journey will take on a force of its own. At many points you will stop and pause, through the life times that you choose to take this through as you will need to regroup your energy. You will not however need to suffer with symptoms which are physical in nature. If you are suffering then you are not energetically aligned, the natural process of ascension is not one which requires any pain. There are no instances where you will be bewildered. The road to the Divine is always full of joy, there are plans and there are instructions that you will be guided to follow. Teachers both from the physical world or the celestial realms will answer the call of your true essence and will appear in many guises to guide you further. Following practices which are shared with you, being conscious, being gracious and being loving will ensure that you are opting out of the illusion that ascension is elitist, ascension is painful. The true ascension discipleship is through the teaching contained within your heart centre and this teaching, when activated, will unlock your pathway to your ascended self.

There are no real timelines; the planet will do her job as you will do yours. You will make your own decisions, but we have heard your calls, we have seen some of the confusion and we are here to serve. Each one of us is working to shed light on this process, as so many of you are reaching out to shine. So many of you are ready to live in alignment with their true essence, and this is an ongoing state not an end goal. We urge you to keep your heart open, to look at each other as a parent would a child, as a brother to a sister, as creator to created.

I am Archangel Metatron, Archangel of the Golden Light of Higher Consciousness, keeper of the flame of the ascended Christ soul. We bid you welcome and we bid you joy until our next reconnection.

Sunday, 1 July 2007

how do you feel...?

As promised this is my post after undertaking the ritual on the eve of the Blue Moon. The whole day I was so tired. Here in London it had not stopped raining. It was pretty miserable and I was having a very lazy Saturday!

When I started the ritual I found it hard initially and then I was angry and sad. It sees that as I was purging emotions I experienced them a little!

The prize (well it felt like it was), was writing about my vision. I love to do that exercise as it helps to tap into my creativity and helps me to remember that I create my life. It reminds me that I must accept responsibility. In fact when I went to bury my vision for my life, it ripped into two pieces. I was sad and then I thought, okay what exactly is the lesson here? Of course, I went through the feelings that perhaps I had done something wrong, hence why the universe tore my vision into 2 pieces. Well, I had not done anything wrong really, it was just a lesson for me to remember that I can make or not make my life as I wish it to be. I hold all the keys. It was a very magical reminder that I should not let anything disconnect me from that truth. I do create my own reality. Do you create yours..?

Till the next time,

Much love,


PS Remember you can repeat the ritual during any full moon, the power of the Blue Moon is just a full moon but amplified.