Sunday, 29 November 2009

Sarupa's Space

Well Sarupa's Space recently has been busy and busier. It always seems to me the rush before December kicks in feels more intense but nothing I hope will not pass with the full moon on the 1st! It seems as if in a bid to compensate for long nights, and grey days here in the UK folks seem to busy themselves, almost as if keeping busy means you will not notice what is happening. Knowing this I have stopped to notice what has been happening. ;-)

Since the space clearing, I have had an overwhelming need to keep things shifting and moving and strangely, I have had a mishap on my computer, and emails from 1st June 2006 and 23rd November 2009 in one of my sub folders (my main one) have disappeared. Not in the deleted file, just pif paf poof gone! Unlike the stress I may have felt about it I feel quite okay about it, I had been deleting things that I really didn't need to keep. I am needing to keep this discipline up because I am a bit of a sentimental. It is my thing to be very much in love with all I have and know and in evolving this I am needing to move even faster away from being sentimental. Not quite become ruthless, but sometimes having that ruthless vibe is good. It means you can get things done. And going back to how busy things are (in a good way) I need to be ruthless. Ruthless in what my priorities are, ruthless in what I am going to give my energy and attention to and what I am not. There are so many things I would love to do, love to understand or resolve but I have to keep asking myself are they part of my higher purpose....even if they feel like they are until I ask that question I cannot be sure. More often than not they are not and as we shift into this powerful month of December and the almighty powerful 2010, I need to be 100% clear about what I am giving energy too and what I am nurturing and nourishing on behalf of my soul. (hint: Good idea to check in with your soul so you really are nourishing and nurturing on its behalf!)

All of it makes an interesting observation for me as I realise that I am more powerful than I thought in areas of my life where I thought I had little or no power at all. I describe myself as sentimental which I am, and that often means that things and people can hurt me more than they might hurt others because I internalise everything and think about what I could have done better and so on. I am a firm believer in the fact that in every situation there are no victims, but there are players and we all have a role and all have something to learn and grow from. In growing from this and learning to integrate the energy of being ruthless without becoming so I am finding that I am able to keep moving forward and evolving. Getting more done than I thought was possible without getting sidetracked or without getting stuck.

If this all sounds good to you, know it is good for me too. As I am busy preparing for the New Earth, New Year, New You Retreat and ensuring that the group of people joining me are going to be taken on a powerful journey to make 2010 the best year ever and lay the foundations for 2012 - I need to be able to stay focused. November has been a month of focus and now as we head into December, the heady, mystical and magical month the opportunities are going to be very different! So watch this Sarupa's Space ;-)

Until the next time, as ever blissfully yours,

Friday, 27 November 2009

The Article

The Article - Personal Commitment & Responsibility

Did you know that we are more likely to not break a commitment we make to others than a commitment we make to ourselves? This may be an uncomfortable truth but it is how most of us seem to be wired. We believe that we have to put others first and otherwise we may be seen as selfish and unkind. If you are anything like me, I used to think and sometimes find myself falling back to this, thinking that those who put themselves first appear quite hard and selfish - so we continue to feed the illusion that making and keeping a personal comitment is not important.

Let us look at it another way - every time you make a commitment to yourself and you break it, what message do you think you are sending to the Universe? Are you saying that you matter
? Or are you saying that you do not matter? Personal commitment is a cog in the alignment process and if you really want to start living authentically and become clearer at manifesting and creating your own reality - no 'cog' can be left to spin either out of control or at all. Maybe you are putting everybody else first so it stops you taking any personal blissful steps in your life? This classic scenario of putting others first is simply a delay tactic and a form of self sabotage, as we think it gives a valid and just reason for not living our dream.

There are so many examples I can think of in my own life where I have made a personal commitment and then allowed myself to shove it to the back of a pile or worse still end up on a rubbish (garbage) heap. Commitment to diet, exercise, meditation, things I want to achieve, complete or create. Sometimes I felt bad, but mostly I did not give it a second thought as I believed that doing something for someone else somehow made me a better person - surely the Universe would look more favourably at me as I was altruistic and generous with my time and effort to others.

This is of course not true. What you send out you receive back, so by saying everyone else or everything else is more important than the commitment you make to yourself, you will attract more lack of committment in your life both from others and yourself. A vicious circle. You will find that you attract people who are not prepared to stick to commitments with you whether personally, or business life. The Universe as know will always mirror the beliefs, behaviours and patterns that you nurture. It will not matter how much you wish it to be different, you cannot change your external world until you change your inner world - your inner beliefs, behaviours, patterns, attitudes and such like.

To start changing this pattern to transforming your outer experience, you simply need to start to become aware of your personal commitments and keep them! It reads as if it is simple and it is, but you have to persevere.

A step that I have in my life so I keep my promises to myself is daily (sometimes the evening before) I write down the things I wish to achieve or ensure happen on the day. An example for today was:
1. Write this eZine and send out
2. Not eat cheese (I am needing to clear out my diet BIG time as it is getting in my way!)
3. Work on New Earth, New Year, New You event
4. Meditate
5. Start work on my new project (and it is very exciting but you will have to wait)
I also added treats into my day:
6. Read my book
7. Have a dinner with Michael

This is pretty much my list for today. This may seem very elementary but what this does for me is:
(a) focus me on what I have chosen to achieve/experience and
(b) sets out my intentions for the day to the Universe.

I, like you, have a good thing going with the Universe and I like to be very clear about what I am doing so the Universe can support me, like it does! This may seem like a normal everyday 'To Do' list but the difference is that 'To Do' lists get ignored, handed off to another list. With personal commitment lists like I am suggesting and working with, I deliver on what I have agreed. This is what I wanted to achieve and anything more is a bonus but anything less is not good and results in my checking in with myself. A good check in is to see are you giving yourself treats, the nice things more then you are honouring your other personal commitments? Now, don't get me wrong, I love treats but treats like reading a book, although wonderfully informative and good for my soul are not going to get me to deliver on my life mission on their own. Same as having dinner with my partner Michael, although a soul mate at this point and important in my life, that alone will not make me deliver on my life mission. You need these type of treats in life to get a balance, but you need to commit to to living your life purpose, on purpose too! I'll give you a little secret here, if you find you break most of your commitments to yourself and are always putting things of for one reason or another, it is highly likely you re not living your higher life purpose. Yet, you may well be yearning for a soul mate, money, a different way to creatively express in your life, a way to discover your soul purpose...? Sounds a little familiar? Well, if you are not honouring your commitments towards discovering and living your higher life purpose then it is going to be a long road. No question!

This is why I do my planning and this is why I honour these commitments. It has not always been the case and it is easy to waver and forget, or change plans. Life can be like that sometimes but even since publishing this article first in March 2008, I have learned what power there is in staying committed and raising that self commitment bar, as remember, without you showing up what you are here to do will not be possible.

Some of this is chicken and egg stuff, what comes first knowing your life purpose or doing something about it...? I think even if you do not know the full details and I question if we ever do. Why would you, and how could you when you consciously create, what you really want to know is the essence of you and what you can do and believe me that list is far more exciting then one purpose that so many people seek!

What you do know however, is that you are not fulfilling your purpose, life is a struggle, boring, you break your personal commitments, have drama after drama in your life, money problems, over weight, emotional weakness. BUT what you do know is when you are doing what is part of your purpose. It is as if the things that were filling your life up to occupy you and what you created to cover up the fact that you were not really doing what you were here to do, start to disappear.

The more you do what is part of your purpose the more you uncover about it and the more you consciously create it. So even if you are struggling to know why you are here, what your purpose is, what your BIG contribution is to New Earth and the planetary shift (and know that you do have an important role, that is why we have found each other after all)

I want to offer you my 5-step plan to help you keep your personal commitments:
1. Be clear about what you are committing to yourself and commit to doing something for you everyday.
2. Make a daily commitment schedule for yourself.
3. Accept that things will come in between you and your commitments - you need to learn flexibility and trust. Does the interference feel right?
4. Be grateful for all that you achieve.
5. Ask for help - tell others and the Universe what you are doing - you don't have to be alone.

Now for your Cosmic Challenge .

This month I want to challenge you to take some personal responsibility for consciously creating your life using the personal commitment plan that I use. We all have things that we have been putting off, like going to a workshop, learning a new skill, applying for that dream job and so on. We put it off because we might be afraid but often we busy our lives up with other people and use them as an excuse. We even use our children as a reason why we cannot do things, partners, money, time and so on. This month I want you to really take responsibility, every day for doing something that you know is serving your life of bliss. Plan it, and of course what is preferable is that you do more than one thing as then you will see far greater results. I know children, partners and family and friends are part of your life of bliss, but what I am trying to get you to think about is what you are putting off that relates directly to your souls mission. Everything else is part of it and is in fact a support and a reminder of your soul's mission and I want you to start exploring this by taking making a personal commitment every day for the next month. Before you know it will be something you do not even have to think about, it will be part of your life experience.

So whether it is a workshop, retreat, training programme, dream job, holiday that you have been feeling an impulse towards or maybe you haven't so you simply want to meditate to connect to your soul and start to get the impulses, do something today and the rest of the month that brings you closer to accomplishing what you have been putting off. Trust me this approach will bring dividends. Start committing to YOUR life and saying YES to responsibility. You are responsible because you create all your life experiences, so it is time (especially with the energy being so conducive) for you to assume full responsibility for your life!

Have fun!

(c) Heavenly Spaces 2009

If you wish to use this article & Cosmic Challenge in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation. .
Sarupa's Space

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Cosmic Bugle

This is where I share what I perceive through my own inner guidance and sometimes through my celestial team as to what is happening energetically. Just to help further your insights and let you know that what you may be experiencing is part shared with others and is all part of your own Divine Plan....

What has been happening cosmically. Well, everyone I speak to says that they are tired and that includes me. My understanding is that with the recent BIG cosmic events and the opening so many of have personally experienced, we are being deliberately made to stop. The tendency is to keep going especially when we think we are flying and moving through all the 'crap,' that we have managed to hold onto. (Excuse my inappropriate word, but you know where I am coming from, we do hold on to things for way too long!)

While there is still such a potency in the energy it is like we are in a holding space, just being asked to regroup, think about self nurture, chill and so on as the tempo is going to be picking up speed once again. What the celestial ones are hoping is that this time as the new wave of new Earth energy births and becomes part of our reality we are not going to slip into discombobulation or chaos. 2010 (as many of you know I keep referring to) is a very significant year, as significant as the focus people have given to 2012 in some way. 2012 is a year of portals and opening not destruction and end of the world, and what we sow in 2010 is what we reap in 2012, so 2010 is going to be a busy year for those who are ready to embrace their true self.

If you are feeling tired go with it, enjoy the moment of rest. It is a very old paradigm trait to think that we have to be busy all the time and if we aren’t then things are wrong and we will miss out on something.

My Celestial team are saying think of it like a calibration process, where you can also adjust to be ready for what is on its way. As ever though they have been drumming into me (not literally of course!) that what is on its way will in the end impact on everyone, but if you are like me someone who consider themselves a light worker, the thing is they need you to step up and really be leading the way. This can only start from your own life, so don’t be what I call an energy junky, wanting to get high off the headiness of New Earth talk, and high off the energies that you can connect to, think about what you need to create, what action you need to take so you can really be part of this New Earth revolution.

But for now, enjoy the rest and know that if you are feeling the need for sleep, chilling out, changing your routine, maybe you should take that as your clue that you have the potential to expand your role as light worker, but a little clue for you, while it is your Divine Right to have this experience, that doesn't mean when this mini phase is over that opportunities and change will just become you. You are going to have to get serious about what you know you need to do. I know I am and you can keep up to date with what I am doing through this blog.

Until the next time stay in bliss,


Sarupa XXX

Friday, 13 November 2009

Sarupa's [cleared] Space

You can see from the title of this section that there is something different. Well let me tell you today I had space clearing done in my house. Now when I first moved in about 5 and half years ago I had a space clearing to mark the energy as mine and to integrate and balance the energies of both the house and land with mine. It really was awesome. Normally you do not need these things again as you then are aligned to grow together...well that is what I believed at least.

Back in 2007 when I got hit (after numerous incidents previously) with the New Earth transformation and the Heaven on Earth energy that I was anchoring, I did become quite ill. Now it can be explained in different ways depending on the perspective you are choosing, like anything it had multiple reasons to be that way. But ever since then I felt I wanted to clear my space again so I could move on from the low level stuff I had been experiencing and clearing for myself. I knew instinctively that my beautiful home had been so supportive to me and it needed its own nurturing too. Luckily I live in a powerful place so there was much assistance being given by the land spirits, nonetheless I needed to get this work done. Two years later the timing was perfect.

The processes lasted for about 5 hours, it wasn't planned too, but what was coming up and happening was, like OMG. Yes, indeed there was clearing to do downstairs as that is where the energy was being held by the house to keep me free of it and then the rest of the session (well most of the rest) was spent aligning me, the house and the land back as we have all grown and changed. The space was also asking for an upgrade, it needed me to show up more. Now I am not a minimalist or a hoarder, but doing the space clearing made me notice what 'things,' I was holding on to and were they really a reflection of me ? Not always and as I recycled this 'stuff, ' I suddenly was making room and space for new. The classic Feng Shui/Decluttering principles, you have to make room for new. I also noticed how so many beautiful things were hidden or obscured, well a message from the house spirits (and you might like this too) put those things that are sacred and beautiful to you higher up on the wall as like you your home has chakras, so you help the home and you help yourself as the energy in your home is in part a reflection of your energy. Cool, don't you think?
Now call me strange but my house has a golden sparkle to it. And me? Well, I feel so at peace, not surprising as doing a shamanic space clearing is such an intense ritual and really allows you to immerse yourself in spiritual practice and ritual, but also because I am more aligned now and therefore feel so much more at one with my surroundings.

An experience I recommend, even for indulgence or as alignment and connection. Given that it took a lot longer than we had anticipated, it reminded me that growth is also a balancing act, if you grow and do not take care of yourself it can work against you or you grow out if it. Growing out of your space might be a good thing but not always, so you do have to check in and ensure that when you are going for growth you are addressing everything, from your space, your diet, your TV habits, your friends, what you do in your spare time. Everything has to be upgraded at the same time.

So for me what is next? Well, my diet has been crying out for a makeover and I have been slowly introducing more and more raw back in and juicing, so watch this space for more on that...

For now I am going to go and relax in the bath and enjoy my vibrant and ultra clear until the next time,

Much love,

PS...don't forget if you want to find out more about life transformation and what the energy is holding for us for 2010 then register at to be part of the preview calls outlining what you need to know about 2010 and how you can manifest your highest vision and make 2010 the best year ever.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Your 11:11 Meditation

Hi there... this is your 11:11 meditation. How synchronistic that I am able to co-create this for you! Enjoy!!!

Much love,

11:11 gateway Channelling

This is a channelling that has come through from Chief Seattle to help connect us to the energy of the 11:11 Gateway. Enjoy!

We are entering a new wave of being for both the planet and for your self. The planet has completed a full turn cycle but this does not find her in the same place where she started, it is a full spiral turn upwards. For those of you who are able to listen to her sound and connect to her frequency you will hear that she is resonating at a higher octave. Her sound is more angelic as she has more cosmic light activated and birthed deep, deep within her heart and her own soul. Her journey has been magnificent, her journey has been powerful, and her journey has been for each of you.

The time you are now finding yourself in is your place of change. Your place of growth. As you enter the gateway of 11:11, or 22 as many of you know there are many opportunities that are present. The choices are many as are the paths. But know that there is only you who can decide, only you who can connect to your own truth and only you can take the action in your own life.

Where do you find yourself now? You are the Creator, you are the Beloved, you are the Cherished, and you are the Divine.

In this gateway we are opening up further frequencies of Cosmic Energy, the Ascended Consciousness of Light, a higher octave of the Ascended Christ Light is being birthed. This process will unfold in time and become part of your very fabric as you ascend to your next level and beyond.

On this day of 11:11 we ask that you bring notice and awareness to whom that you be, to the truth that you may have buried deep within your unconscious, deep within your soul. It is coming to surface and coming to shine as you are ready to radiate your true self to the world. You say there is no time like the present, and yes, the time is NOW! Children hear the calling of this auspicious day, do not worry, do not fear change for it is all for you. It is all for your journey.

You have come a long way and now we ask that you sit and open your heart as we bathe you in the energies that are available at this time. To strengthen your I AM presence, your true self, the essence of you really truly be.

Know that when there is a collective consciousness around the day around a time there is great power. Do not underestimate the consciousness each of you carry and each of you creates and as so many of you step up there is much more to come.

Please take the blessings and gratitude from the celestial heart, from those who walk with you at this time.

For, I am Chief Seattle, the Keeper of the Flame of the Ascended Consciousness of Light. We bid you welcome and we bid you love.

If you wish to share this you can as long as you keep the text as it is and include the information below:
"This message was channelled by Sarupa Shah, of Heavenly Spaces Ltd. To find out more about Sarupa and the work that she does in co-creating Heaven on Earth, please visit

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Cosmic Bugle 8th November

This is where I share what I perceive through my own inner guidance and sometimes through my celestial team as to what is happening energetically. Just to help further your insights and let you know that what you may be experiencing is part shared with others and is all part of your own Divine Plan....

It seems as if this new wave of energy that I have been speaking of and what my spirit team have been referring to is on it's way to be being birthed. So if in the last week things have felt a little bumpier than usual that will be why. Seems that those who are more sensitive to energy can feel the adjustments that new energy that births has to make. This particular energy has to make a a BIG adjustment which is why it has started to reveal its self. Part of what it is doing at the moment is creating the space for Uranian (of Uranus) energy to dissolve for now. Uranian energy is destructive, like lightening, cutting through things and forcing change (Financial centres collapsing, very Uranian!) In fact I think the Ascension Symptoms people used to talk about (and I know some still do) are really just individuals own experience of Uranian energy and rather than it being an Ascension symptom (can you imagine that carrying more light and moving towards living as your true self should be met with pain???) it was more that this energy was shattering parts of ones old self that do not belong to the true self. All that clutter that life times of living has left behind. But that is not what I really want to write about ;-)

If you have 'stuff' that you are not dealing with, doing, taking action on, learning, experiencing, creating and so on... you are going to feel Uranian energy as although its force is going the work that this energy had come to do will go on for those who are simply not stepping up to move towards their true self. Things need to break down before they can grow in this case. There is of course an easier route and that is simply to do what you know you need to do. Why take the harder option? But that is such a human thing to do, we think no pain no gain....well perhaps we should say instead 'no joy, no fun, slow and limited gain!'

But the good news is and you may have started to experience this is the waves of peace this new expression of New Earth energy is bringing with it. It really is bringing a deep inner peace with it. And from what I know each person regardless of their journey is going to benefit from this. I have an image of waves of energy around the planet dropping codes of peace into the ethers, like a shower they fall and connect to each person on the planet. What will happen to these seeds of peace is down to the individual of course but you know in the big scheme of things this does mean there can be peace in the world. Not temporary peace and not peace with injustice or imbalance, but actual peace with co-operation and community consciousness. And I don't know about you but for me this is such a beautiful way to end a weekend and start a new week, especially this one that has the 11:11 gateway....

Know and trust that it is all good and any on and off turbulence is a sign that you need to step up and get on with what you know is in your heart and in your soul. Then the turbulence will lessen and stop.

Have a fun week....


Friday, 6 November 2009

Sarupa's Space

Lots happening as ever...well that seems to be the M.O at the moment. I led the new Earth teleclass last night and WOW it was **HUGE!** What was interesting to me before the call I got quite emotional, I started to feel humbled and I know that happens to me when I am really doing something BIG for the planet. I guess wrapped up in it is the joy of doing my soul's missions work and the ego being petrified that I am stepping out so much so it is trying all it can to hold me back. Of course my ego gets no play time with me and I surrender to this feeling and release it with love. But I so love what I do and like I said on the teleclass last night, nothing beats doing your life's work. Nothing beats living the life of your dreams and that is what I am doing. That is what I am experiencing.

I don't want you to think though that my life is so perfect and everything goes my way. No, no that is not how it works. I still get upset, people are still unkind to me and I can still find that I am slipping into annoyance and anger (my weak spot) but what changes when you are living your higher life purpose and connecting to New Earth energy is that you will have evolved enough to see those type of actions and behaviours for what they are. You will have processes and understanding that lets you move through this old paradigm stuff very quickly. There are now things that don't affect me in the same way. At the moment I am having really big relationship problems, probably going to come to an amicable (I hope) end. For all of you who have experienced this it is so time consuming and emotionally draining. Even if it is you who wants out or acting like the one who has no connection with the other. What has become apparent to me is that despite the pain I am in inside and the sadness for something that starts to slip away from you when it has been so important, I do not feel the need to take time out of life. I have had my moments of feeling sad and then I start writing, or preparing various classes and I am back in the light. I have to consciously choose to do something and then its like BANG, back in the light! As you connect to the higher frequencies you do get to move through old paradigm stuff quicker because you will have gone through the processes and you will be full of more of the newer frequencies. And if you heard the class last night you will know that you the higher frequencies cannot sustain lower vibration behaviours, thoughts, words, emotions and so on. Now given what I am going through at the moment makes me feel very glad that I am connected to New Earth energy because a few years ago this would have begun to consume me. SO phew to me....but watch this space for the next update....who knows we are creating in each moment so what will be is unknown until it happens1 ooo isn't life exciting...

Have a fun weekend,



Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Sarupa's Space

Well...where do I start. So much has been happening. Since piecing together all the details for the New Earth, New Year, New You my soul would have it I have been going through a mini transformation. Lots and lots of clearing. It is the same each time I create a new programme, I need to go through another gateway so I can work with even higher frequencies and channel them for those who are going to work with me. It is my pattern ;-) Luckily it is all good, but it has required me to stay very present and clear about what I am saying, thinking and doing. What I have found is that when I am going through this adjustment, as I like to call it the thing to do is stay and be very creative. After all New Earth energy is all about co-creation so stopping, being indulged by emotions that are leaving you and taking time out of being the true self make these mini transformations more difficult to deal with.

I seem to be affected mostly in my emotional body. Funny all morning I have had issues with bank, there errors. And as you may know, money is energy and is about your ability to sustain happiness. Trouble in my money area in whatever shape or form indicates to me something going on in my emotional body. The situation with my bank was they had stopped my business bank card (grrr) so on a spiritual level you could say my emotional body was stuck but to me it was more that it was about to burst into something new. I had a feeling about that yesterday, my emotional body and emotional clearing. The fact that I had to ring the bank and go through nearly 2 hours of talking (mostly because they were not able to identify what had happened and why) mixed in with lots of holding, that I was in the same space emotionally. On hold! Waiting for the elevator doors to open into the new higher frequency! You will have to watch this space to see what that all means for me as it is all emerging and unfolding in each moment!

As I am so 'old hat' at these transformations, or life gateways that I have created a 10 step process which I am going to share with those who are attending the New Earth, New Year, New You retreat. In the past, I would have felt like taking time out of my commitments, my day to day life and maybe wallowed a little (or a lot) when facing discombobulation but having experienced so many and some for so long, I had to get into the energy of them and come up with a solution that has worked. The thing is there are times when we have to stop and surrender to a process but there are times when we have to be connecting, anchoring and inviting the new that is unfolding while shedding the old. That is what the energy is at the moment, it is transitional. I imagine it like having one foot in one camp and the other foot in another. In connecting, anchoring and inviting the new what you are doing is claiming it as your own. If you do not claim what is yours then you can open yourself up to vulnerability. Thankfully I am not in a space for vulnerability at the moment! NO! I am in a space for creation.

I have been busy planning and mapping out the 3 powerful days that are taking place over Dec 31st 2009 and Jan 2nd 2010. It really is going to be totally life changing even though I say so myself ;-) (There is always a correlation between what I experience and what I create for YOU!)

So today I am planning my first preview call for the event. It takes place on Thursday 5th November and is all about New Earth. You really don't want to miss this call as I have a lot of **powerful* & **valuable** information to share! Plus you will hear more about the New Earth, New Year, New You retreat so SIGN UP STRAIGHT AWAY! (Even if you cannot make the call, I will send you a link to the recording so you can listen to it and benefit from the information I am being guided to share!)

Well... off to prepare more juicy content for you!

Much love,

Sunday, 1 November 2009

November Channelling

(This is a new connection for me and was a pretty intense experience while the channelling was coming through. I am really excited about working with this wonderful energy and messenger of peace.)

Message of Peace and message of Growth 31st October
Chief Seattle – Channelled through Sarupa Shah

I am Chief Seattle, I have not worked in this way, in this form as Chief Seattle before.

The reason I am here now is to talk of world peace, world harmony, co-operation and community.

The consciousness of man is changed. The seeds have been sown. The shoots are visible both to you and to those of us working for higher planetary consciousness, from the higher dimensions of light.

The shoots are strong but not yet bearing fruits, for like any plant they require tending to.

Like any child or new born they require the love, compassion and support to grow and become the great oak tree.

But of course the shoots I speak of are metaphorical, they are not in a literal sense seeds of anything that you grow and tend to outside of yourself. For these seeds are each of you. It is your growth and your actions that will see the shift in consciousness happen more smoothly and speedily.

For the time for watching the work of others and admiring the efforts and light others were anchoring and radiating is of limited value and purpose.

The question you must ask yourself is, if I am the young shoot, what must I do for me to tend my own growth? For you are also the parent, the gardener, the care taker of the young shoot that you be. The change that you are desiring and dreaming can only happen through you. It is time to wake up and take action and trust what you know you must do. It is not the actions of the enlightened ones who walk this planet that can carry the rest of humanity on their back. It is time to be brave and time to make your commitment to moving forward. Not just your desire and intention, but commitment to do what you know you must.

Ask yourself, ‘How can I ensure that I grow and reach my full potential and that I can inspire and maybe leads others to their full potential?’

Potential for yourself, for your community and potential for the planet. This is the New Earth way, this is the way that always been the dream, the intention, the promise and the journey of all souls.

Time has come to step even further into the light, not to be indulged by the brightness but be fired up to take action and to move away form behaviour, thought, pattern, emotion and other expression and from structures that do not support love of one another. For you see you are each brother, sister, mother, daughter, father, son. You are each from where I stand a light of your own, from where I stand I could say that each of you is a star so bright, a ray of the Divine, a spark of her love.

It is time for you to recognise this in all, not just the few but know and begin to foster the understanding that every soul on the planet is your family.

The time to step into a higher vibration is drawing near you. You cannot take with you such things that do not belong in the higher vibration of love. It cannot carry low vibration behaviour, thoughts, patterns, emotion and other low vibration expressions. These things shatter in the higher vibration as they have no place there. This is why so many of you report and experience what appears as destruction, illness, it is simply a shattering and transmutation of lower vibrational being and expression. The time for you to be conscious in this is now, for the ultimate steps are down to you, you share this dream of higher living, of new earth and the choice of how it manifests is in each of your hands.

What we do ask is that you take opportunity to work on yourself each day taking steps to release more of what is not your true self. For then your personal transition will be smoother. Indeed, you are entering a time of transition and new time of preparation and growth.

The energy of destruction has just come to an end and the feelings of disharmony, confusion, lack of direction, feeling like life has no purpose will go with this, but for you are require to examine what remains. The transition that awaits you now requires you to step up and consciously release and create. For if you are to claim this higher living then this jump needs to occur soon.

What are the areas that you need to evolve? What is it that you hold onto that support old paradigm beliefs of separation from each other and the Divine? That is the core of the old paradigm and the new paradigm that is being co-created is releasing the feelings of separation and instead moving back to community and unity. Now that energy shifts have occurred, the remainder of your calendar year and your start of 2010 are for you to make the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shifts in your own life first. It is time from whatever you be to take your next step. You are being offered an opportunity to reach higher vibrations. If you take this opportunity then you will be choosing the direct route. Nonetheless, this will be the way for all direct or indirect. Direct is the choice for you to make if you are ready to claim the new way and are ready to grow and evolve from the new path that the planet finds herself on.

The spirit of community is blowing across the planet, the time to come together and unite as the family of light is now. It is not tomorrow, it is now. Now is where the seeds are sown for tomorrow. Waiting or not taking responsibility is a delay and a hindrance only to your enlightenment and ascension.

So embrace opportunities, know that I am your guide, know that I am here now working with the Ascended Light of Consciousness, the highest vibration for planetary evolution.

I am Chief Seattle, the keeper of the flame of peace.

We bid you welcome.