Tuesday, 28 April 2009

The Heart Paradise Pyramid

Received 28th April 2009 - from Archangel Metatron
Join me on a journey as we are entering a new phase. Spiritual energy moves differently to your linear time, Spiritual energy is always and never occurring - it is the bringing together of duality to create the whole. It is the coming together of what is and what is not., of light and of dark, of heaven and of earth and so the pattern continues. It is in your realm experienced in cycles and waves. Now you are at the foothills of another phase - this is the phase of Paradise. Paradise is an off spring of Heaven on Earth, it is my child a reflection back to you on what is held in the frequency of bliss. For those ready to embrace this quality of Paradise - you will know and you will be guided by the sweet melody in your heart. For NOW is the time to start embracing the energy of the heart - it is time to live from and in the energy of your heart. The Pyramid of Paradise in the heart is ready to be activated and is ready to permeate your life.
(Close your eyes if you can) - Imagine you are walking in the centre of your heart. Picture it in its full glory and lushness. For no heart is baron or incomplete. It is just how your physical and emotional self expresses, learns and connects that make it appear so.
As you enter the fullness of your heart, see in the the Pyramid of Paradise made of crystals - engulfed now in the crystalline light you stand before this Pyramid.
Allow your Pyramid's light to surround you, healing you, strengthening you and showing you in its own beauty the beauty that you are. Feel its power surging through you as you connect deeply to this Pyramid of Light - but this is not just any Pyramid this is the Pyramid of Paradise.
Deep deep in your heart, it has always been shining - but now it is the time to enter the Pyramid and release the codes it has been protecting and holding for this moment. See a door at the base of the Pyramid open - a flood of light emerges - something that you walk towards. It is invigorating, it is enlightening, it is your initiation to Paradise. It is at the same token a release back to your planetary being - for as your Pyramid opens the energy flows to her heart, filling her with the codes of Paradise. This will enable her to reflect back to you the codes creating a cycle of Paradise for mankind. These are the way that these seeds are sown - through your own activation a new cycle can begin. Your own energetic expression of Heaven on Earth, of Paradise - now released and now activated.
Now the work has been done. You will know if you wish to return here again to experience the Paradise in your heart - for you are your own creator.
For now know that the work has been done, the planetary being is being rejuvenated and the celestial ones are rejoicing. But understand my child, that as you experience in energy you will in turn experience in material. The energy experiences of any kind open up the potential and opportunity for physical change and it will be the result of your actions that continue anchoring and manifesting Paradise. As we have been guiding this channel - it is time for you too, to move from knowing to being Paradise.
For I am Metatron, the keeper of the Golden Flame, the ascended Christ Light. It is with love and with bliss that I leave you.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Choosing Peace

The notion of consciously creating remains a core learning theme. You will hear it called different things like 'Cosmic Ordering,' 'The Secret,' even but in essence they are all referring to the same energy. Let me explain it to you again, (you cannot hear it enough - as the more you do the more the essence of it becomes your own too!) 'Consciously Creating' is when you 'consciously' take actions to serve your highest purpose, it is when you take conscious responsibility (NB I am not talking about blame or guilt or anything else unhelpful here) for your self, it is when you take conscious steps to make this your best life ever. In moving towards being a conscious creator, I want you to ask yourself: Do you always choose peace?

It may seem like the obvious choice as you read the question out to yourself, but in my experience, both through my personal journey and in the work I do through Heavenly Spaces, I have found that more often than not, most people don't choose peace. (This is not because they don't want peace!)In this month's article, I want to reveal to you why this is so and give you food for thought so that you can consciously start choosing peace.

The answer is simple really, to choose peace in your life you need to be making conscious choices. Remember my favourite saying, like attracts like, so if you want to choose peace you need to be choosing peace on all levels. By this I mean with how you live your life, what and how you eat, what you connect to, and even who you connect to etc. So often we act out of habit and there seems to be an allure to living with drama - it is as if the non-conscious choice will be to choose the opposite of peace and it all starts to become a self fulfilling prophecy. Life becomes filled with unrest and drama and it seems to go on and on and the further you move away from making conscious choices the more you can forget that it is even possible! It is too easy to forget that you have choice. This is part of the reason we have connected, I am here to gently guide and inspire you and be your blissful transformation partner.

For me peace is a frequency or an aspect of bliss - so on my journey to bliss - I have to ask myself questions about whether my actions will lead to peace or something else. If that something else is not an intended outcome for me, I have to think and act again. It may seem pedantic, but by consciously behaving in this way I am able to be make more natural and soul-ful peaceful changes. It is through conscious creation that you can ignite your true essence. This is the way it is and until we start to become more conscious, more aware and take more responsibility, the flow of life can seem like it is a million miles or even a million light years away from peace!

Think about your patterns and behaviours, for example when do you find yourself irritated with those close to you, what are the triggers that will cause you to react in a way that didn't create peace both for you and those involved? I am not saying that choosing peace means being passive - I never suggest that in any action because being passive is being disconnected from your own life. However choosing peace can sometimes mean surrendering and letting go. I know the many trillion things that can make me feel irritated and start that spark of unrest in me and by choosing peace - all I did was choose another way of being. I was choosing another way to serve my highest purpose and allow my highest purpose to express and manifest. I acted with the intention of choosing, having and being peace and that energy helped to shape my actions and my experience! At no point did I think I was loosing out, or giving in - this is the type of fear our ego may create for us, but soon like my ego was satisfied yours will be too, as by choosing peace you create more space in your life to focus on matters of a higher nature. Matters which you know will contribute to making this your best life ever!

Choosing Peace matters and is important as it can:

  • reduce the stress that you invite into your life (stress is the cause of much ill health, so reducing it is a BIG bonus!);

  • give you opportunity to focus time and energy on matters which are higher in nature;

  • help improve your relationships with others;

  • create more peace in the world (big statement, but the more of us that choose peace, the more it will inspire others to do the same and before you know it there will be a peaceful revolution!)

  • be part of your transformation towards blissful living.

As you now go about your day, your week and the rest of your life - pause before you slip into habitual thinking and doing and ask yourself....Am I choosing PEACE in this moment? See what you discover and what you can transform.

Do you want to reduce the chaos and drama in your life...? Are you ready to live with peace and journey towards bliss....then look out 2009 Soul Coaching Programme - this is an amazing programme which transformed my life back in 2000 and I want to share it with you so you can kick start and keep the momentum in your own blissful transformation.

Look out for next month's Cosmic Challenge which will be all about getting you more deeply connected to the energy of PEACE!

If you wish to use this Article in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: "Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation.http://www.heavenlyspaces.co.uk/ ."