Thursday, 16 October 2008

Higher Universal Consciousness

Sarupa Shah, Channeling AA Metatron

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The Higher Universal Consciousness is a force that brings together the heart off all that was, is and will be. It is what you would call in your ancient times that the planetary beings where strongly connected to this force. Events that followed broke this connection, but really it was just a pause. It was also broken in other areas, making the Higher Universal Force something that was hidden and inaccessible. That is until this time.

The ancient times are not returning in a sense that many would believe, but it is that the connections that made times of old a time of co-operation, community, love, compassion and bliss will be once more. The spark from the Higher Universal Consciousness has been sent through to Mother Earth. The seed from this spark was sown and now the first spring has arrived.

The connection has once again been revived and acknowledged. It is all part of the merging which occurs on so many levels: Heaven and Earth, Heart and Soul, Material and Physical are to name but a few. The merging is a fuller expression of the divine, the end of duality as you know it. Anything is everything, and everything is all.

There are great areas of knowledge, great teachings, forgotten through time art forms, healing forms and so much more, that will be accessed through the Higher Universal Consciousness. The stream will start to flow as humanity consciously connects.

For those who will pioneer and be the discovers and leaders there will be a period of transition that will occur. For you know only too well, to sustain the higher frequencies of light and love, there is a period of change, release and transformation that one must go through. We in this plane, are working to find a solution and a way of removing much of the density. The revolution that is taking place, however, requires that before your consciousness is raised there is a period of cleansing and closure that must take place. The closure is unplugging you from the density that surrounds your planet. You will have noticed the increase in matters which pull you to work on base level issues, and get you caught up in drama. Never has the time to raise your energy been greater - work through your heart and not your mind and allow your heart to get stronger as these changes continue and you find the pull towards matters which are not of joy, bliss, love and peace.

The initiation into the Higher Universal Consciousness has been four years in the making and now we are placed as the brotherhood of light to oversee and light the way for this connection to manifest in the first wave. These will be the pioneers of the Golden Age.

For those who wish, you can visualise the Higher Universal Consciousness energy. Imagine a Golden Swirl, a meeting of hearts, souls and minds - the origin - the gateway to the divine. It is without veils and without doubt. The gateway to the divine is a gateway to your true self, your Adam Kadamon template, your blueprint, your divine essence. Imagine the connection that you have and the role that you have and the reason why you are here now. Imagine the power, the love, the bliss and joy that the Higher Universal Consciousness exudes.

Imagine this golden swirl in your heart. Each time you imagine and experience this in your heart, you make the dream of the Golden Age a reality.

The power of change lies within each of you and each step you take will be supported by the forces of light. Our dream is your dream, your life is our purpose, your expression of the divine is what we are nurturing. It is you we have unwavering love for.

I am Archangel Metatron, Archangel of the Golden Light of Higher Consciousness, keeper of the flame of the ascended Christ soul. We bid you welcome and we bid you joy until our next reconnection.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Merkabah Activation Masterclass Programme

Merkabah Activation Masterclass Programme: (international programme, dial in from anywhere in the world!)


This programme is going to teach you how to experience and work with your Merkabah. Whether you are aware or not of what a Merkabah is, this programme will guide you to expand your knowledge and awareness. It will set you in motion to start understanding more about why you are here and how activating your Merkabah can support your life path in general. By the end of this programme you will be able to use your Merkabah and will accelerate your spiritual unfolding and mastery. (This may seem like a bold statement but I am so confident in the programme that I am prepared to make this statement out aloud!)

The next programme starts on: Thursday 23rd October 2008, and takes place over the next 4 Tuesdays with the last session on November 18th 2008Registrations close Monday 20th October and only 15 places are available.

The overseer of this programme will be Melchisadec, and Metatron – they will work through me and co-create the meditations and other journeys that will be brought forward for the programme. Benefits of the programme –

  • You will activate your Merkabah – which is one of the key spiritual tools of this era. This will be the energy field from where you live your life…and live your highest vision.

  • As you make a stronger connection, your manifestation abilities and other divine gifts can become stronger and more accessible to you.

  • You will rejuvenate your other body systems as, with the Merkabah you can carry more light, and as you know more light attracts more light…so you can see how limitless the possibilities for you could be.

  • You will start to take conscious responsibility for your ascension.

  • You will start to become more aware of your own divinity and the work that you are here to do. It doesn’t have to be ‘big spiritual’ stuff, as the Merkabah is a tool for all but the understanding that you will gain will give you the clarity to know why you are here, and why you do what you do in each moment.

What others have said about this programme:

'Sarupa weaves her magic and wisps you through layers of grunge. Lifetimes of limitation and forgetfulness of who you really are. Sarupa demystifies the ego and opens the heart, truly releasing lifetimes of pain and hurt, bound within. I was truly being hit with a spiritual wake up call and opened my heart for transformation. I now stand with a sense of lightness and knowing. You ARE worth it and so is Sarupa, so listen to your clarion call and do something for you...' Stephen Oliver, MBA. July 2008.

'Whatever the reason for doing the course, know that the love and support received is fantastic as it's constant and pure love and acceptance. It was a challenging course for me, I knew it would be, but it is the right time and this is a stepping stone in the right circumstances and direction.' Claire Bagehot, July 2008

If you are wondering if you are ready for this kind of programme then you might like to ask yourself the following questions...

Are you ready to take even more responsibility for your WHOLE life development?

Are you ready for the NEXT BIG LEAP in your spiritual development and transformation?

Do you want to a deeper way of accessing your true DIVINE SELF?

Do you find that you are seeking 'something more' out of your life so that you can 'do more'?

If you find yourself able to answer yes, to the questions above then you are ready for the Merkabah Masterclass Programme, the final action is down to you, are you ready to invest in yourself....?

The next programme starts on: Thursday 23rd October 2008 7.30pm - 8.45pm (UK time.) and takes place over the next 4 Tuesdays (7.30pm to 8.30pm UK time) with the last session on November 18th 2008. You dial into a conference line (from anywhere in the world) and join a group coaching call and every week you get a recording of the call, plus recordings to processes that have been co-created for the programme. There is also Yahoo group (email group) where you get to share with others and give and get support.

NB you are responsible for your own call costs, but there are many cheap ways of calling in and special overseas numbers, I can help you with this once you have booked.

Cost: There are 2 options either £199 or if you want a mini written reading from Melchisadec included you pay £249

Each person who joins this programme will recieve a free copy of my e-book: The Art of Affirmation plus a free Working with Affirmations meditation (value over £12.00)

Merkabah Activation Masterclass payment options

If you have questions please feel free to email me or telephone me on + 44(0)7005 808456.