Taking Action
This is matching the era we are moving into to, it is about standing up and being accounted for...or at least that is how think the saying goes. It is all about being clear about what you are moving towards and then going for it....by not going for it you are almost thinking the Universe or her representative is going to come knocking on the door and simply fulfill your order? ....Really....ahem. In my experience this happens to some extent, but only after you have shown your commitment and willingness to take action on what you believe and towards where you are going. Let me give you an example...I have been working on the Heaven on Earth Event for a while. It is almost becoming my sole focus...and rightly so as it is going to be an amazing and life changing workshop. I have been very guided and supported by Spirit in developing and planning this event and so much has come together seamlessly. When things are going so well, I realised I was slipping into complacency...and overwhelm...and both those energies meant I would do nothing for a while. While I was doing this nothing, I was deluding myself and thinking it's okay I am doing Spirit's work and they will make this happen while I take unofficial leave....Those who have worked with me before will know, Spirit, the Universe and I have always had a powerful relationship and this has often resulted in me having some extremely odd experiences in order to get me to where I had asked to be...I am not known for doing things by halves generally....all or nothing. I used to think that was a good place to be working from as I always gave things my all...but then going back to my example complacency and overwhelm would mean I did nothing...
On one hand Spirit and the Universe do orchestrate a lot more than we know or imagine, but without us taking care of the things we need to how are they able to keep things harmonious in our lives...? How was Spirit going to get tickets sold for the workshop on August 9th for example...if I didn't do my bit...? Can you imagine, currently 25% of the places for the workshop are sold, if I had not discussed it with my business coach, and then not contacted Celia, Edwin and Jean Luc...and not done the website, and not kept on planning - do you think Spirit would have still magically sold 25% of the tickets for an event that is not manifest on this plane....? You know the answer to that.... ;-) (Believe me there is still a lot more action that I am going to take - my energy, plus the Universal and Celestial Energy combined will create the most awesome workshop...that will support the original intention...to move particpants towards bliss.)
Spirit, the Universe, God - call it what you will work differently to us, they are not of the physical dimension as we are...so our job is to start the ball rolling here in this dimension and take action....Trust me there is not a minute that goes by when your Spirit Guides are not working for you but, sitting around waiting for the knock at the door, and the life of your dreams to appear - just makes their job harder...
Think of taking action as the magic binding force...each time you take action towards your dream, towards the life that brings you closer to bliss and a life that takes you to higher living...Spirit, the Universe - the higher energies can all mirror and support what you are doing and fulfill their role. You won't catch the higher energies waiting around for something to happen...well not in the way that we are used to anyway.
What can happen when you take action? My answer to that is how long is a piece of string? The possibilities are limitless...Let me tell you taking action is not about taking the big leaps of faith or taking big risks...sometimes it can be...but what if each action you took was simply a step towards your life of bliss...? Can you imagine how in alignment you could be with the Universe....and how much more powerful your manifestation abilities could be?
For me, when I started to take action - something significant everyday towards the Heaven on Earth workshop - the ticket sales started to move....the contacts started to appear, marketing opportunities manifested....the way I am picturing it is, each time I slipped into complacency and overwhelm I was placing a brick in front of me...as you know you get enough bricks you start to see a wall appearing. All this wall does is keep you away from your Divine right...which is to live your dream and live in bliss. The great news for me was that each time I took action the a brick or two would disappear.
I have just chosen to give you the example of the workshop I am planning - but it is the same in anything that you are creating or manifesting...increasingly I am not sure there is much difference between those two words... whether it is a soul/life mate partner, new career, new car, better relationships, more abundance, or better health...I would like you to ask yourself what action are you taking towards this.....? Maybe this is about blissful living, as surely all actions in your life should be reflecting your inner desires and dreams...bringing you closer to living your dream and living in bliss...
If you wish to use this article in your eZine or website, you can as long as no changes are made to the text and the following information is added: "Sarupa Shah, your blissful life transformation partner, Director of Heavenly Spaces Ltd and editor of Divine Intervention. Divine Intervention is packed with quality tips, tools, resources, up-to-the-minute news and updates as well as an inspired article to fast-track you in your divine, cosmic and spiritual transformation. www.heavenlyspaces.co.uk ."