Friday, 29 June 2007
Once in a blue moon
I swam in the sea (Adriatic Sea), while back in England people where generally wet and rained upon. A synchronicity perhaps? The theme of water seems to have been around a lot recently and shamanically speaking water represents emotions. Also the moon is linked to water and as you will know this Saturday there is the 2nd full moon of June. The blue moon.
I think there is definitely something going on...something we are all being given the opportunity to clear and grow from. My intuition is that we need to clear away the old. What emotions are we carrying around that prevent us from living life fully and with passion? Old hurts, old pain...what exactly does it serve when we are carrying that energetic weight around? Basically it literally clogs you up, it makes your energy foggy, it makes it become stuck and it does not support you in moving forward. This like all things is an on-going journey and we need to build in rituals and practices to help clear our energy so that we can truly become 'lighter beings.'
Starting this Saturday you could try this:
Take 2 pieces of paper and one the 1st one write down all the things that you remember that have emotionally affected you. It is not that you have to remember everything, just let the things that are on your mind and within your psyche be put down on the paper. Try not to judge and edit. Even as I am writing this I am recalling a time when my mum gave my sister more apple than me and when I complained my mum cut my apple in half to make me think I was getting 2 pieces. I knew it was the same amount as I had before! Sounds funny and it makes me laugh but it sticks in my mind. I share this because it is not that everything that we are carrying has to be 'BIG!' Of course, I have had my share of heart break and there are some things that are springing to mind that are to personal to share in this blog, but I will be sure to write them down on my first piece of paper on Saturday.
When you are done and you will know as you will come to a natural stop. Take this paper. If you can I would suggest setting fire to it, or just as powerful rip it into tiny shreds and put it in the bin. (If you burn it be safe!) Take a deep breath, breathe in more light and feel yourself lighter. You are shedding those things that do not serve you...yippee and well done.
Now take the next piece of paper and write down your dreams your vision. Think big and at the end make you write "so it is this or better." We do not want to be limiting. by our own sometimes limited vision we have for ourselves. Then, take this paper and fold it up. If you have a garden go outside and bury it somewhere. Let that paper become the seed for your future vision. If you don't have a garden you can maybe do this in a park if you feel it is the right thing, or use an indoor plant pot. The end result will be the same. You can on Saturday plant your new seeds.
The energy of the blue moon is very magical and allow yourself to use this magic on yourself. It is also linked to transformation and journeys. Let this day be when you start your new journey, the journey to the new you!
I will be doing this myself on Saturday - will share my results with you after that.
Take care and enjoy creating a 'lighter version' of yourself,
Monday, 18 June 2007
Being the light...
I will keep you posted about my PR journey in future posts. Until the next time....
I send you my love and support,
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Merkaba Ascension - Lord Melchizadec
Merkaba Ascension, by Lord Mechizadec.
Channelled and delivered through Sarupa Shah.
I am Melchizadec, some call me Lord but I am an Archangel who sits with the Seraphim, the choir of blue Angels. My brethren and I have returned to work with the planet at this time. Never has such an army of ascended souls, been sent to work with the planet since the days of Atlantis; the golden era; the days when love ruled, and it was during this time that we placed many nuggets of information in the souls of many who have incarnated at this time. Never has there been a time so ripe for these nuggets to be revealed and activated. There is so much information encoded in the souls of you all, even in what you would call new souls or young souls, for they come with the richness and knowledge that is contained within the oldest of souls.
It is time to access this knowledge from deep within your soul. The vehicle of your soul which leads both to the higher dimensions and to your higher soul is your Merkaba; your instrument, your inter-dimensional tool if you would like to call it. It is much more than that, for it has much knowledge stored within and knowledge that you can access when you make your connection permanent.
It is through the activation of this that the true essence of your soul can step forward and your soul can make a stronger connection with your higher self. Then the plan for you, dear sweet ones, is that they merge to become one. Your soul and your higher-self are just mirror images of each other, one reflecting and being locked in a physical dimension, whereas the other reflecting and being connected to the higher dimensions, the divine dimensions, the dimensions of light and love. Now it is time for them to merge and it is through having a permanently activated Merkaba, not one that you choose to just travel in when you are meditating or channelling or doing some kind of spiritual work, be it healing or writing, that this will become possible.
It is time to not be afraid of being permanently spiritual, permanently anchored to the divine at all times consciously, not unconsciously, or at times when you choose to open up your heart and your mind.
At first when you connect to your true Merkaba, you will feel that your body vibrates and it feels like there is an electrical pulse going through it, but this is for a temporary phase and it will adjust slowly, until such time that you accept the Merkaba of light and love as a permanent fixture around your body. Within your aura you will begin to see that when there are pictures taken of the auric field that there will be many different shapes that are occurring in the energy field of people, this reflects the different types of Merkaba vehicle. For each of us has a unique journey to the soul, to our truth, to our place in the history of love. This is based on ones essence and on ones past and journey now, that we, each of us, is destined to make. And yes, we say destined, for we cannot confirm what will be and who will be where and how everything will unfold. For you have free will, you have choice, the unconscious will of man is creating a life force that has an undercurrent, an undercurrent that is perhaps at times as dark as the lower astral planes that have been cleared so magnificently by so many of you.
It is the unconscious will of man that we wish to work with at this time of change, for the effects of the beast of unconscious, if we can call it such, are now devastating each other and devastating the planet.
For this, dear ones, is the time of planetary evolution and this is what happened at the time of Atlantis. As the planet began to ascend, the disruptions, the energy changes affected each man and woman that walked the land, and perhaps we may now say it was like a practice run for what will be occurring in the future of the planet. We cannot say whether the time line is soon, or whether the time line is distant in your earthly time, but the preparations and the journey have begun. We are very clear this is a time when the earth has only the one opportunity to see herself through to her ascension and for her to be brought into the higher dimensions. With her ascension comes the ascension of each man and woman, and how you will choose to experience this is up to your own free will. We can share, as we are here to do now, new ways in which you will be able to make smooth the ascension process, how you can be part of the birthing into the new paradigm, where you will only know love.
There is a new way that is being developed; there is a new journey that lies ahead. Much is said about the new way, and much more will be brought forward through those that you know and from the new masters and Archangels who will be descending on the planet. But sweet ones do not get stuck in awe, do not just read or hear the words and assume they are not for you, for they are for you. Each of you has a role, each of you to whom the information reaches are part of the preparation for the planetary birthing. Seek to make active choices, letting go of the old way and creating new patterns based on love and co-operation, where your true spirit and true essence can always shine through. There will come a time when the journey to the new way has its own stronger life force, a momentum, and until that time, which as we have said is dependent on the will of each and every one of you, you can continue to play your part. So, to share with you an activation process now brings us great joy, trust in your soul to adapt this, as this is just the beginning…
So as you lie in your bed just become aware of the silence around you, allow the space in the silence to connect you to the energy around you. Begin to feel the energy around you, your aura emanating, the colours perhaps and the different levels of vibration and heat. And through your heart we ask that your soul will step forward and blend within your auric energy field. As it does this it will create a healing energy around you which will see you through the day. That in itself is an exercise of great power and magnitude. We now ask that your soul creates a print of your Merkaba. Some of you may be aware of your Merkaba and you may have a vision of it, but we would say at this time do not be limited by the training that you may have had. There are many different types and many different shapes and different geometric patterns that you will not have the vision for quite yet, because they are out of your dimension, they are not within your physical reach. so just feel perhaps rather than see. As your soul is beginning to make this imprint around you allow the shapes around you to form and welcome the vibration to enter you. Permit yourself to be housed within your own Merkaba, this is your place of power, this is your place of operation, this is your place of connection. As you go about through the day you do not need to be worried about being grounded as the Merkaba cannot un-ground you. Do not also be worried about being too connected to the spiritual dimensions, for this is a place from where you will function and be able to go about your business. It is only when you shift your attention to spiritual work that you will do spiritual work - the myth must be broken you do not have to have the a compartmentalised life any longer. Be the spirit being that you always have been. For those of you that are already working from a very high connection point, it is time to make this a permanent fixture and those who are joining the higher dominions, to be permanently connected will serve to support your journey.
And you can repeat this process as you lay back down to bed for rest, as the Merkaba will need to be given strength often, for in the early stages the power of the Merkaba will lessen throughout the day. To re-ignite the Merkaba around yourself at night you can ask the highest of the high, the divine source, the divine angels, the Elohim and the Holy Spirit, that the knowledge contained within it is shared with every aspect of your being to help you in assisting the planet at this very special time.
You will feel experience and know the changes within you.
For I am Melchizadec. Many will call me Lord, but I am an Archangel who sits with the Seraphim, the choir of blue Angels. We send you with love, we send you with peace, and we send you with our blessings, until the next time we can meet.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Sunday, 10 June 2007
A time to write...
I hope you have been enjoying using the meditation from the previous blog entry. I know I have. I love to meditate. When I teach meditation I often talk about and get students to experience dancing meditations and walking meditations. I have come across something new – well new to me. 'Writing meditations!'
For years I have been writing into a journal – sometimes daily sometimes a little more sporadically. At most of my workshops I talk about journaling and often get students to spend time noting down how they felt during particular sessions. In my one to ones I encourage journaling as it helps in the healing and transformation process. Why..? Well in my view it helps to ANCHOR experiences. This means it can help to ground your experience. If you have had some revelations about yourself, situation, work, life purpose, emotional state etc. it is good to bring them into your life and to record your insights. Work with them, allow them to grow and flow into your life. However in the magic way the journal also helps to PURGE and RELEASE things. It enables things to be completed and/or released. The sheer act of writing them can resolve your experience of them, it is like your own magic companion! It cannot act in the opposite way that it needs to as it is bound by some Universal magic and a secret formulae that it only shares with other journals! – Okay sounds slightly off the wall, but you need to experience the joy of journaling in order to understand how mystical the experience can be.
I have recently picked up a book by Julia Cameron – The Artist’s Way (see on the right hand side if you are interested in your own copy!) Well in this work book part of the process is what Julia calls the ‘morning pages.’ This involves setting ones alarm earlier than usual (aaargh…I am going to find that a challenge to sustain) and to write 3 pages in your journal no matter what and on anything. The thing is to not read it back not try and analyse it, share it or edit it! It is simply about the process. Having done this only for a few days, I am finding it really liberating. My normal journal pattern has been in the evening, but in the morning, done in this way it feels like an ‘energy shower.’ I feel energetically clean and I have to say my solar plexus chakra seems to be shedding pent up angst, fear, resistance etc. It simply sets me up for the day. Do you not think it is amazing that you can change something already so powerful into something so awesome by making what appears to be a small change….? This is a specific type of journaling where you write about anything it does not have to be about ones psyche, emotions, deep thoughts it can be frivolous, fun, as well as serious and deep. Unlike other journaling experiences Julia says that you should not read them – although I have to say I rarely seem to re-read my journals, I just write them! I write them for me not for anyone else.
Julia in her book compares this morning practice to a meditation and at first I thought ‘hmm…possibly.’ Well let me tell you it is. It is a wonderful way to focus ones mind, release things that don’t serve, gain clarity and remove the blocks that we have on our path. I always feel so excited when I am able to add either a new tool, or a new level of understanding to a tool I already have “in my spiritual tool box.” Those of you who have worked with me will now that I have always said that meditation is not a separate practice it is a way of life, as is the true essence of Yoga in my belief.
If you are not already journaling why don’t you try it? You don’t have to spend money on a fancy journal yet (of course you can if you want to.) Why not just use some A4 paper and create your own book, see how you feel with it. For me, fancy books have always been a must, but then I have a big thing for stationary.
Well I am so thankful that I am able to recapture my journaling habit and take it to the next level. I hope that you are able to join the journaling revolution.
Until the next time, keep on journaling while enjoy the glorious sunshine.
Wishing you all much love, growth, creativity and transformation.
Sarupa XXX